Music Shuffle Drabble

Put my songs on shuffle and did a drabble based on the first four that played. I noticed a similar theme throughout them, actually. Let's see if you can spot it too.

P.S. I haven't proof read these because there's no point.
P.S.S. I didn't finish the first one. Or any of them really, but I managed to bring the others to a sensible end before the song finished.


I Let Go – Kate Alexa

Courtney hated highs. She hated looking down and thinking about what would happen if she fell. But for him, she’d stand at the top of the mountain, clutching to his hand only a tad too tight, as they looked down towards the raging sea.
The deep blue stared back at her, white breaking the ocean every so often as a wave crashed against the rocks. Usually such behaviour from the life-guard would worry her, but today she didn’t care. Today she enjoyed watching the waves.
“This. Is so beautiful.” She spoke in barely a whisper, smile caressing her lips and green orbs watching the familiar waters.


Free With Music – Nano

The stage was always daunting. He had made it a habit not to look down at the wooden floors as he walked towards the piano situated close to the edge of the block. He pushed it away, forcing himself to focus only on the black and white keys as his fingers delicately brushed over them.
Even though there was no one in the audience, he closed his eyes and refused to look at the empty sea of seats. The bright light beat down on him and he acted like he was in his practice room. There was nothing to fear. It was just him and the music now.
No pain. No tears. No hate. Just notes and sweet melodies.
He played the wrong notes every so often, and smiled every time the tune came out wrong. He knew the song like the back of his hand, yet he still managed to screw up like the first days he’d learn it.
But he didn't mind. He was just happy playing.


Not Gonna Get Us – t.A.T.u

It was dark and cold. Their feet hit the grassy floor quickly. Their breaths came out in short quick clouds. But they ran with their hands intertwined.
The two females ran with no sense of direction between the over grown trees that formed a forest. They ran because they had to. But they had once run because they wanted to.
If one fell, they would bring the other with them. So as quick as they ran, it was with upmost caution and care. Their quick breaths blocked out the sounds of feet behind them. They didn’t know how they would escape, they didn’t care. As long as they were together.

Light Song – Miku Hatsune

A sweet, careless smile took the girl’s face. She watched the clouds as they passed above her, making out silly shapes in the water vapour. She loved being alone like this with nothing but the sound of birds and the breeze of the wind to keep her company. The grass was soft and comfortable as she lay on her back, not a single worry that the white summer dress would be stained or dirtied. She didn’t have far to walk back – she was only in her garden.
But even if she had to walk for hours, Maddie would do it without even a worry.
This way, she didn’t have to worry about the harsh stereotypes that surrounded her. It was her open haven, her place to belong.
She had no worries. No sins. No fears.
Just the grass. The clouds. The wind. The flowers. The birds. And the safety of her home.
And that was all she ever wanted.



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