Hello World

What's Up?

It's softnuri, but you can call me nuri.

I'm a Junior in high school, currently living on the east coast of the United States of America.

I am Korean-American, and I play the violin, piano, a little guitar. I'm really into gaming.

If you ever ask me, I love every group, every member. But currently, my favorite groups are BTS, BTOB, and B.A.P. And my ultimate bias is Zelo........ for now.

I'm heading off to the Infinite concert at Fairfax, VA in November, so maybe some of you guys are going to that.

But yeah.


I've been on the site for almost 2 years, and I haven't introduced myself formally till now.


*bows* Please take care of me, and I hope we can all be friends.


Peace out. 



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