`〈 EDEN CREEK 〉↷ Sang Sojin


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sang, sojin.
your nickname : you should call me your boo but Lucy is cool too. 
how active are you? : 9 - social life still pending
plotline applying for : fragile daydreamer yo.
comments, questions : your apply fics = perfection ok stahp
scene requests : imma be cheesy, im srry. can there be a scene where he ties her shoes or something cute like that?
do you allow modifications to your app? : of course O3O
password : what password -。-


 ho hey
character name : Sang Sojin (상 소진)
* nicknames :
Jin () - One of her most common titles, it originated from her younger brother who was unable to pronounce the " so " part of her name correctly so he just said " Jin " (jin noona of course) and it stuck and now everyone just calls her Jin. also, it sounds like the alcohol gin so there's that too.
pichyu (피츄) - because she has one of those ridiculous mousy little sneezes that sound like a damn pokemon. she finds it embarrassing to be honest and only people who are close to her will use it to .    
date of birth | age : 21- 02 - 94 | 19
place of birth | hometown : born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. 
ethnicity : full blooded korean
languages : korean ( native speaker ) + chinese ( conversational )
 all the pretty girls
ulzzang : seo sung kyung
links :  - photo gallery!
back-up ulzzang : gam da in
links :  - another photo gallery!
height | weight : 165 cms | 50 kgs
styleDespite her rather cute and childish features, Sojin prefers outfits that are casual and composed of darker colors. She goes for distressed denim and everyday sweaters, pairing her cropped t-shirts with beanies or printed leggings. You can always find her rocking dusty converse or silver jewelry. Sojin doesn't exactly plan all her outfits out but she does drive herself crazy in the morning trying to find something decent. She likes fresh fashion but vintage things too, Sojin's style is distinctly feminine however being comfortable is a must and don't expect her to put on anything that isn't practical -
extra : 
tattoo : each ring symbolizes a family member ( mom, dad, brother, sister ) simple yet precious -
piercings : she got them as like a rebellious teenager phase thing but now she loves them -
 birthmarks : a tiny, brown freckle on the inside of her wrist & another small one her collarbone -  

 it's time

personality :
❤ ] beautiful things are easily broken  Sometimes unique isn't always loud, bright, raging and alive. Sometimes it is the girl with sweet sepia eyes, moonbeam cheeks and a voice that sounds like four am in the morning; soft and tired; a haze of disrupted dreams and stifled desires-- this girl is Sang Sojin. A sensitive, quaint soul whose heart is b with a myriad of inspiration and hope. She's whimsical. Lost in reverie, she is filled with childish indecision and repressed brilliance. It's difficult to gauge her emotions, Sojin feels empathy and compassion; she is fragile due to a heightened sense of sensitivity and the world is a tragedy for those who feel. Sojin happens to be a small  and gentle thing. Insecure about the slightest details of her shape or face. She is in love with the idea, concept and fantasy of being accepted. She doesn't want or pine for much, you could say she is humble. The epitome of humility and modesty, they don't make them like Sojin anymore. Introverted, taciturn. Demure yet firm in ethics and beliefs, she is not normative. Very true to who she is and what she believes is just. But all beauty is flawed and Sojin struggles to understand and accept the cruel fate that is reality. Why can't two people who love each other be together? Why are people unnecessarily mean and selfish? Why is it that many things are unfair and nobody does anything to make it right? Sojin is plagued by the modern world. It's perplexing, disconnected. Too fast moving and unappreciative of what fragile artistry exists. Sojin is the kind of person who wishes for world peace, that wants to end world hunger and the love of violence that has become instilled in us all whether it be glorifying war or the endless onslaught of gory movies, video games and media that we as a society, chose to accept.

