"I'm Gonna Call The Cops!" DO IT! SEE IF I CARE!

Seriously guys, there are so many stupid people in this world. It pains me when I constantly have to encounter them. Ugh. This is purely a rage post. Sorry guys. I had to let it out.


Let me explain as usual.


So here I am, getting the mail to see if I have any more packages for any unboxing videos. I'm JUST getting the mail, all by myself and suddenly, I hear someone yell "Are you a boy or a girl?" and judging by the voice it sounds like a kid. My guess is probably 10-12 years old.  Not sure if they're talking to me, I look around. There was absolutely NO ONE THERE! I was the only one on the entire block! Like wtf. So I'm thinking, okay, maybe it's not me. Maybe I'm just hearing things. Then the same voice goes, "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?!" I was planning on responding, but can you imagine how stupid I'd look screaming into the air at some voice that even I don't know where it's coming from? So I decide, ehh, I'll just ignore it. Whatever. Obviously I'm hearing things. And then this same kid voice keeps saying the same damn thing! "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?" "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?!" "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?!?!?!?"


Now listen. I KNOW that I'm androgynous, which mean that I look so uni that it's hard to tell if I'm a boy or a girl and if ANYONE would have asked me this question face to face then I would have surely answered "I'm a girl." But the fact that this annoying kid kept asking the same question over and over again from [what I'm guessing is] an open house window, since I was the only one on the damn sidewalk for the whole BLOCK, shouting from the top of their lungs across the street, then I have no point to answer. If YOU don't have the time to simply ask me face to face then I shouldn't waste my time answering your stupid question.


Honestly, when kids ask me this question, I don't exactly like answering, mainly becuase I know that they're gonna say something like, "Then you should dress like a girl." [cuz I've gotten that response before] and explaining about how I'm a girl that likes girls and that this is just my style isn't the easiest thing for a little kid to comprehend. If we didn't have to live in a world where a 'normal' love life is between a man and a woman then life would be easier. But since the mentality is 'if you're a girl you HAVE to wear dresses, skirts, and low cut outfits' then it's hard to change someone's view point you know? Especially little kids.


So eventually I get my mail and I found 2 k-pop packages! Whoop! But you know what? Mood kill. Why? "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?!?!?" is screaming at me from who knows what house across the street. Like seriously kid, now you're just being annoying. If someone doesn't wanna answer ANY question from you the first few times, what the hell makes you think that they'll answer you after the 10th time with you screaming at the top of your lungs? Just SHUT UP!


At this point I was getting mad. Besides, what should it matter what gender I am? I'm too old for that kid, I KNOW I'm never gonna go for that kid, so what difference does it make? just let me live my life. Honestly, I was even going to shout, "DOES IT MATTER?!" But then again I thought, I'd look like a total idiot, screaming at some voice that comes from who knows where since I'm the ONLY PERSON ON THE FRIGGIN BLOCK!


I decide to just keep my cool, concntrating on how happy I am of getting the two k-pop packages, but it's so frigging hard to do that with that annoying voice OVER AND OVER AGAIN! and the thing is, the KID was getting mad since I wasn't answering! But like I said before, why should I answer you if you don't even reveal who the hell you are to me? If this kid so much as took the time to step in front of their house so I could see, then I would have told. That's all I wanted. Just come out so I can see, then I'd tell. But whatever.


Eventually I make it to my house, I open the door and just as I walk in I hear the stupid kid go "I'M GONNA CALL THE COPS!" and then I close the door. Like seriously? You're gonna call the cops on me? Just because I didn't answer you're stupid question?! Can you even imagine what the police call would be like? "Yeah, I wanna report my neighbor because I don't know what in gender they are." Like really?! REALLY?! Or better yet, could you imagine what would have happened if the police came to my hosue and kicked down my door to arrest me just because I'm lesbian and I didn't explain my ual orientation to a kid?! Just wow. Like really. Wow. I even thought of my statement going, "That punk was verbally harassing me just because I'm androgynous."


But I did let out some steam. In the safety of my own house with the door now closed, I yelled at them through the door saying "DO IT! SEE IF I CARE!!!" Because I knew that if that punk actually did call the cops I would have won in any situation possible. Not to mention they'd also get pentalized for misuse of the emergency line and I think that's a $500 fine right there. So to that kid, come at me bro because I don't give a damn about you. My life is my life and I certainly won't let you into it if you treat me like that. Completely stupid.


To anyone reading this [and stuck around this far] I just wanna say, if you're going to ask someone about their gender because they're androgynous and you just can't tell if they're a boy or a girl, then please, please, PLEASE just walk up to that person, say something like, "I'm really sorry that I can't tell but are you a boy or a girl?" in a calm tone. As if it were some normal conversation. You don't need to hollar across the damn room, house, or freaking STREET asking that question! Me, personally, I find it embarrassing, that you would point me out like that to a whole bunch of people and embarrassing me like that can really piss me off. And if you weren't ready for all sorts of answers, then you weren't ready to ask the question.


Sorry for the rant guys. I just...ugh. I couldn't help it. I had to let it out. I'm seriously losing all faith on this side of the world. Someone take me back to Asia already! T_T


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Babes, come here to the Phil already!! We're slowly starting to accept the LGBT Community. Like ther's this noon time show that arranged a pageant for lesbians. :) and there's this telenovela about gays. :D
AHA I had a bunch of little girls telling me that I looked like an ugly boy. Really?!?! I don't give a because I think I look good. I pity them because of their narrow view on life, really. :L
And we all thought that Westerners are far more accepting regarding these issues.

I have been busy these past few weeks but I was able to read your previous posts.

Life is hard. It's unfair most of the time. But never lose faith. Because if you do, you'll just end up losing again and again.

So fight. Live life on a positive note even when everything seems to be against you.

At the end of the day, those people don't really mind others' business so why would you dwell into something that will eventually fade, right? get me?

I'm just saying embrace life. I know you are a happy kid even I don't personally know you. :D SMILE CHINGGUU!