JUST SICK! EXO is tired of the Sasaengs. What Sasaengs did to the EXO members.

That's true! Listen well to EXO who are harmed by their super annoying saseangs, which are told to be the worst sasaengs ever since even the 'normal' EXO fans seem to forget about their manners. If they ignore them when they leave their house they swear about them, like to install cameras into teddy bears and showers of the EXO members and even kidnap Luhan by hiring the same van like EXO usually got and let them get in??! DO they even have a life? Some of them even started to e themselves for money since they don't graduate school. That's totally sick! (See Vid: No. 5)

They asked the 'sasaengs' why they are doing that, as they aswered to stay into the minds of the beloved members. They would possibily doing everything, even scare them to reach their goal. Like the ones who write down stupid letters with their own blood. They like to camp in front of their dorm, are noisy and annoy not only EXO but their neighbors! That's not only rude it is totally inacceptable! 

Not at least Sasaengs seem to have all the telefone numbers of the EXO members and call them at night while they want to get some sleep, MEANING they have to tell them (!) what to do. It went that far that a sasaeng of Xiumin called him a several times as she went to a fan meeting and sang 4Minutes 'What's your name?' in front of him. When she sang the first line of the chours he answered surprised with ''Xiumin'', but then she sang the second line which means in english; What's your phone number? And suddenly Xiumins smile disappeared and answered ''You already got my number'', as he remembered her voice.

That's sick. And at least, Sasaengs are really rude to 'normal' fans! They steal their pocket money and slap them if they don't want to move or if they don't want to leave the concert. And they use the foreign fans to 'act' like a Korean translator..but they know that foreign fans get into the front line of a K-Pop concert and want to be their friends that they can go there as well.

Tipp: Refuse every help of a k-pop fan.

And they even slap foreign fans.






AND about the sasaengs:


Thanks for reading and watching.



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I'm pretty sure the slapping one was because they didn't want to be recorded without permission. I've heard of problems like that, but no one actually slapped the person. The other girls didn't look too happy about being recorded either. Hey, fangirls don't like invasion of privacy--whether they do it to others or not, how hypocritical right?
If i just had my machine gun..
Im pretty sure idols wouldnt want recycled V****a girls. Please just use your energy else where. IDOLS DO NOT WANT YOU GUYS. Theres a huge difference between a fan and a woman so theyll never see you as the latter with that horrendous behaviour.
This is wrong on soooo many levels.
omg the last video :( sasaeng fans should really really stop.
I wish there would exist a 'like' button here that we could support good Blogposts.
Well done.
Everybody should know about the crazy 'Sasaeng/Stalking' Fans.
Fun fact: All of TVXQ's crazy sasaengs went to EXO that's why es can't keep their down. WTF they're ing human.

I am not ing kidding at all when I say this: I wish a genocide of sasaeng fans of all over happens. Those es does deserve to live. They ruined the peace and rights of all these innocent idols.
If you want them to notice you/recognize you/think about you, act like a decent fan and do something nice for them. Like give them a meaningful gift that they'll use and remember you buy. or bring them a cake to a fan meeting when you know one of the members' birthdays is coming up. There are tons of ACCEPTABLE ways to show them you love them. So either treat them right or go bug someone else. Like some kingka at your school. Oh that's right. You can't cause you flunked out/dropped out. Sorry, my bad. NOT.
AwesomeWeirdo #8
_|_ To all those 'fans' out there. Your behaviour is disgusting and that is not a way to be liked or noticed by stars...I don't even think they like you ._. Also, pens and and pencils are made to write with. If you don't want your blood , donate it to those who NEED it ( although I don't think they would want it.) Stop wasting your lives and go study then maybe they'd start liking you.

PS. If you sell yourself, you probably won't live long enough to hang around the idols.

PSS. Thanks for publishing this :) I don't think my comment makes sense >_>
I'd rather stalk them through the internet that this...tsk.
The videos are really sickening..
The fans that went to the hotel where exo stayed really disturbed me. How can they go there and act towards exo like they are not invading their privacy.
This is so sick. I really have wanted to go to Korea to see Exo and the other bands perform, but if it is like that.. I just hope I get to watch them when they come to Europe u_u
... choosing between a normal life and this..
it would be definitely a normal life..
kim_sensei88 #13
that's sooooo scary...poor exo
immapyromaniac22 #14
okay that's just creepy and disturbing.
I love exo but i'll NEVER go that far.

sasaengs really.