パワパフの愛 ! ⁽ kyoh yoobi ₎ ▬ ‹ audition form ›

パワパフの愛 」 
-novokaine // very active, social life pending //  the original powerpuffs


Full name ➫ Kyoh Yoobi 「 교유비 」 
Bitamin「 비타민 derived from her name, it's a cheesy reference to her ever encouraging and bright personality that her closer relatives and friends claim to give them strength. It's more of a tease than anything but Yoobi is quite fond of the nickname. 
Birthday ➫ 02/21/95
Age ➫ 18 ; believe it or not, she's legal.
Ethnicity ➫ full blooded korean
Birthplace // Hometown ➫ seoul, south korea. past and present.
Occupation // Schooling ➫ fresh out of high school, Yoobi is currently employed at a pet store and enjoying the pleasures of being a responsible adult /not.
Uhljjang ➫ seo sung kyung +  
Backup ➫ gam da in +  
Creation ➫ Yoobi is a thin young woman carved of modest height and figure. She isn't too tiny, rather long and lean but with the physique of a swimmer-- that being wide hips, plump thighs and a strong back. Her face is rounder in shape, eyes being a warm sepia complimented by her fair skin and dark brown hair. Yoobi has a dainty appearance but surprisingly, she has plenty of muscle definition that you wouldn't expect due to her feminine looks. Yoobi is quite fit but prefers being healthy over model skinny. She is comfortable in her skin but has a few insecurities such as her tiny hands, uneven lips and ugh, don't get her started on her linebacker shoulders.     
Style ➫ Yoobi isn't the type to spend hours roaming her closet but she does know how to throw together a decent outfit from time to time. She prefers more casual pieces of clothing for the most part but she does like to slip into pretty day dresses in the spring or layer up in winter. Yoobi loves to look cute as most young girls do but don't expect her to put on anything that isn't comfortable because practicality in her book, is a must. She can be a bit plain in the long run but simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and come on-- nothing beats a soft over sized sweater with sweet blue converse.  
Height ➫ 162 cms
Weight ➫ 50 kgs 


