I've finally started writing...again

I've finally started writing again after a long break...to be honest, I do kind of missed writing. Maybe i should start looking for a job being a writer.  But I just don't know if i am qualify enough to write.  Be a freelancer in writing is something very new to me.  Plus my writing skills is far poor than the one's who are a pro at writing. So maybe i should just keep that writing job in the corner for now, until i get fully comfortable at it.  Last year had been really tough for me.  I recently hit hard in this life of mine.  losing something you work so hard for suddenly dissapear in just a blink of an eye. Just because the people that works in it doesn't want to listen or hear what your trying to say.  Instead, they think that it was an excuse, they don;t consider workers had a life outside the work place itself, they rather see you work your off until you can't handle the task anymore.  We are all human that made mistakes one's or twice in our lives and we learn from it and keep learning until you don't do them again.  I always lived believing that there is good in everyone but sometimes when your bad, well, your that.  I learn that people in different proffession had the belief of being either a good at what they do or bad at what they do.  But hard work takes alot of sweat, tears and blood, sacrifies the only free day they had just to make a living. Sometimes you find yourself not capable of taking take of yourself because, you need to lived to survived.  The real world is harsh, that's why some people lived in a fantasy rather than living in reality. Tell me, have you ever wonder which world do you lived in? I kinda lived in both, the harsh and bittersweet of reality and the sweet and innocent of fantasy.  We all needed sometimes. Don't you ever find yourself isolated in your room, thinking that it was the only place safe for you? away from all the calamity and bittersweetness of the world.  Like you can do anything since you are trap inside and there are no ears or mouths that judge you.  I guess thats how being an introvert was, finding peace in your own place, in your own room, where no one can judge you but yourself.   Then again who am I to tell you on that, I'm  just a person who is still finding the true meaning of be yourself.   To be happy on every aspect of your life, to lived and not regret all the mishaps of life.   Finding what your trully good at, or what is your life purposed.  I kinda wonder sometimes.  But I'm always thankful that I'm still here, still learning, breathing, loving every minute of every day.  Smiling at what simple gestures or things that i caught.  Happiness come's in the littles thing.  So to whoever read this blog, You are beautiful, and loved. You are enough. Thank you for for all the good things that you have done.  You did well, sweetheart and I love you so much.  and thank you for reading.  <3 I purple you <3


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