✧ ⋮ Seoul Solar Assassins — 임 큰순「 Im Keun Sun 」


⋮ Mars ⋮
-Novokaine  ⋯   lucy  ⋯  4


✧⋮ Im Keun Sun 「 임 큰순 」 

nickname(s) ⋮ 
Sun   originally it was just a shortened version of her name, simple and easy to call out to a child but as she has matured into the fierce young lady she is now, sun means the girl on fire; raging, bright and unrelenting.
Saja「사자→  it means lion, which is a large carnivorous feline known for being the king of beasts-- Keunsun likes lions, people have noticed and found that the two mammals aren't a far cry from each other.  

date of birth / age ⋮ 21 -02 「 February 21st 」+ 21 years old  
ethnicity ⋮ full blooded korean
language ⋮ 
korean「fluent she is a native speaker, raised in her mother land she has an impeccable fluidity in the way she speaks.
japanese「conversational sun's older sister nana has been teaching her the foreign language on and off for years.

short bio ⋮ she is the spark that starts the wildfire, the contagious idea that no hunger suppress. keunsun is supernova, bursting at the seams with concentrated rage; hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


face #1 ⋮ yurim
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face #2 ⋮ seo sung kyung
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appearance ⋮ Sun stands at 159 cms and is 50 kgs of explosive gunpowder. She has eyes like fine wine, russet brown hair with a wispy fringe and primrose pout. There are faded battle scars lacing her arms, shallow cuts along her shoulders and self inflicted cigarette burns seared into her thighs and forearms. She's on the pale side, doesn't get out too much but Sun has some slamming curves and if looks could kill, you best believe you'd be six feet under.

`「 tattoo  because both good and bad things come in threes, the upright triangles are affiliated with masculine and solar energy. they represent spirit, divinity, fire, life, prosperity and harmony -   

`「 piercing → they're a bit blunt, hard to miss yet still very much classy and dare i say enticing -

style ⋮ im keusun's sense of fashion isn't something you see everyday. she pairs her immaculate jordans with thigh high stockings and tight pencil skirts. she'll wear a sweet long top that is mesh and see through but also velvet leggings in wine or deep blue. to be honest, sun puts on whatever she feels like in the morning. some days she keeps it simple and low key other days she's a walking galaxy or crucified saint. there is no consistency in her casual garb but sun takes her job seriously, donning on the sleek matte look composed of stretchy breathable fabric complete with a black surgical mask and gloves.  


keywords ⋮ aggressive ; rash ; unpolished ; dauntless ; acquisitive ;

personality ⋮ 
[ ] as if you were on fire from within → The easiest way to depict to Keunsun's nature is to say that she gets done, but on her terms. It takes effort to get anywhere in life; nothing comes for free and everything has a price-- sun knows this very well, too well. it's eat or be eaten; mobile, agile, hostile. What is pain? sun is one of those people with her foot floored on the gas. she's always fidgeting, pushing forward impatiently and getting lost in her own thoughts and desires. she acts on impulse; thoughtless, careless, shoot anonymous- sun has the hunger in her eyes. endlessly craving, her hands wide open to catch regardless if she's left with blisters and bruises. sun isn't afraid to get hurt, to feel pain or fall because she's felt the ground before and knows what doesn't kill her only makes her stronger, stranger and that much more of a survivor. you can't make sun back down, she can be destroyed but not defeated and you better believe she will use her very last breath to spit in your face.

[ ] this might hurt → In simple terms, sun is just an intense person. From her volatile emotions, to the way rough she carries herself and speaks. she is a little self centered, not out of vanity or arrogance but she just can't see past what she wants, what she needs and what she pains her. sun is the person who is blind when they're angry. she says things in the heat of the moment, awful things she might not really mean but right then and there-- she can't help herself. sun is nothing like her older sister, while nana is cautious and careful; sun is reckless and unwavering. she takes everything to the extreme, there is only black and white; no grey areas or kinda sorta maybe. yes or no, thats it. sun doesn't see the need to complicate anything with necessary bull and she will call you out, real talk. there's no messing around with her and it seems she enjoys her job. never hesitating before the trigger is pulled.

