KCON Day 1


I did say in my previous blog entry that I won't be going to KCON anymore but... things changed. I even got VIP 2. I won't elaborate on that anymore... so uhmmm I don't live in SoCal so LA is like a 6-hr drive from our place. My family decided to make it a week-long trip so whatever we went to a lot of places... Then the weekend was KCON. I just got here in the US two months ago so I didn't have any KPop friends yet so I was really looking forward to this day since I'll be meeting people... PEOPLE. I rarely see a lot of people here. :|

130824 KCON DAY 1

I arrived in the venue around 9 something am but the line was pretty long. I was alone and had no one to talk to since my friend (that I met here lolz) is in a separate line because we had different tickets. It was so annoying because the line for VIP 1 and 2 were taking so long and I really needed to pee. I actually got sunburnt. 


See that line? that was for VIP 1. lines for VIP 1&2 did not move as much as the other lines. It was so frustrating. Seeing that EXO poster made me say, "I have to endure this. I'm here for them"

This is like one of the things that made me smile while I was in the line. I'm not KrisYeol shipper and TaoRis is just fine with me but this is just... HAHAHAHA! Tao was the one wearing a wedding dress. HAHAHAHAHA!

When I finally got to the check-in I was thinking please give me an EXO artist engagement pass... but NO I DID NOT GET ANYTHING. EVERYTHING JUST SAID SORRY. WTH?!?! any artist would do. why not give me anyone? (except for Crayon Pop)


The wristband was damn hard to remove. The KCON bad had free stuff in it like pins and the light stick for the concert. I had VIP 2 so my bag had more stuff than others. Well this was really handy since I knew I would be buying a lot of stuff. *ahem* Growl *ahem*

I looked around and... damn I miss seeing so much people and of course people that like the same thing as I do. I see people of different races and color. I met with rollingbaek and ate lunch first before doing anything else. Growl dance workshop starts in like a few minutes so we just watched it while we were eating.


This is the Dance All Day Tent at KCON. it's always jampacked with fans who would want to learn dances from the artists. Too bad they didn't teach the whole dance to Growl. Well I already know half of it. After eating, we still went to the tent to dance. HAHA!

The SMTOWN booth has a really looooooooong line that never gets short. It was weird that they didn't sell albums there. Everything was just merch. I really wanted a Wolf shirt but it was too expensive. I also wanted the caps but unfortunately they don't sell it. We just looked around the booth then suddenly...


OH MY KRISUS BAEKHYUN'S CLOTHES FOR WOLF WAS ON DISPLAY. and of course this is legit since the booth is legit. I wanted to hug it and I was so close to doing it. My hand was almost wrapped around it then suddenly, "please don't touch it." Well, they didn't put a sign that we're not allowed to touch it. It was like the closest I've even been to Baekhyun. There was a big poster tarp whatever of EXO. I wanted to take a picture of everything but the sun was... A CHANBAEK SHIPPER so the shadow were on the others. HAHAHAHA!

Across the SMTOWN booth was the mnet america booth. We can write messages for the artists and we get free balloons. of course I got a pink one. After getting the balloon, we noticed there was a line for something. and then... HOLY MOTHER OF KRISUS IT'S FREAKING DANNY IM. I have a crush on him teehee... I always see him on TV on MNET America. 


HE'S SO GOOD-LOOKING. KYAAAA~ Unfortunately we got in the line a bit late so I didn't get the chance to get a picture with him at least I still got a signed card. T_T I was rehearsing what I was gonna say but I ended up just saying hi and spelling my name. He was so tan. I was serisouly spazzing when I got the card. kaufgilwhaksbvwuryqutyruhtajklbgvmdsng

One thing I went to KCON for is to buy a Growl album. It was $30 but wth packaging si good and the pictures are... lfikuhwau8gihobnfkujaqghrwognbkjfotlla... I bought the Korean one. It was heavy. I was shaking when I was opening it because I was wishing for a Baek photocard. I opened it and I got...


I GOT KRIS!!!! wow I'm a magnet to Kris photocards. The XOXO album that was a gift to me by my friend actually contained a Kris PC. HAHA! I'm pretty lucky with getting Kris. 

Nothing else big happened on Day 1 but Day 2... SERIOUSLY. A LOT HAPPENED. Imma continue this tomorrow... or later. Day 2 might be pretty long.


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Tbh im spazzing over the photocards hahahaha! Krisoo~~~

And hdjahagahsjdj i cannot go into full fprce skype convo with you because im always outside nowadays. Ugh. I guess we'll spazz gallore over twitter for the time being.