Kpop Is Not Life.

Edit: This post is not aimed at the people whose lives were actually changed by Kpop. There are so many people who were helped by kpop and these are not the people I was talking about.

The people I'm talking about are the ones you can usually find on FB. The ones that get all upset and bash just because their idols are dating. They comment on picture experssing how their lives are so 'different' now that they like Kpop. They usually pretend to be Korean, or Asian, and their whole lives are now just a mess of Korean pop and dramas.



When someone asks what your hobbies or intrests are, it's perfectly fine to answer with "I like listening to Kpop".
I for one, am always listening to music. Its a well known fact that I'm interested in Kpop.

But when someone asks you what life is, and the first thing you think of is kpop, something is wrong.

I've loved kpop for a bit over two years now, and with the increase in kpop fans I've started noticing something.
There are certain fans that devote their whole lives to kpop. They literally mold their lives around the music, artists, groups.
They don't really have a life anymore, in my opinion. They become empty shells that don't care about anything but kpop.

Kpop is not life.

It's an interest, a hobby.
Dancing, singing, they're hobbies. They're not 'life'.

Its got to a point where I try to stay away from kpop fullstop. 
Seeing all these people talk about how their lives 'changed' when they found kpop. No.
Your life didn't change. You just became a crazy, Korean obsessed .
I'm just really sick of seeing these posts on pages about how certain animals aren't animals anymore or that all these little things are suddenly kpop related and


This is going to sound really harsh now, and I'm not hating on the normal kpop fans that live thier lives normally, liking kpop.

But get a ing grip.

You're giving kpop fans a bad name, it's no wonder the K-fans hate us.

'Oppa' won't notice you. Sorry to break it to you, but no.

Not if you act like some crazy little who doesn't know the true meaning of life. Life does not equal kpop and Koreans.

I just.




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I feel like I just got a big ol' reality check slap to the face, and for that I'm grateful. I'm fully Caucasian, but a lot of people have commented to me that the only non-Asian thing about me is that I'm not Asian (the worst part is that Asian people have told me this). Kpop has essentially become a daily part of my life, but I'm not only interested in kpop, I find the Asian culture as a whole very fascinating. I think I'm mainly in love with the Japanese and Korean cultures and languages. They just sound so exotic and beautiful, and (I hope I don't get bashed too hard for saying this) but I'm trying to learn how to write and speak both Japanese and korean ;A; not just because of kpop though. I really want to travel around Japan and South Korea one day, but not just because of kpop and jpop, but it was these two things that got me interested in the Asian culture in general.

Anyhow, the point of me writing this was just to ask:
Am I one of these obsessive people? I really hope not, I just love listening to the music and learning about the different cultures ;-; if I am, I apologize to the people of AFF
juicy_red #2
Cookies to you too, but K-fans in my opinion are no better than those weirdos obsessed people that call everyone unnie or oppa, among kpop fans the most alarming cases are in Korea, so don't put them as an example either, because they're messed up enough or more.

For'real thoe ' the number of crazy fans these days are over 9000 . /.\ However, I think that this post was mostly directed to sasaengs, actually . I wonder how artists actually feel about fans totally cutting off school & family just for them ..
beulucido #4
Oh God
Finally, someone says it
shining_writer #5
I get what you mean, basically you were just saying that Kpop should not dictate anyone's lives. Finally someone is just saying what I've meant to say.
this is something i struggle with constantly, finding a balance... but its hard when your best friends are obsessed too -_- i do love kpop soo much, and i love all the amazing idols, and i like writting fanfics, and i do fantisiae about meeting my biases, or even *embaressed* marrying them, but i think that when fans obsess over them it makes their idol's lives harder, so i try to keep myself in check, (sorry this is long, and i dont even know you, but idk, i just felt it)
Some peoples lives were changed by Kpop. I had someone tell me me story about how her fiance died and she literally had no healing until she heard haruharu. She told me for the first time in her life something made sense and that song spoke to her.

She told me had she not heard that song, she probably wouldn't have been able to deal with it. 8).

o n o I don't think she is obsessed though, I think she just found meaning in a place where you normally wouldn't. So You can't say, kpop has never changed ANYONE nor be so close minded to think that it may not have changed their lives at all.

BUT I agree with everything else! I think there is a difference between finding meaning in something you lost or may have never happened.

but when you are just like, "OMG I LIVE BREATHE AND BLAH BLAH BLAH KPOP." and is a completely crazy wetbag, then- please, stahp.

Haha all those animal names just confuse me. I am like, so how is he a penguin? D8

I think the Sasaeng's are 5000 times worse than any just obsessed little teenager. D8. (Watch that documentary on them sometime.)
Nice to know someone has their common sense in-tact ;A;
Totally agreeing with this post right here.