[ ] rage to our enemies → Sun isn't shy, she's isn't timid nor is she insecure. if she wants to voice her opinion, she will. if she disagrees with you, she will let you know but often it is very necessary to walk on eggshells around sun. she is easily angered, set off and once the storm has started-- there's no way you can stop it. sun is almost incapable of being intimidated or discouraged. tell her she can't and she will show you can. it's often admirable but more times than not, it's stark madness. like a child waging war but don't doubt her, don't underestimate this girl's rage because it would only be your funeral. ontop of her careless behavior, sun is instinctive. quick to follow her gut and ' wing it '. often this isn't the best trait in an assassin but her impulses get her out of trouble just as much as they get her in it so turn up is about fair, she hasn't died yet right?

[ ] with your heart on your sleeve → Sun's feelings are no mystery or stranger to anyone. she's emotional in the sense that the smallest comments or casual remarks get under her skin, she'll ask herself, " what the hell do they mean by that? " and she happens to be an emotional sponge. absorbing the both positive and negative energies that exist among her peers. sun is sensitive, if she's happy; she's ecstatic. if she's sad; she's distraught and if she's angry; she's enraged and everything is all to overwhelming for the girl. she thinks with her heart and not her head, she listens to what she feels not what is right. sun is quick to get defensive, quick to be offended or bothered by others who might not be doing or saying anything wrong. you could say she's a little bpd, feeling her emotions more easily, deeply and longer than most people do. it's a curse, it is her Achilles heel but the raging emotions make for great fuel. she can hack and slash the anger, sadness and loneiless with each kill. but not adressing her problems directly is always unhealthy, she stores up on negative feelings that aren't expressed in a manner that she or anyone else can benefit from.  

background story ⋮ Most assassins do not choose the thug life. In most cases, tragedy hits home and they must gear for an unexpected war. But there are some who are born into this dangerous life. Some that are born and bred to be killers. There are fathers and mothers that teach their children the ways of the gun, the knife and the perfect crime. Im Keunsun was one of these innocent kids. Brought up for the purpose of murder just like her elder sister, Im JinAh, better known as Nana. Sun was enrolled in the academy at a young age, a bit disconnected from her loved ones she grew up quite lonely. Constantly someone's shadow but there is a pivotal moment that changed Im Keunsun forever. That turned her life upside down and ignited that insatiable thirst for blood. Ah, of course. The cliche murder of parental units. But everyone saw that coming, Sun's parents being bold agents who put their targets on the shoulders of dangerous cartels. They were bound, gagged, tortured, dismembered and delivered to their own doorstep. Nana ( only twentytwo at the time ) had no choice but to mother her own sister, a tender child of only 11 years old. It was difficult, power struggles that wrought the unstable, chaotic Keunsun. The girl blood off her fingers with a crooked little smile. 

lifestyle ⋮ straight up, keunsun can't function in the ' real ' world. she can't be what society dictates as normal so she lives at the academy. it's too difficult for her to keep her job on the down low, it would slip far too easily from her careless lips and why deal with unnecessary expenses and unnecessary people? sun is fine where she is, often helping out with the enrollments and keeping herself busy with target after target. 

trivias ⋮

 `「 weakness 」→  very simply put, sun's emotions are her hamartia. she loses control, doesn't think straight and this can often put her or her partner in dangerous situations-- not that she will admit or address it. in fact, she denies she has a problem and don't even suggest the concept of ' anger ' issues. sun will skin you alive.

`「 too cold, too hot 」→ sun is very sensitive to changes in temperature. she's also very particular about where she chooses to settle down and scope out. it's pretty annoying but occasionally has it's unexpected perks.

`「 smoke it, choke on it 」→ not only does keunsun smoke but she also likes to put the cancer sticks out on her flesh. it's self harm but also, she gots a for the burning sensation and you will find these butts adorning any crime scene she was responsible for.

✧⋮ 시작한다 SHOW TIME!

found or enrolled ⋮  enrolled ; by her own parents. gotta keep the family business going.
then age ⋮ 9  ; talk about abandonment issues.
best weapon ⋮ bloody knuckles because keunsun likes to get up close and personal.
special talent(s) ⋮

`「 scaredy cat 」→ it may or may not be a special talent but keunsun has nerves of steel. she won't flinch, whimper and can keep a straight face like nobody you have ever seen. you can't startle or scare this girl for nothing.

