BAP in america again...

So I just found out yesterday that BAP was back in the states and they are in Michigan right at this moment.   And I was like "for what?" then i found out that they are doing their 3rd video!! all three video's filmed in american cool is that??? but the saddest part is that... I NEVER GET TO SEE THEM.......I WANT TO SEE THEM...WANT TO SEE THEIR ADORABLE FACES AND WITTY FUNNY JOKES TO EACH'm stuck in this good old place somewhere in New Jersey...shucks!!! on the other note that was buzzing in the twitter world of twitter....1D uses BAP at some part of their video segment...and they even cut off ZELO out of the picture...and..and...they replace BAP's face with their faces...ugh....the rudeness....errp..I don't even listen to 1D too asian i guessed or more like too dedicated to my bias...harhar...but anyways...just wanna rant about not being able to see them T.T ... 


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