Super Junior Funny UTA replies (5)



Came back with another post dedicated to our boys playing around with fans~~~!!! ^^







Elf: Why don't you appear on national broadcast, Kyuhyun!!

Kyuhyun: Manager hyungs won't let me..ㅠㅁㅠ



-now you don't have to complain, you're everywhere on national broadcast XDD



Elf: Cho Kyuhyun is the most handsome in this world

Kyuhyun: I know



-snarky is back



Elf: Oppa, you guys are all so cold these days

Kyuhyun: No, no, I'm cute



-no, no, you're not



Elf: I sat an exam today, but ruined it because I was thinking about you guys. I've got three more days of exam left

Kyuhyun: So turn off your phone and study



-says the guy who stayed up playing Starcraft the night before the exam and ruined the final exam....But he still managed to get accepted into Kyung-Hee University (one of the top universities in Korea). If he aced the exam, I don't even know where he would have ended students, you better listen up



Elf: Oppa, why are you so cold, did you eat something bad?

Kyuhyun: Your love is like food poisoning



-Are you saying that our love for you is bad????!!!!!!!! Nah, of course you're not, I know



Elf: Cho Kyuhyun, your double eyelid surgery was the best choice! Bravo~!

Kyuhyun: Shut up



-lololol it's one of his very few weaknesses XDDDDDD



Elf: Thank you for becoming a singer

Kyuhyun: Thank you for becoming an ELF



-this warmed my heart, really....the relationship between SJ and ELF is such that one cannot survive without the other T____T



Elf: Honey, why aren't you coming home? I know your schedule's full but at this rate, I might even forget what you look like, I miss you

Kyuhyun: I'll be there in a moment......I'm sorry....



-I'm guessing this was around the time when SJ was taking a long time releasing a new album so fans were getting tired of waiting....I can't remember when...;;;;; But then again, it might not be around that time and Kyuhyun's just playing with the ELF lol



Elf: My grade average jumped by 20!!

Kyuhyun: Wow!! Come here, I'll give you a hug!!



-way to please your oppa and earn a hug from him: study



Elf: Oppa..can you please say something....ㅠㅠ please, please ㅠㅠㅠ

Kyuhyun: Something



-well....he did grant her wish, so.....-_-;;;



Elf: Oppaㅠㅠㅠ I don't mind even if you text back with only a dot, so please text back

Kyuhyun: ............................................Aren't I the best



-well....he did grant her wish, so.....-_-;;; version 2



Elf: You're mine

Kyuhyun: I'm mine



-you little....-_-^



Elf: We're Super Juni~or~~~^^

Kyuhyun: Don't copy



-okay T__T you're mean



Elf: Kyu~~ Why don't we meet up and drink some grilled pork belly? (she meant to say 'drink some soju and eat some grilled pork belly' because they usually go well together) ㅋㅋㅋ To charge up your energy..

Kyuhyun: Drink some grilled pork belly, huh..Do you drink pork belly like Shindong hyung?ㅠㅠ



-'drinking' food sometimes refers to 'eating fast and a lot at once' in Korean XDDDDD



Elf: Omg the weather's so cold! Oppa, you guys might be blown away like feather by the wind! Take care so that you wouldn't catch cold

Kyuhyun: We're heavier than you think....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Especially Shindong hyung



-stop making fun of your hyung!!! lol



Elf: I broke off a relationship with my friend..I still don't want to make up with her..

Kyuhyun: It's better to make up with her soon..because ELF means Ever Lasting Friends!



-Kyu, that's very touching~



Elf: Why aren't you replyingㅠㅠ I'll break my phone

Kyuhyun: You must be rich...



-you're right, phones are so freaking expensive



Elf: Kyuhyun, are you even thinking to update your Cyworld homepage?

Kyuhyun: Grow some patience



-so that's a yes



Elf: Super Junior M has 5 members, Super Junior Happy has 6, Heenim, 13 members..

Kyuhyun: We're not some sort of scattered family. Just call us Super Junior!



-this one's definitely on my favourite list of UTA replies from Kyuhyun!!! We're one!!!



Elf: If I fail my exam and get kicked out, I'll go to your dorm! You can hire me as your house help

Kyuhyun: How much pay are you thinking...



-are you seriously taking on the offer? Then I'm in, too



Elf: I want to enter your heart ^_^ Can you rent me a room?

Kyuhyun: My heart's a little expensive...



-Try me



Elf: Oppa, I earned $100 ^^ Jealous? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Kyuhyun: Me jealous.............Please give me $10............

Elf: I'll give it to you if you come to me! ㅋㅋㅋ

Kyuhyun: It takes more than $10 to even get there....It's not a very profitable business.....



-here's the member who would have become an accountant if he hadn't chosen to sing....Thank you for choosing to sing, by the way ^^



Elf: Honey~~~

Kyuhyun: Yes ^^

Elf: Are you the only honey in the dorm? Where are all the other honeys

Kyuhyun: Everyone got into an affair and left

Elf: So what are you doing honey?

Kyuhyun: Your honey's playing on UTA



-he's speaking in a child language full of aegyo and I can't handle my feels!!!!!!! XDDDDDDD Sungmin taught him well





Hmm no KyuMin this time T_______T but there may be next time!!!

Which ones are your favourite?? XDDDDDD



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ELFlisa #1
love them all...sungmin really taught him well...i meant very very well....
gamelove92 #2
Elf: Thank you for becoming a singer

Kyuhyun: Thank you for becoming an ELF
This one is definitely my favorite. <3
Kyuhyun: We're not some sort of scattered family. Just call us Super Junior!
Bless him
EVERYTHING!!! >.< When he's being cute, snarky,... EVERYTHING!!! :D hahaha yeah.. I love them like that cos that's what makes them who they are :))
why is he so perfect!? WHHHHYYYY!!!!!! I love this man.
AbigailBrown #6
Kyuhyun's answer (well, everything is his answer, so... -.-") about SJ is ONE !!! XD
my favorite is ........ all :)
evryva #8
All..! Thank youu...
i love all of them! kekeke XD