[ ] so tender, so unsophisicated & pure→ Naive in her own right, Sojin gives too much of herself to people who don't deserve it. She is too trusting, too eager to gift her heart and make others happy. It's difficult to love so deeply, so unconditionally that you chip bits and pieces off your soul that can never be reclaimed; Sojin is admittedly, a little broken. The kind of broken that smiles the brightest regardless of adversity or things that pick them apart. Sojin keeps her suffering, whether it be big or small, suppressed. She shelters it behind romantic smiles, dreamy stares and that little voice that doesn't ever stop singing. She's not sunshine, unrelenting and intense; often brighter on somedays and lackluster others, but rather Sojin is stardust. Incandescent against a tenebrous backdrop, she never stops glowing with quiet calidity that will  scald to the touch, it was cauterize any wound and make you wonder why this reserved young lady chooses to be so low-key. Silent acts of kindness are her thing, giving anonymously when no one is looking. Sojin isn't fond of the limelight, she shys away from undivided attention and doesn't need a giant social circle to keep her content. People who know Sojin, especially old people, find her charming. A lovely, affectionate person who isn't over the top and actually thinks before she speaks. Sojin can be a bit mysterious, not intentionally but often she is pushed into the background. An open book that not many choose to delve into because they're too busy scrolling and not into page turning. She is the diamond that gets tossed aside because everyone is collecting rocks but that's okay, Sojin will still be there. Waiting, forgiving, dreaming. 
likes : 
» iced coffee : the best contradiction in the world, she loves the cold and rich taste in the morning.
» comedy movies : she loves laughing, her favorite movies are ones that can make her clap like an amused seal.
» long drives : but it has to be when the sun has gone down and it's nice and temperate, music blasting and windows down.
» surprises : being surprised or surprising others. she loves watching reactions and loves the unexpected.
» belly laughter : she literally fangirls over that loud, carefree laugh people give when they are utterly hysterical.
» cracking glowsticks : random but it's one of those things she gets all giddy about, she buys them in bulk.
» music with heavy base : the kind that reverberates through your chest and tingles from your head to your toes.
» spicy food : jin loves the way it makes you sweat and pant, especially in the morning for breakfast to start her day.
» taking risks : she'll try anything once and who doesn't love spontaneity? jin lives the yolo life whenever possible.
» soda : it's so bad for her but she drinks more soda than anything else, she is addicted to the burn of the carbonation
dislikes :
» wearing socks : if she doesn't have shoes on, she's not wearing socks; she'd rather run around barefoot.
» illogical excuses : they drive her crazy and she really can't stand when people try to justify them.
» mean people : sounds generic but jin can't stand people who won't keep their rude, insensitive remarks to themselves.
» being coddled : If there's one thing jin absolutely hates, it's being treated like a child or like she can't handle herself.
» prissy individuals : seriously tho, get with the program. jin has no patience for excessively dainty people.
» running late : punctuality is a must for Sang Sojin. in fact, early is on time so andale muchachitos!
» unsolicited advice : when Sojin needs help or advice she will ask, if she doesn't want to hear it- refrain from harping pls.
» the unfaithful : she's all about family and loyalty. if you have obligations, you should stick to them.
» mind games : god no, sojin doesn't have the patience or heart to deal with twisted little mental games.
» being forced to speak : nobody likes being put on the spot. sojin absolutely abhorres that kind of stress.
habits :
» stand clear yo : if sojin is laughing, she starts hitting things. ex; her thigh, the air, closest person in proximity.
» great expectations : she is blindly optimistic. always assuming the best and it usually ends in heart break.
» turn it up dj : if a song she likes goes on, she's gonna start passionately lipsyncing to it or at least humming along.
» express yourself : she is very expressive with her facial features, whether it be an unpleasant nose wrinkle or sympathetic eyebrows.
hobbies :
» volleyball : she's a beast on the courts. spiking, diving, the only sport she's confident in her abilities.
» doodle doodle : she isn't davinci or anything but she is a serial doodler and isn't half bad. sojin loves to sketch anytime, anywhere.
» now you see it : ok sojin loves attempting magic tricks but she totally fails. lately she has been getting better but it's still cringe worthy. 
special talents : 
» ewh : she can her elbow and has a knack for imitating the voices of cartoon characters.
fears / phobias : 
» what the HELL is in that : sojin has a fear of harsh chemicals. when she was younger she had a bad experience with bleach and presently speaking, she avoids it and other chemicals as much as possible. she won't dye her hair, use brutal cleaning products or anything of the sort. she's very paranoid about excessively processed food as well. 
trivia :
» sojin is terrible with money, she's always miscounting change or even bills.
» she absolutely adores disney characters! from mickey mouse to lightning mcqueen.
» this girl is super ticklish and if you exploit this fact, she will hate chu 5ever.
» favorite color is teal; favorite number is 179 and she thinks the number 3 is evil. 
» sojin loves mangos with lots of spices and lemon, yum. or any fruit really.
» one thing she can't do is explain things, sojin gets tongue tied or just babbles.
» sojin is a total er for a boy with a cute eyesmile or beautiful laugh.
» she doesn't remember names that well, but she remembers faces in vivid detail.
» hopeless romantic right here, she is completely infatuated with the concept of love.
» sojin loves taking naps. anytime, anywhere. she's out cold in mere minutes.

