es get stiches


So, I went to ballet tonight, and everything was fine until one of the most anoying girls in the world walks in.

And by annoying, I mean she literally bashes my Kpop music every time one of my friends asks me a question about it.

So when my friend Laura asked me a question about Teen Top, the girl butts in and starts hating.

Now, normaly, I would just let it go and not respond.

But this time....mmm...not so much.

I turned around and gave her a piece of my mind.

Basically, this is how it went:

Laura: "So tell me about Teen Top!  They are so hot, I wanna know more."

Me: "Okay! That is right up my ally." *Le me begings to explain*

: "Oh my God that music is SO annoying! I don't even know what they're saying!"

Me: *Turns around slowly* "Listen , nobody gives two s if you hate Kpop. Kay? So back the up and lay off. Or else I will personally staple your mouth shut." *Turns back around to Laura who is smiling giving me a thumbs up*

*end scene*

SO yeah, thats how it went. haha just thought ya'll might enjoy that. ^_^



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ppeytonn #1
XD wish I could have been there to see that
Chirimasa #2
go hard or go home xD hehe, goodjob. ~