RANT TIME! *Dun-dun-duuuuuun*

Okay, so I don't own a diary and I find it more fun to rant to random strangers on the internet (because their reactions are  funny.) SOOOOOOO I am going to rant in this blog post.


[Serious face.]


Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. Not everyone has the same opinion. I know that. BUT just because you may not have the same interests as I do does not give you the right to just talk bad about them to me.


I mean, I don't care if you don't like the same groups/bands/artists/actors etc. as me. In fact - I am quite happy about that. It just means more for me ;))). [lol kidding. but seriously..] If you're gonna talk bad about the things I love in my presence, do NOT expect me to just sit there and laugh at your pathetic jokes. I WILL spaz at you. If you want to talk bad about them, at least have the decency to not say it whilst I'm in earshot.


It's even worse when it's your friends, and they know damn well what will happen if they talk bad about them....and yet they still do it. I mean whhyyyyyyy though? .____.

Ughh. It just really ticks me off sometimes......


But seriously.


At least have the decency to RESPECT them though instead of speaking badly about them. They've done nothing wrong to YOU except make you not like their stuff (music, acting etc.) They're not a facebook page - you don't have to like them. Just at least respect them.






That was fun.


[Tags used are my bias groups. This post is mostly referring to the groups mentioned.]


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RainyMemoriesInHeart #1
They want to piss you off. I swear, there's one from your friend who surely like pissing you off by speaking badly of them because I have one.