Saseng Fans?

Can someone help me with something? I've been on Tumblr for the past 5 min, i havent been oniline for the past 3 days so i missed out on some stuff, and all it is, is about Saseng Fans going all over EXO and what not. I knew that they've already been doing that for quiet some time, but no one really adressed it as they do now. So, did something new happen that really was a big no-no or is some people just fed up with this , like i am, and finally start to rage on this... help...


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They have been making fun of Sehun's lisp and calling luhan a and Kai a . I think EXO has some of the worse sasaeng fans...
I know that, along with Kai getting hurt, Luhan was pushed down, and instead of trying to help him up, they just grabbed at him, groping him and whatnot, then a fan asked Xiumin if Luhan was treating him well at night, but the fan was Chinese and Xiumin didn't understand. Luhan did, and pulled Xiumin away angrily.
I think there was more to it, but that's all I remember.
Lately fans have been saying they wanted kai to say lines from anterograde tomorrow and asking things like if anyone has had with each other and it's been going on for a while and many times have hurt the exo members(physically and emotionally) and the non-sasaeng fans have just been trying to get their emotions out and maybe help stop the sasaeng fans(if you can even call them fans). Sorry that was really long :p