
rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by dreamyflower

1) What do you think is the meaning of life? (You may say that it doesn't exist in the first place, too; however, do elaborate.)
   The meaning of life? Lol you and your deep questions. xD I would want to say that life has no meaning, but I would like to give it my own meaning. It is just too sad to let us live and not have a purpose at all. The universe isn't as chaotic as that I hope and although fate can be quite cruel, I would like to believe that we do have a purpose. 
   I guess if I were to define the meaning of life, I could say that life itself wants you make your life meaningful. To live to the fullest, in a way you could look back on it and be proud of your achievements. My grandmother used to say, that the meaning of her life was to love, to give love and to share love. I was very young, only four years old, when she died at the age of only 51, so I don't have many memories of her, but these words left a great impact on me. She also used to say that she liked making memories no matter how silly they were. Because those memories are the only luggage you can take with you to afterlife if there is any. She was very religious, so she believed in it. But I am less religious although I want to believe in the existence of afterlife.
   Okay enough before the answer becomes too long OTL. It already is hahaha
2) Is there a time in your life you'd like to return to?
   I would like to return to two periods in my life. The age of four, the year my grandmother died, to tell he how much I love her. She was the only grandparent I have known. Her husband, my grandfather died 10 years before I was born and I've never known the grandparents on my father's side. So she was really important to me. <3
   I also want to return to last year, because I've done some stupid things and neglected important events and people in my life. I deeply regret it right now and am not proud of much of what I did in the past year. So~ Yeah I'd like to make that right and give myself a slap in the face.
3) A book or movie or drama or fanfic or manga and so on that has left an impact on you?
   Flower of Despair by dreamyflower is the most recent one. I will refer to this blog post for an answer. 
4) Is English the only language you speak?
  I can speak Dutch, Farsi/Dari (which is a language spoken in Afghanistan and Iran), English, some Japanese and basic Korean. Dutch and English are my strongest languages though.
5) If you had the chance to meet your favourite idol group, but you can only meet one member, who would that be?
   Taemin from SHINee~! Because I'm a shawol for life.
6) What do you think is responsible for a person's character?
   I take it that you mean one's personality? First of all the upbringing. How one was raised by their parents is an important part of the morals someone will have later on. The second is the environment one grows up in and the people in that environment. The interaction with others is what makes one grow socially and how one is viewed and thinks he/she is viewed by the environment also has a great importance in how one socially devellops and how one views themselves. The last but not least is the experiences one has gone through and how one deals/copes with them and reflects on them. Everyone has a different view on a situation and everyone copes with it differently.
7) Lighter colours or darker ones?
   It depends on the mood (either mine or the situation's). Dark colours are more mysterious, fierce and extreme and express direct strong emotions, whereas lighter colours are soft and express a more euphoric mood or confusion (be it positive or negative). 
8) Your favourite quote?
   "You've been with me for a long time, but do you even know who I am?" -- Tablo.
   This quote is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. People tend to have the perfect image of how you are supposed to be or supposed to act. The facade one is forced to show to the world, to hide the insecurities and the real person inside, is only put up because one is made to believe that one's real self can not be shown to the outer world, be it due to embarrassment, due to rejection or due to something else. I as well feel like I can never show someone the real me. Even my parents, who have the ideal 'daughter' image of me, nor my siblings know who I really am. That is why I like to express parts of myself through writing and drawing. Unfortunately my way out creative outlet was only seen as a hindrance to my studies, hence not supported. 
   The only ones who have seen the biggest parts of my real self are my readers and my two best friends. Without you guys, I would have probably been lost in my mask and have become what I like to call a colourless zombie.
9) Describe your ideal partner!
   Someone who I can show my real self to, without being afraid. Someone who accepts me the way I want to accept him. Someone who I can talk to no matter what and I can share everything with. Someone who knows me better than I do and shows it in tentative ways. Someone I can argue with, laugh with, cry with. Someone that leans on my shoulder as much as I lean on his. Someone that can make me feel complete. It might be too much to ask, but yeah... I really hope to meet someone, that would become this ideal guy for me.
10) (LOL, gotta steal this from Nora) Would you be able to recognise me if you were to walk past me somewhere?
   I've seen your picture... But I would probably walk past you first, then turn around to stare for a moment while in an inner turmoil with myself asking if it's really you, then follow and ask if you are you xD 
11) Beauty or intelligence?
    Neither. Personality is what matters to me. Having a pretty face or a phD isn't a requirement to me. It's a plus, but absolutely not a requirement. I'd rather have someone I feel comfortable with at any time, rather than beauty, intelligence, but awkwardness.
   Yeah... too many high hopes. xD
My questions
1) Which character in a work (it could be a book, anime, drama, series, movie, fanfic etc) can you call your favourite. Please elaborate.
2) Can you describe your writing style?
3) What kind of stories do you like and why?
4) What is the latest story/movie/song/whatever that caused an emotional turmoil, possibly bringing you to tears?
5) If you were given an opportunity to go to Hogwarts, what house would you want to be in and why?
6) Who knows you the best and can you elaborate on why you think that?
7) What do your readers mean to you? 
8) The kpop group/artist that had/has the most influence on you.
9) Who would you want to be in We Got Married with and what would the show be like with you and your partner in it?
10) How did you get drawn to the kpop world?
11) (Stealing this one from Lina xD) Your favourite quote?
And so I'll be tagging:
- ohndaisy
- opparsxoxo
- Jheiaa
- B2utykiko
- Dromerjin
- fandomfriends
Uuhh... I don't have more people to tag xD
/so lonely
Oh I'll tag the Dutch AFF group. xD


