Two Years

Okay so I hand wrote this whole letter but I can't take decent pictures of it to show you, it's here if you want to see it (you'll have to open the picture though and I doubt you'll be able to read it).

In two days, it will be two years since I've been here. I wrote this to celebrate, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.

here's what it says:

To think it’s already been two years.
When I first joined AFF, my life revolved around Jpop and Jrock. I didn’t really care about a lot of things. My spelling my horrible, my handwriting messy and I could be violent at times for reasons I didn’t know. But I was happy nonetheless. I was happy, because I was still a child. At the age of fourteen, I was naïve and blind, because I’d been protected from things I didn’t know.
About a month later, I fell into the trap known as Kpop. It started with fanfiction; I didn’t know who the people were. I just liked reading.
But then I started watching the videos and before I knew it, Kpop was my life.

Now, two years later, I’d like to say I’m happy.
I’d like to, but I’m not.
Suddenly, I stopped caring about what people thought of me. I let down my guard, let people into my life. I started to suffer with bipolar disorder. I would starve myself. I felt like dying and my life was, is, hell.
As soon as I stepped into the world I didn’t know, I allowed myself to be free of protection, and I was hurt. I thought I’d be happy. But I’m not.
I’m ultimately alone. Alone, the very thing I was scared of being.
And I brought it upon myself.

Two years later and it feels like I’m stuck in an endless cycle.

My life is empty, my life is cruel. My life has nothing;
but I guess it’ll do.


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Yay it's my two years on here too haha happy anniversary