Restoring Humanity- the Heroes || Ai's Application


The hero who participated in restoring humanity...

AFF user: Saki-chan16

Activeness: 9

Password: ChaoticMonki SUP GUY



Date of birth:  16/6/1993

Nicknames:   A - Close friends call her that - In third grade people where discussing nicknames and Ai's name was shortened to A. Peasant - Most people call her that. - At one stage she lost a bet to Huian (see below) and had to do anything anyone asked of her for a week. As this occured the nickname Peasant arrived and er friends use it to ease her. (I couldn't really think of anymore that had reasons sorry :(  )

Birthplace: Shanghai, China  

Hometown: Shanghai, China

Location:  Beijing

Reason: Spending a year there for her education

Personality:  Ai is somebody who likes to joke around, she learned about playing pranks from her brother. She is a bit of a sore looser especially when it's a bet. Huian loves outside activity, She became very good at sneeking around whilst watching people fall victom to her tricks. She doesn't do well with following orders, especially if she doesn't know the person. 

Background: Ai spent most of her life in Shang Hai where she was studying, but unsure what she wanted to be. She developed her active personality and sense of humour from her brother who is jornalist and was in Japan when the apocalipse occured. Her mother is un employed and her father is a buisnessman who she idolises in his input of his work. When she turned 18 she moved to study in Beijing in hopes of finding interest in something. She study for two years with no success although she has limited knowlege of a range of things. 

Family:  Name; Heng Age; 45 Job; Buisness man Personality: Heng is quite strict he is very involved in his job and would rather his children followed him in his footsteps. Survived or Dead: Unknown; He was flying out to America when theexplosion hit. (Probably alive.)

Name: Jie Age; 43 Job; Unemployed Personality; Jie is kind and caring. She often stays away when Ai's friends are over but when something big has happened (not an apocolipse) or is happening she is all over it. Survived or dead: Dead. She was in their house in Shanghai when the roof caved in. 

Name: Chao Age: 24 Job ; Sports journalist Personality: Chao's personality is much like Ais. He taught her how to pull of pranks and suggested she tried going to study somewhere other then home to see if there is other things she might like. He pursued his career in hopes of meeting some of his favourite sports stars as he is somebody who likes to get things done. Survived or dead: Survived. He was doing a article in Japan when the apocolips began. 


Name: Huian Age: 20 Job: Student Peronality: Huian moved to Beijing with Ai to continue her studies to become a teacher. She loves to wind Ai up although doesn't liek to be left behind by Ai or leave Ai behind. S or D: Survived. Huain was on a trip with Mei and Hiu (see below) to Austrailia and had been there for a week already. 

Name: Mei Age: 21 Job: Student Personality: Mei was a close friend od Ai and Huian but stayed in Shanghai instead of going with them to Beijing. Mei has a very shy personality. She doesn't easily aproac someone and is a very well behaved 'goody-two-shoes' kind of girl. She always makes sure she has everything done in her studies to be a doctor. S or D: Survived ^^

Name: Hiu Age: 21 Job: Pharmacist Persionality: Hiu is more the decision, democracy girl. She stays in controll of the group and sticks up for Mei when Mei is to quite to do it for herself. She finished her studies quickly but stayed with her friends as moral support and sometimes homework help, when the study.

Companion: Name: Mixie Race: Cat-ien? Persionality: Mixie never strays far from Ai's side. Ai never knew if this was just Mixie being protective or Mixie being a wuss. She often pondered on this but didn't really care. 



Soue candy

Horror Movies

Skate Boarding

Ice Skating


The smell of rain



Small spaces (Claustraphobic)



Loud noises






Putting things on her head

Sleeping at unusual times

Apologising for no reason

Biting her lip

Looking behind her


Playing pranks



Watching horror movies whilst eating sour lollies/candy

Specialties: Ai has been camping multiple times which includes during rain adn times when her brother forgot the tent. So she has experience with staying in the wild. She also is good at cooking and fishing. and she has had lots of practice surfing so her ocean skills aren't abd either. 

Height/ Weight: 163cm 43kg

Ethnicity:  Korean

Languages Spoken: (Max 6. State Fluency):  Chinese: Fluent Korean: Above converational Englsish & Japanese: COnversationao


She is Claustraphobic

She is double jointed in her left elbow

She stuggles to sleep in light

She is a high jump champian


Knowing your body...

What foods do you like? :  Ai isn't a picky eater. She likes most of her food. Particularily spicy or sour food such as curry or sour lollies/candy. (Or lemons)

Allergic to any food? : 

What foods do you not like?   Bananas, chocolate, tomato and capsicum

Are you pretty healthy? :  Ai is a genrally heathy girl. She doesn't get sick easily but she does HATE sneezing. SHe doesn't really mind when others sneeze but when she sneezes she just feels terrible.


What do you look like?

Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeon


Back-up: Baek Jae Ah


Extras: Ai does have a scar on her neck from one of her brother pranks gone wrong. It wasn't vital or anything but the scar did stay. 


Naega Wolf! Geurae Wolf!

Wolf fur color: Black

Wolf eye color: Golden

Anything special about your wolf's appearance? The scar on Ai's neck transfers to ruffled fur.


The Romance~

Love interest: Kai

Personality:  Kai is a very stuck up person. Thinking he is the most important and that everyone should follow him. He is aloso very stubborn but will listen to reason. He is kind an caring underneath but he does have a very egotistic thick outer layer. With this said he does always put his other people first should he so need to, but he likes to stand tall and take the lead.

How'd you meet? : Surprise me <3

Back-up <3: Luhan

Personality: Luhan is kind and caring. he can be a little stubborn but he would rather make sure everthing is ok with everyone else. This includes himself because he is not one to hide any injuries he has, or one to try and tank the pain.

How'd you meet? : Surprise me... Again?




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