PPG ➫ bubbles
Personality ➫
   [ bright, raging and alive ] » Kyoh Yoobi has always been characterized by brilliant smiles and a jubilant nature. She's a person who smiles more than she blinks, isn't afraid to fall in love or get hurt and firmly believes that the world is made of sugar; delicate and easy to crumble but worth taking the leap to go out and taste it. Yoobi has stars in her eyes. She tries not to take things too seriously and happens to be very playful but she is not a child and will never compromise her happiness for looking cool or impressing others. Yoobi can find the humor is any situation, entertain herself with pencaps and paperclips, she loves spontaneity and is the first person to break the ice or tell a joke in an awkward situation. People enjoy having her around for the most part but this ball of sunshine often annoys with her never ending can-do attiude and capacity to be upbeat and energetic at anytime of the day. Close friends and family refer to her as their vitamin and she has made a solemn vow that she will never let them down in terms of being their number one fan.  
   [ with your heart on your sleeve ] » Unfortunately, Yoobi never formed that thick skin to protect herself from verbal assault. Sticks and stones make break her bones but being sensitive makes her an easy target, especially since she tends to be very nurturing and eager to protect or help others. Yoobi is a sympathetic person with a keen sense of intuition, she is receptive to the energy around her and often gets too caught up in her emotions to think straight. She is passionate but reckless, there are so many things she wants to accomplish but Yoobi has an unreasonable fear of failure and becomes highly insecure when it comes to her performance in just about anything whether it be school, work or hanging out with friends. She has a one track mind and is quick to get obsessed or completely engrossed in a single task. You'd think Yoobi would be very dazed and bubble headed but in fact, she is a focused individual that gets her heart broken when she tries so hard only to get second place. Naive in her own right, Yoobi gives too much of herself to people who don't deserve it. She is too trusting, too eager to gift her heart and make others happy that she ends up being the biggest loser-- after all, nice girls do finish last and Yoobi has never been good at saying no.
[ the musings of a muse ] » Yoobi is a delicate blend of light and color, she is a quaint soul whose heart is b with a myriad of inspiration and hope. She's whimsical and affectionate, a visionary with a cosmic mind and burning desire to discover the world. She has the unrelenting curiosity of an inquisitive child who never stops asking for more. Her eyes refuse to stop shining and though her voice may be soft she won't ever stop singing. Yoobi is hungry for the world. Wants to dive into the unknown and figure out why stuff works. People fascinate her and sometimes she just gets so enthralled that she wants to meet every stranger on the street. Hear their story and ask them questions about the most irrelevant things. She is a wayfaring human being. Raw and desperate to save everyone but she can't and it kills her. Yoobi, in a nutshell, is happy. No, everything is not perfect but she is content with what he has, the people that are in her life even if she does need someone to hold her hand. Afterall, you only have one life and making it better for yourself and everyone else is the only way you can go out peacefully.  
Likes ➫ 
  iced coffee » the best contradiction in the world, she loves the cold and rich taste in the morning.
  belly laughter » she fangirls over that loud carefree laugh people give when they are hysterical.
  surprises » being surprised or surprising other, she loves watching reactions and the unexpected.
  taking risks » she'll try anything once and who doesn't love spontaneity? yoobi lives the yolo life
  comedy movies » yoobi loves to laugh and her favorite movies are literally a total ab workout. 
  soda » it's so bad for her but it tastes so good. she has a thing for the burn of carbonation.
  driving » she just recently got her license and loves to cruise with her music blasting.
  studio ghibli » yoobi can't even begin to describe how much she adores the movies and characters.
  origami » she doesn't know why but there is something very therapeutic about folding paper.
  urban solitude » it's the most beauthing thing in the world to Yoobi. sshh, don't ruin the moment.
Dislikes ➫ 
  wearing socks » if she isn't wearing shoes, then she most definitely is running around barefoot.
  illogical excuses » they drive her crazy and she really can't stand when people try to justify them
  being coddled » she hates being treated like a child or as if she can't handle herself on her own.
  strong scents » good or bad, she isn't too fond of her nose being assaulted by perfumes.
  running late » yoobi is all about punctuality. she gets frustrated when she feels time constrained.
  being formal » she prefers a more natural and comfortable atmosphere. honorifics get awkward.
  cold showers » the shower is a place to think for Yoobi, how can she enjoy freezing water? 
Hobbies ➫ 
  rollerblading » it's literally the best thing in the world. she can skate just about everywhere.
  people watching » they're all so fascinating. Yoobi can sit on a park bench and stare all day.
  doodling » she's not davinci but she does scribble up some cute little doodles on the regular
Habits ➫ 
  karaoke what » if a song goes on that she likes, yoobi is gonna start passionately lipsyncing along.
  expectations » she is blindly optimistic, always assuming the best which leads to disappointment. 
  snooping » she doesn't do it intentionally, she just gets curious and hey. you left it open you know
Fears ➫
  the dark » not really the dark but the possible things lurking in the dark where she can't see.
Trivia ➫ 
  sleeping beauty » she can fall asleep in any position or condition, she's definitely gifted.
  love at first sight » yoobi is a er for a boy with a cute eyesmile. she will melt on the spot.
  wrist brace savior » she has sprained her wrist like a gazillion times and often wears a brace.
  how much is it » yoobi is terrible with money. she is always miscounting bills or change. 
  big sister » she has a soft spot for children and loves being silly with or for them.
  major cry baby » but she won't ever admit to it. don't yell at her either or expect waterworks
  that's weird » yoobi is double jointed in several parts of her body like her fingers and hips.
Background ➫ 
  bom bom bom » Life for Kyoh Yoobi, the youngest of three, has always been marked by sense of simplicity. She was the baby of the family but by no means was she spoiled or kept sheltered from the world. In fact she was always encouraged to go out and venture on her own, learn by herself and discover new truths without the aid of anyone. There was nothing a band-aid or a kiss from her mother couldn't fix and even when yoobi did fall and scrape her knees, her tears never lasted more than a minute before she was back to running around. Since Yoobi had an older sister and older brother, you could say she had the best situation growing up. Her sister was always there for advice and her brother to chase away the monsters under her bed. Yoobi was a content child. Everything plain vanilla but upon entering middle school, she ran into some problems with the other kids.
  almost paradise » Yoobi wasn't bullied but she sure wasn't accepted by everyone. She was often too nice to ignore the less popular kids and not cool enough to actually find more than a handful of friends but that handful was more than enough and she got through the awkward adolescence unscathed though her self esteem did take a few hits courtesy of catty girls and the rail thin idols she foolishly looked up too. High school was a far better experience and Yoobi was one of the few kids that actually enjoyed the environment, liked to get involved and loved to learn new things everyday. Call her crazy but Yoobi wouldn't mind going back. Being an adult is a scary reality to face along with the real world.
Mother ➫ 
kang keunsun || 47 || social worker || demure ; feminine ; unyielding ; reserved
Father ➫ 
kyoh seokjin || 48 || mechanic || good natured ; reliable ; witty ; intelligent
Brother(s) ➫ 
kyoh jae wook || 23 || college student || easy going ; indepedent ; rational ; sincere
Sister(s) ➫ 
kyoh han bi || 21 || barista || sassy ; fillial ; tenacious ; insightful


