Closing an Apply Fic


Hey you guys! I never write blog posts because when I do stuff like this they turn into me having a massive rant about life. Fortuately this time I have written out some bountrys which I am forcing myself to follow. If you don't write or read apply fics this doesn't bother you in any way. If you read I'm sure you have at least one apply fic that did this to you and that probably means your NOT as stupid ad I am when you first see a good apply fic... I haven't written a lot of stories on Asian Fanfics, I have on other websites and my only story I have on here is my apply fic which I'm co-authoring with a good friend.


But I was looking at other apply fics thinking about applying for another fic, so I searched it up and it came up with am bunch of reasults. I was pleased by this and went to the first link. I didn't like it. On to the next. I did this for a while until I found one that looked really good and one that I thought I could apply for and maybe be successful. The heading said something along the lines of; SM entertainment... girl group... APPLY OPEN!!! And I was really happy and wrote a long and over detail application. I went back on the story to check things over. I saw another chapter. It was a list of ALL the accepted characters and a note at the bottom saying 'applications no longer accepted' I was angry and so pissed that I had just spent an hour looking for a good Ulzzang with good pictures and a gif and everything. ALWAYS LOOK AT EVERY CHAPTER OR YOU'LL REGRET IT.


I deleted the application in rage then had a nightmare of a time recovering it from my stupid computer because my computer is being sloew and stupid and windows is playing up and I was regreting not doing it all on my mac. It was a good aplication with a few changes it could go for another apply fic. IT WAS WORTH SAVING. As for that apply fic, well if I ever remember it's name I will go there and will for it to be very unsuccessful. Meaning I probably won't even bother looking for it. Besides there is plenty of other apply fics out there. I;m sure there is other people out there who agree. Even of it is only vaguely. If you see an apply fic with the APPLY OPEN sign obviously in the title of the fic and their NOT accepting please tell them because for people who are idiots like me and go and do that end up raging then spending half an hour fixing the rage she just had. So PLEASE let people know that they are tricking idiots... Not such a hard thing but still annoying. Especially when they go and do a blog like this. So if you are a writer CHANGE THE GOD DAMN NAME and if you are an experienced 'I know how you feel' person. Then help me fix it bothout sounding like a total idiot in the process. Keep in mind the author might have just forgotten. Remember this is a kind reminder. 


Also people sometimes write BRILLIANT stories and I mean brilliant. But they are written only in apply fics. I'm not saying that the only good stories ar apply fics I am just says some amazing authors only write apply fics and a lot of the time that work is tampered with by others. I don;t know why they don't just write their own stories because it is likely going to be a great story. Though nobody is going to read my blog...


Thank you for listening to my rant. They do tend to drag on and I apologise for that. Please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes it is because I am not going to read through all of that again -_-' also I'm a bit stubborn and it is 1:43 in the morning (this may be different for some people. Thank you again for spending your time with me. Feel free to tell me I'm useless! (This is way to early in the morning to add any effort)



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Aww Saki-chan~ That sounds awful, I haven't write a complete app but sometimes I get this great idea for a character, I imagine everything, trivia, personality, the ulzzang and then when I keep looking, the deadline was that day or a new co-author was added and she took the position/plot-line I wanted. It happens~

Keep your app, I bet some other author will be lucky to have you apply with it in her/his apply fic :)