 everything has changed
* history :
Life for Sang Sojin, the middle child of humanitarians, has always been marked by a sense of simplicity and appreciation for the everyday blessing of waking up, being surrounded by loved ones and being alive. She grew up with an encouraging mother full of boundless love, a proud father always pushing her forward, an elder sister she could look up to and a younger brother, who drove her up the wall but was also someone to nurture. Nothing was ever close to perfection but Sojin never felt incomplete. She had what she needed, spoiled every once and while but relatively and generally speaking, her life has always been average. Plain vanilla; simple yet sweet. She has always been thankful, living in a city where not everyone has had it as painless as her though she wonders why it has to be so. High school was her favorite era. Surrounded by kids whose dreams had yet to be hindered, it was a melting pot. She enjoyed the environment, loved to learn and be involved. She was one of the few kids who actually enjoyed it. Graduation was a bittersweet day and being exposed to the " real " world was borderline traumatizing.
Sojin's life before Eden was normal. Maybe a little boring. Pursuing an education, living at home. Her daily grind was insipid, monotonous. The only thing she really had to spice things up was her boyfriend and at first, everything was a fairytale. Complete with midnight serenades and love letters; she thought she was in love. That he was gonna be the one but the frequency of his calls, his sweet nothings and text messages dwindled. The fire they supposedly possessed had waned to smoldering ashes that couldn't keep an energetic boy like him entertained. It was heart breaking, watching him fall out of love before her very eyes and any attempts to stop this, only made her look desperate and obsessed. She invested all of herself into this relationship. Spent countless nights unable to sleep and wasted hours daydreaming of everything being okay again. It made her sad. The type of undeniable sadness that you can see in her smile, in the way she speaks and looks around like she's lost.
initial impression of eden : it's...lowkey. a bit old fashioned and quiet but i kinda like it to be honest. it's unspoiled, it's..unique? i mean i doubt there's other places like this around korea. different isn't always bad and eden feels good. i mean i get good vibes from it, from the locals. it's decent, not bad at all. 
* family :
mommy | Kang Keusun | 46 | social worker | Feminine and demure but still firm and unyielding, she's learned to be independent while balancing work and her family. keusun is upbeat for her age, still very active and on the go. | Sojin and her mother have a very healthy relationship in terms of communcation and respect. They understand each other a lot for the most part and Keusun is always supporting her daughter. Eager to be involved in her life as much as possible though sometimes she can be a bit over bearing and critical of Sojin's decisions.

daddy | Sang Jae Wook  | 48 | dentist | Laid back, easy going but hard working and filial. He's definitely a family man, quite jovial and approachable but always the patriarch who handles the difficult decisions and disciplinary actions. | Jae Wook adores all his children and Sojin is no acception. Their relationship is playful, he is the cool dad that Sojin can't talk to about everything. He tries very hard to understand his teenage daughter, he is her foundation in life and is always the person she can run to when she is scared or unsure of herself but he is big poppa bear who can be scary.

