Just Wrote This

So as the title says; just wrote this. Funny html because phone.

Smoke rose high into the sky. A grey haze took the sky and darkened all that lay beneath it. Trees were nothing more than ash, the remains scattering the floor and leaving a path of destruction. Parts of the stately castle were still ablaze. Fearless knights still emerged from the rubble that was once a grand gatehouse. Cries of sorrow, pain, relief filled the damaged land as those that were once inside the brick castle reunited; their worries either put to rest or confirmed.

Women and men were bedded on the floor, covered in burns and gashes from falling debris. Very few people had made it out alive and even less with only minor wounds. Nobody had expected the tremendous fire. Nobody had known how to act. They only knew they had to get out alive and protect their king. Many failed trying.

"Samuel!" A loud, fierce but desperate voice called through the noise as a figure staggered out of the lit building.

The man quickly turned and breathed a sigh of relief as he hurried over to the powerful man. "Your Highness! You are fine?"

The King looked over the knight quickly. Though he wore sturdy armour it was evident he had not been able to escape the flames without injury. A rather deep cut had opened and was gushing blood. The area around it was burnt severely; but other than that he was okay and the King felt it was fine to press on with more important matters.

"Amelia?" He spoke as though questioning the knight. "Did you find Amelia? Is my daughter safe?"

Samuel gave a sorrowful look. "I'm afraid not Mi Lord. I looked all over the castle before escaping; there was no sign of the Princess."

The King looked at the castle remains desperately as though hoping his daughter would appear unharmed. "Then..." He turned his attention to the loyal knight. "William?" The man shook his head - wishing he could do more. "The entrance to the escape rout had fallen through. Even if they had managed to get out there was no way they could get back in and the damage down there is unknown." He paused, waiting for an order. But the king stood, staring at the rubble and lost in though. Samuel continued. "Mi Lord, I do not wish to sound rude but-" The King lifted a hand to silence the knight. "If she is with William she is safe. Amelia is a tough girl, guarded by an even tougher knight. She is in no danger." He paused and drew in a large breath. The desperate, sorrowed image quickly subsided and this time the man spoke with power and certainty. "My people - listen up!" He called. The cries and murmurs quickly settled down as the maids and knights silenced themselves to listen to their king. "Though we have been knocked down we shall raise again. Our kingdom shall stand tall and proud; we will search high and low; fight brave and true - and we shall not stop until justice is brought forth against those who did this to our home! Now are you with me?"

The few remaining people cheered in agreement and Samuel joined them, a smile on his face despite the pain and loss.

That night, the town below looked up at their castle not with a look of admiration but of hope and encouragement. Their town would stand strong once more.

Like I said, down randomly and yeah, I don't know what to do with it but I like the plot so far.


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