Tagged again~

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by fandomfriends

1. Why do you read fanfiction?
Hmmm. Good question. I guess because I'm obsessed with kpop/jpop/cpop and the idols. I've already watched all the variety shows and all the drama's they appear in... so I needed something else to become my guilty pleasure xD 
I like how the fans play with the idols' stage persona's and how they use already existing characters in a story they made up themselves. I also like writing them for the same reason.
I hope this answers the question xD
2. What is your dream in life?
My dream is -this might sound really cheesy- freedom. To do what I really like without being judged or without it being disapproved of. I want to make my job out of what I like. Which is writing and languages.
Another dream is to travel the world and settle down somewhere on this globe, marry and have a happy little family.
3. The song that has impacted you the most. (Any genre)
I have a lot. But recently there have been two. Exo's Mama, because the lyrics were like reality thrown in your face. And BAP's warrior. Those were two debuts that left me a huge impression, mostly because I loved the message they wanted to convey with the songs.
An all-time favourite is A person like tears by DBSK's Changmin. I adored the lyrics the moment I heard the first few lines. It is such an inspirational song.
4. What is your favorite animal?
It's not an animal actually haha. It's a japanese folklore demon. I love Pipefoxes also known as kudakitsune.
5. Do you have a pet/s?
I have a stuffed panda animal? xD His name is Paro. He claims he's my fiance~
6. Does anyone else on here game?
Yes I do actually. Mostly RPG's. JRPG's!
7. What do you do on a rainy day?
Hmm. I like to go out in the rain, feel the water drops on my skin. If it's too cold or I can't, I like to sit by the window just stare and drift away in my day dreams.
8. Your favorite art style. (Drawing, writing, music...etc.)
My absolute favourite artstyle is music. But because I lack the musical talent I resorted to writing and drawing. If I say so myself, I am the best at writing... I hope haha. My drawings are on Kris' level xD
9. Your favorite childhood toy.
Hmmm. Good question. I guess it was my pencils and crayons. I loved writing and drawing even back then.
10. Who is your favorite author?
I have none actually. I don't really know why. Haha. I guess I can call JK Rowling my favourite, because I've read the Harry Potter series at least 7 times.
11. If you had to chose one cookie, what would it be? Sugar, chocolate chip, macadamia, oatmeal raisin, or shortbread?
Chocolate chip! Definitely!
Since I've already tagged people, I'll skip it this time xD


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fandomfriends #1
YES! A FELLOW GAMER!! *spazzes*
Also that panda is awesome...my cat claims that I'm his girlfriend so I totally get you there.