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Serenetie-Ishida #1
Here you have your answers ( btw i'm from the AFF group) I already did this once on tumblr so i'm not going to make a new post, but i will answer yours ^-^
1)Finnick (hunger games), i love how everyone thinks that he is a player like boy who will betray you and when they are in the arena all of that changes into a friend who you can trust.
(SPOILER!!!) i was really sad when he died in book 3.
2) in progress, but it's getting better and better ^^
3) Action, fantasy and horror stories and there can be a little romance in it but not much. Because i like to read stories about thing that are impossible in normal life.
4) BoA - Disturbance.
5) Slytherin, not because of the dark stuff but the sites like pottermore always put me in there.
6) My mom, she always knows how i feel and we even think the same things sometimes. Then i would say it out loud and she will be like "that's what i was thinking."
7) A lot without them my stories would be worthless.
8) i think SHINee and 4minute.
9) This is going to suprise some people because my bias is Taemin but i would choose Key. I don't think it would be romantic but more funny, people will defenitly laugh at us :P.
10 I started with J-pop and then i found 2NE1 and bigbang with lollipop. It was so colourfull and with funny dances, i just had to know more about it. I never got away from it ever again.
11)You must be the change you wish to see in the world - Ghandi.
I'll answer your questions here (yes, you tagged me because you tagged the AFF group O_O) and I'm again too lazy to make a new post
1) Adrian Mayfield (Een groene bloem). I love that guy! He's funny but at the same time, so many bad things happen to him... And even when he does something really stupid in the book I still think he's the best character ever.
2) Not good. Not that bad... (Okay, it's bad when I write in english, but it's 'avarage' when I write in Dutch.
3) Mostly stories, but I love every kind of stories if it's good written ^_^
4)Uhm... I think 10080 :D
5)'huppelpuf' (How do you say that in english?
omdat het het meeste normaal is... Ik bedoel, ik zou het minste last van druk hebben daar, denk ik?
6)My best friend... I tell her everything
7)I don't have much readers, so I love them all! Ze zijn de reden waarom ik blijf schrijven xD
9)Luhan! I'm afraid it would be awkward, but I hope it will be cute and romantic xD
10) Brown eyed girls' sixth sense brought me into Kpop
11) Je pense donc je suis :D
Oh I'm sorry I only read it now (I already fell asleep) and can I just say how much I love your answers?

First of all, I agree with what you said about the meaning of life. There is not one meaning in particular, more like there is no, but we should live our life to the fullest and the way we want.

And I think your grandmother must have been a very lovely and wise person! But it's good that you haven't lost your real self in the "masks".

I totally get where you're coming from with Tablo's quote. I feel that in this world, too many of us are forced to live behind masks... which is why the few ones who truly know us are so precious.

Funny, I would have said almost the same about my ideal partner! From your answers, or rather the depth of them, I can feel the similarity between us. :)

Thank you for taking your time and giving mw these great answers!