Ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji - Gallery


Stage Name: Fanny

Real Name: Lee Eunji

Age: 17

Debut: N/A

Status in group: Lead Rapper,Visual

Bloodtype: A+

Marital-status: Single

Languages: Fluent in English and Korean

Family: Mother | Lee Hyoji | 43 | Friendly, Open, Caring

 Father | Lee Suk Jin | 45 | Funny, Protective, Supportive

Brother | Lee Sungmin | 23 | Funny, Protective

Birthplace: Seoul,South Korea

Height: 157 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Favorite foods:  Korean beef, most Asian food, Candy

Favorite colors: Blue,Green,White,Purple

Favorite music: Kpop 

Favorite series: Korean Music Shows, Running Man,Weekly Idol

Dream: She wants to be an idol and make her family proud.

Favorite movies: The Rings,Tower,and a lot korean movie

Ideal type: Someone who can make her laugh,sometimes cool,shy and her ideal type is Moon Jongup and Zelo from B.A.P.

Favorite things:Music,headphones,earphones,food,gadget,shoes,love and friensdhip movie,skateboard

Personal saying: "Be the best,of the best!"

Weaknesses: Swimming

Hobbies: Rapping,cycling,reading comic,listening song,sometimes she singing,skateboarding

Personality: Eunji is a hyperactive,and fun girl. She always smile and never give up. She is childish, always having fun and never sad.  She's very friendly, often being the first one to talk to people or make new friends. Eunji like to make other laugh,she can be matured sometimes and she always ask questions and reading comic when she bored.Sometimes she skateboarding when she happy.

Strengths: Rapping,funny and very friendly

Specialties: Rapping,Cycling,Skateboarding

Rivals: She doesnt want to has a rival

Friends: Yoo Youngjae,Kim Hyeoyeon,Kim Taeyeon,Zelo

Bio: Eunji was born in Seoul,she had a very happy family,when she was 13,Eunji saw H.OT perfomance and she wanted to be like them.Eunji learn how to rap from her brother.Every day,she practice how to dancing and rapping.When she was 14,she went to many audition but failed because of her young age.One day,her brother told Eunji to go to TS Entertaiment audition.Eunji decided to audition for TS Entertaiment.She got into TS Entertaiment,she was very happy,she know trainee life was hard but she never give up and worked hard every single day to make her family proud.She wanted to be a good and hardworking idol.






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