`「 beast mode 」→ again, it might not be a special talent but keunsun can't just get into these maniacal rages that never end without blood spilling. she's vicious, absolutely rabid and would definitely make you think twice before taking her on.

signature gesture ⋮ she'll gouge out their eyes and carve her symbol into their foreheads.
branded symbol ⋮ oh, ho ho. it will be right in that sensitive patch of skin below her stomach where it can kinda be seen peeping out from the waistband of her jeans.

skill points
⋯ intelligence ⋮ 3 - she's no einstein but she's pretty bright
⋯ stamina ⋮ 3.2 - keunsun finds it necessary to keep in shape #teamnodaysoff 
⋯ agility ⋮ 3 - if she's paying attention, her dormant cat woman comes out
⋯ perception ⋮ 2 - she's not clueless, just careless and oblivious to small details 
⋯ boldness ⋮ 4.8 - she'll pull the trigger, jump off that ledge and attack without hesitation yolo

⋯ overall skill ⋮ 4 - not to shabby but hey, she's grown up at sasa. it's a part of her.


family members
⋯ relation* ⋮ 
Im Jin Ah ( nana ) : 32 : she's an engima  : motherly, lady-like, cautious and careful : alive : nana is the older sister of keunsun and also the makeshift mother that came to be when their parents were taken out. due to the fact that they are sisters, their relationship has always been strained. nana struggled to be an authoritative figure in keunsun's life and the girl was always saying, " you're not my mother! " whenever they fought. as of present day, their relationship is still tense. nana checks up on her younger sister often but keunsun usually brushes it off her shoulder.

⋯ relation* n/a.

rival ⋮ uranus : -- :  solar assassin : leader-like, boyish, calm and cold-headed.
⋯ relationship with character ⋮ they're not entirely rivals but their contrasting personalities clash often. uranus prefers to avoid pointless conflict with keunsun but the hot headed girl is hard to get by. most of the time, their rivalry is silent and unadressed. other times it can be loud and maybe even violent.

love interest ⋮ huang zitao : 23 :  martial artist teacher at sasa ( that's ok right? o.o )

⋯ back-up oh sehun : 22  :  hand to hand combat teacher at sasa
⋯ personality if keunsun is fire, zitao is most definitely water. a calm, sagacious young man he is seen and not heard. the phantom presence in the room that is calculating and reserved but zitao is also very intuitive. he is nimble, independent and sticks close to his ethics and morals. you will rarely see him make a bad call, he thinks on his toes and has this guardian quality about him. yes, he is intimidating. with a stark, intense glare but zitao does have his softer side. he appreciates fine art and beauty, he is cultured and intelligent but you will never know unless you engage him because zitao is quite mysterious. keeps to himself and avoids revealing details of his personal life. zitao values tradition and power, silently forceful he can be charming or agreeable but he is also quite the cynic. distrusting and maybe a little paranoid about the people he allows to be in his life.
⋯ relationship ⋮ zitao and keunsun are unoffical partners and now their relationship is quite seamless, like the moon and the tide, push and pull they work together flawlessly but it wasn't always that way. he kinda brought it upon himself to be her partner and keunsun considered it an outrage because she felt like she was being babysat by someone who was barely older than her! they fought, and argued and disagreed but unknowingly fell into their own routines. made this silent mutual understanding that sometimes, keunsun can't keep control and sometimes, zitao hesitates. they fill these corners, these flaws and have created a perpetual friendship fortified by blood, sweat and tears. nobody can control keunsun, but zitao comes pretty damn close and often she looks at him for reassurance. glancing at his reaction when she does something or maybe she just finds him quite attractive. zitao kinda follows keunsun around, not like a hopeless puppy though. he is cleaning up after her, making sure she isn't too foolhardy and won't get herself slaughtered.  

desired ending ⋮ i would prefer something sad and violent, like they get blown up together or one of them dies and the other decides to quit and move on with their life, is that ok? o.o


extras ⋮ i really love the layout of this app ;_; and omfg so many applicants ghurrlll i was freaking out then all your updates so i kinda rushed this and im srryyy orz but seriously tho, this apply fic is pretty kickass js
scene request(s) ⋮ i was thinking there could be like an epic set up of double agents or a mole in the academy. and also fluffy scenes where zitao will tie keunsun's shoes laces because she hopeless or a fight between the solar assassins? maybe some bad blood and i dont know why but i think this should happen ;D i got it stuck in my head ouo




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