theres more to come?!?!

Soooo exo comeback is due today i think im going nuts. Then exo's line and kakaotalk start spamming me. It said that the mv was one take and i was like "oooohh" and then theres the saying "theres a lot more to come so stay tuned!" And i wuz like,gull pls upliad the drama mv first before dumping some more s that can kill this fangirl due to overspazzing. Really. I think sm invested too much on my 12 lubly boys i began to get worried on how are they supposed to payback because people said kim youngmin is more of a than lee sooman. I hated lee sooman with al my guts and now i highly despised youngmin. Exo is sooman's project but youngmin continued it. Said by people i only rewrote it here. Youngmin's original production was snsd. I dun rlly care tho which group was whose project. But srrsly theres more to come holy shiettt im going to my hometown on august 10 and will be back oon august 16 and august 17 was my country's independence day so i have to go to school for morning ceremony and school started on august 19. Holy sheeet. Today is the first day of holiday. Sm better upload their newest s this week before i went. Sorry for the excessive use of but yeah._. Lets pray for todays comeback neee? Ill stream on mcountdown does anyone know exo will be performing when??? Thankkyuuu


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