sister | Sang Han Bi | 22 | receptionist | Good natured, reliable but a bit vain and hyperaware of who she surrounds herself with. Han Bi is pretty intelligent. Sharp and intutive too. Can't pull the wool over her eyes. | Sojin has always worshipped and looked up to her beautiful big sister, in return Han Bi has always seen Sojin as little doll to play dress up with and teach. As they have grown older, their relationship has matured and Sojin goes to Han Bi for adult advice, she values her opinion and Han Bi will mess you uP IF YOU HURT BB JIN, ok. These girls are best friends.

brother | Sang Bae | 15 | full time student | He was the brattiest child in the world but he has grown up to be an impeccable young man thanks to his older sisters who refuse to have a brute for a brother! Bae is gentle, confident and warm. A reliable friend and the boy who you wished lived next door | Jin noona is uber precious to Bae. He thinks she is the most fragile little thing and he wants to protect her just as much as she wants to protect him. He is already taller but Jin still calls and considers him her baby brother.
* pets :
mochi | 2 | male | 21 months | maine coon kitty
friends :
the hospitable sweetheart » sojin very much appreciates what a hard working and generous person she is.
the local femme fatale  » sojin loves upbeat people who can smile and laugh freely without worry.
the rambunctious leader's love interest » he is one of those people who is charming in a big brother kind of way.
* other friends :
 Heo Gayoon | 23 | convience store clerk | Gayoon is all that a bag of chips ( which'll cost you 2807 won ok ) she is quite sassy but sweet. A good head on her shoulders with self respect and manners. She is polite, good natured and pretty damm smart too | Sojin was immediately attracted to Gayoon because she reminds of the girl of her older sister. They have fortified a solid friendship, Gayoon being the eonni that Sojin looks to when she needs something or just someone to talk to. Together they get quite giggly and are all smiles, Sojin feels a lot more confident with Gayoon around and gets a bit clingy though Gayoon doesn't mind at all because Sojin is the little sister she never had.

Kim Seokjin " Jin " | 20 | barista | He is one of those reserved, angry looking guys with a mysterious past that really isn't too pleasant. Jin is more shy than anyting. Closed off and cautious of the people he lets into his life but Jin is a good guy. You just have to peel back a few layers of agression and bitterness to find him. | Ironically, they have the same nickname of " Jin " and he knows how to make her iced coffee just the way she likes it. You see, she totally thought he was intimdating at first and he totally thought she was another careless tourtist but they were both very wrong and have developed this mutual understanding that has blossomed into a shy, precious little friendship.  
* enemies :
 Kim Dasom | 20 | waitress at local diner | Dasom is a self important girl with major ambitions that are a bit too large to fit into Eden. She is tenacious, slightly manpulative and quick to judge but she isn't a bad person. She's smart, practical and calculating. | From the very get-go, Dasom wasn't too fond of Sojin who was a bit too clumsy, a bit too quiet and a bit too pretty. She assumed the younger girl was pointless, a waste of time and didn't bother to help her out so their relationship is tensed. Sojin avoiding Dasom and Dasom glaring from the corner of her eye.  
 anything could happen
love interest : Kim Jongin
back-up love interest : Kim Myungsoo
personality : independent, perceptive, flexible, inquistive, rational, sincere and insightful.
[ ] boys aren't supposed to be beautiful Kim Jongin is the boy with constellations thoughts searching for the girl with a telescope tucked against her ribs, he is the insomniac looking for the arms to crawl into and find sweet slumber. He is a lot of things you don't expect. Tanned skin, lucious dark hair and that gorgeous smile-- you assume he has to be magnetic, he must be interesting but in reality he is just Kim Jongin. A nineteen year old small town boy who isn't really sure what he wants in life. Jongin is what he is; slightly brusque, calloused and raw. Lacking in patience but very much attentive and analytical of his surrondings. Don't bother him, he won't bother you. Jongin is; however, quite silly. Easily startled and quick to fall madly, helplessly in love. 
* first impression : He has a beautiful, beautiful--distracting smile. 



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