Love interest ➫ Im Jaebeom 
Group ➫ JJ Project 
Birthday ➫ 01 || 06 || 1994
Personality ➫ Jaebeom is a quirky, still teenage boy with infectious laughter and the sweetest eyesmile you have ever seen. He looks charming and suave from afar but quite literally,Jaebeom is a silly little hungry hippo who loves to joke around. He can be a bit dense at times, often left with his jaw hanging in disbelief but he means well and is very considerate when it comes to his friends and family. Jaebeom can sometimes be a five year old kid with his antics but he happens to be on the shy side and it takes a while for him to get comfortable around new people. You can always find him snacking on something or listening to music and though he has become an idol, he still hasn't lost any humility or modesty. Im Jaebeom is unrefined, he is that sweetheart trying to brighten everyone's day but once you are his friend he can come off a little too strong. Maybe even overstep his boundaries but this dork is too dumb not to absolutely adore. He has his serious side and when it comes to his goals, he is ambitious however he may get anxious and over analyze everything he does. That being said, Jaebeom is tough on himself. He trains hard, works hard and can strain himself too much with the tasks he takes on his shoulders. Jaebeom also gets a bit too proud and won't accept help when it is offered to him, he prefers to suffer in silence and when something is wrong, he most likely won't tell a soul. Im Jaebeom, he's kinda weird and dorky but he's loyal to the bone and wouldn't dream of hurting a fly-- but maybe a spider. He'll most likely squish the spider. 
First Meeting ➫ 
✶ almost paradise » an outdoor setting on a temperate day, Yoobi is the first to arrive at said location and purchases herself some mango shave ice while she waits and the rest-- i have no idea. 
On//Off Screen ➫ 
you & i » when the camera is rolling, Jaebeom and Yoobi have a lot more confidence around each other. Their skinship increases, Jaebeom jokes around more flirtatiously and Yoobi doesn't shy away from his advances. They are playful and teasing, poking at each other and trying to make the other blush. With an entire crew watching, it's easier for them to act. Pretend their feelings aren't really on the line but between the stolen glances and shy smiles they sometimes get a bit awkward and try to avoid uncomfortable situations that the show might put them in. 
is that my heart skipping » once the camera is off and there's no one around, Jaebeom and Yoobi dissolve into a rather meek couple afraid to disrupt what chemistry they do have. Often they can have a blast together with zero tension or awkwardness but sometimes they get all unsettled and can't even look each other in the eye without grinning stupidly or getting some severe heart racing. When its just them, they can be serious and tender. The pressure of the camera makes them act a bit goofy but when it's gone, they feel more free to be vulnerable and accepting.  
Long-Lasting ➫ yes ;-;
Screen Time ➫ there has to be food fights and pillow forts!
RowdyRuff Girls ➫ BeomBi, BiBeom? YooBeom, JaeBi? omfg theres so many i like o u o  
which PPG are you most like?
[ ] Momoko // Blossom
[ x ] Miyako // Bubbles
[ ] Kaoru // Buttercup
which do you prefer?
[ ] Chasing after boys // crushing on boys
[ x ] Helping keep the planet clean
[ ] Playing sports
what do other people see you as?
[ ] A natural born leader
[ x ] An innocent girl
[ ] A fighter
what do you do in your spare time?
[ ] Check out cute boys
[ ] Shop
[ x ] Exercise
what's closest to your vision of your future?
[ x ] Getting married
[ ] Becoming a fashion designer
[ ] Becoming a famous athlete
what do you find attractive in a guy?
[ x ] Appearance
[ ] Maturity
[ ] Muscles
do you want your relationship with your idol to continue after the show?
[ ] Of course! We're meant to be!
[ x ] I would like for it to last a long time afterwards
[ ] I could care less
do you listen to anything else besides kpop?
[ ] Not really..
[ x ] Some other genres
[ ] Rock and Punk music
favorite color?
[ ] Pink
[ x ] Blue
[ ] Green


Questions ➫ I think I'm good ^^
Comments ➫ the powerpuff girls &  the rowdyruffs boys omfg. i haven't watched the powerpuff girls in the longest time! i remember being sucha buttercup fan but bubbles just speaks to me, they were my childhood. bless you for this fic! i was so excited while filling the app out! 
Suggestions ➫ Maybe couple games or a race? Where the different couples compete in challenges or maybe girls against boys o u o



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