So Umm

Not sure if any one have noticed, but I'm not spending as much time on this site. To be honest, it's not because I'm avoiding the site or the people here, its just because I'm busy. I've a lot of messages I haven't answered and I don't know when I will answer them.

I'll probably disappear completely next month because of NaNoWriMo. If you need to get in touch with me, the best bet is my facebook or twitter. But I don't know when I'll answer you because I'm going to be turning my internet off of my laptop until I've got my word count for the day done. Can't say I'll be checking my phone every 5 seconds either but you know.

I'll be back every so often but I doubt I'll be talking.


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Good luck. 8)
You are terrible when it comes to texting -_-
official #3
Yo, whats your nano username?