Am I Old Fashioned?

By this I mean, old fashioned like, when it comes to love and realtionships kind of things.

I just.

I didn't start looking at boys until I was 13. Even though I've had about 5 boyfriends, I've never kissed or even held hands with a boy.

I also don't think its right to look at other men if you have a boyfriend. Or at least to openly look at other men and post about it all over facebook. This includes idols/celebs. It seems wrong. If you're going out with someone you should be commited to only them, even if the other person will never know you exist. 

It seems wrong for a woman to ask the man out. I don't know why.


I just. I suddenly felt really old fashioned when it comes to things like this.


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kissmekris #1
nah, you're not old fashioned, you have standards :) besides i didn't even start dating till i was 17 XD
I've had boyfriends before but i told them they have to be okay with me being in love with kpop because i'm not giving it up XD
Actually, that's not old-fashioned. It's respect. I've only had 1 boyfriend before, and I've never kissed or even held hands with him (because we lived in 2 different states tbh but still). And I too think that looking at other men when you're in a relationship is wrong. I mean, sometimes you can do it for "fun", like teasing your special someone or something. But not to the point where you absentmindedly fantasize about them while completely ignoring the fact that you have a boyfriend especially if your boyfriend is RIGHT THERE.

And it's not really ~wrong~ for a woman to ask the man out... I think it's just uncommon bc women take rejection more seriously while men are more immune to it. We tend to feel insecure if we get rejected (except if you're so fearless that you don't even give a crap anymore) while men are like "Meh, there are other girls".
Um- that isn't old fashioned. The women asking men out isn't anything to do with being old fashioned. It's years of ism passed down from generation to generation. It's the media and other men telling women that it's not okay to be aggressive and take what you want. 8I

You aren't old fashioned, you are young and still believing that romance will just happen to you. o u o.
LOL don't worry XD

I've never had a boyfriend (never dated T.T) but I think it's good when people take it slow. Rushing into a relationship isn't the best way to keep it strong and going. Hm...about the celebs thing :L I agree with you, but I actually don't know how I would behave if I were actually in the same situation.
I think that I would still spazz if Infinite or EXO released a new MV. In my honest opinion, I think it's okay if you think that someone is good-looking (because it's probably true. you're just admitting a fact) BUT if you look at them with lust, then yeah, it's wrong. Expecting your boyfriend to live up to standards like that is also wrong. I could look at Myungsoo and say, "He's pretty attractive." I think that's fine. But I was like, "OMG HE'S SO HOT LIKE I WISH HE WOULD KISS ME." then I would question myself why I was in a relationship because that's just wrong.

As for the woman to ask the man...I guess everyone has their different views. I preferably would like to be asked, not the one asking, but it all depends on the person :L

And don't worry, you're not alone haha
XxKonxX #7
if you're old fashioned then i guess i am too
i agree with you in all aspects

if you have a boyfriend why post about another man or look at pics of another man?
even if it's an idol

if you want to look at another man don't be in a relationship b/c that's not fair to the person you're with