This isnt fair

I asked my dad if I could go to the Infinite concert, and for a few weeks hes been saying I can and planning it. But as soon as I woke up this morning, my mom started about it and saying I cant go.

it isnt fair. My sister was allowed to go to London to go to a concert but as soon as its me asking, my mom starts having ago at me. This is the 3rd time shes stopped me going to a kpop concert. Im sick of it.


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what's stopping you? If she doesn't let you
ugh im so frustrated for you
geez its just a concert
ally-chan #2
there is a 2pm concert in frankfurt and i can't go because my parents don'T want me to go, even though frankfurt is only like 1/2h -1h from home.
besides, i can'T go cause there has to be someone not underage there and i don't know anyone like that who likes kpop.
you're not the only one.
<.< She senses that if you'll then you won't come back...

Chill though... the only excitement I get is hearing about NU'EST being a few thousand kilometers away from me... last time it was Turkey. Hooray!
kissmekris #4
what's the age difference between you and your sister? if there is a large age difference (assuming she's older than you) than it's natural for your mum to be worried about you, but if she isn't much older than you, you should ask your mum why she won't let you and guilt trip her, by frequently mentioning how your sister is allowed to go to kpop concerts >:D
Yaaah, it´s worse when you can´t go because of money, believe me XDD (or because anyone comes to Spain dsghdsjghd ó_ó)
She is just worried about you. 8I She doesn't know what's going to happen and chances are you are still young.

There will be MANY more concerts for you to go to. I am definitely not saying she was right for suddenly changing her mind, but in truth, she is your mother and she has her reasons, be them valid or not.

She loves you. 8)
beulucido #7
I hate when that happens
Seriously, my mom ALWAYS does that. I don't like concerts though, it's mostly over other things