Might be getting a job

It's a morning job from about 6 in the morning to 9 (so about three hours). So I'll still have a lot of time during the week to do whatever I want as well as have a bit of cash to spend on whatever (about £400 at the end of the month, yay). 

Of course. I'm still writing Lament. I don't plan on stopping and I have half of the next chapter done already. Its a tad shorter than the past two chapters, but it's basically the end of the start of the beginning. When I say short, I just mean its a few hundred words less than the past two chapters have been so its still considerably long.


Just thought I'd tell you because I'm going to have to start getting up at about 4am just so I can get to work. In the damn cold.
On a plus, I'm working with my dad so I won't have to travel on my own.


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3 hours... You are going to hate that so much. o _ o Especially when it comes to your paycheck. D8.

Why so little hours?

<------------ Works 8+
Oooh, I remember getting up at 4 AM to go to work (I did the morning radio news). I was not a happy camper, but then again, I'm not a morning person, but hey, you get to work with your dad, that sounds great! :D