` ♡〈 caught 〉in between — character's name

Delete all the hints please, including this one. All, okay. Double-check them. DELETE ALL HINTS. » Always set your blogpost to public.
And double-check your grammars and typos too please, we'd really appreciate it. :D


Change the middle picture with a picture of your first ulzzang, size 300 x 200px landscape.
Change the picture on the left and right with the pictures of both love interests, size 150 x 100px landscape.
Choose pictures that represents their personalities best. Delete this guide afterwards


`  the  〈 plotline 〉  one
  username » what should we call you? » activity level 1 - 5

` she's my lady 〉

full name » self-explanatory, preferably korean though.
nickname » if any. if none, put n/a.
d.o.b : age » dd/mm only : double-check it with your chosen plot.
ethnicity » must be half-asian and don't go all hybrid please.
birthplace hometown » where she was born : where she grew up. if it's the same, write only once.
languages » state fluency too. and don't go too overboard.

` when you smile, sun shines 〉

ulzzang » name of your chosen ulzzang.
— pictures » 5 HQ links or a gallery.
back-up ulzzang » just in case.
— pictures » 5 HQ links or a gallery.
appearance » only if it's different from the appearance of your ulzzang. any piercings, tattoos, scars, birth-marks, hair color, eye color,  height/weight, anything should go here too. links are appreciated. 
style » short explanation of her fashion style. links or neat pictures are highly appreciated.

` my beautiful black pearl 〉

key traits » a few words of her personality traits. don't just use the ones we've provided though.
personality » explain the key traits above. minimum of two good paragraphs, and remember, be unique, creative and appealing.
family background » short or long, doesn't matter. just put things that are important for us to know.
special talents » as in real talents like singing, modelling, art, not blowing off candles with her nose--
trivias » her likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, fears, special talents, whatever you want. put in a bulleted list please. it can be as many and as weird as you want. 

` baby, don't cry tonight 〉

academic major » max. 1 major + 1 minor.
college year » freshman/sophomore/junior/senior.
history behind this major preference » if there are none, just put n/a.
grades ranking » genius/smart/average/below average. be realistic, not everyone's genius/smart.
clubs » any clubs she's in ; make sure it suits her personality and the plot. if there are none, put n/a.
persona » summarize her daily college life in two or three words. like, the happy-go-lucky nerd, the invisible wallflower, idek ok lame examples but you get it. i hope. sobs.

` walking into my door 〉

family members
— relation* : name : age : alive/dead : occupation : personality (key adjectives only) : relationship with character in a few sentences.

— relation* : name : age : alive/dead : academic major : personality (key adjectives only) : relationship with character in a few sentences.

rival : name : age : alive/dead : academic major : personality (key adjectives only) : relationship with character in a few sentences.

replace relation with father/mother/brother/sister/friend/bestfriend/acquaintance/whatever.
copy and paste it if needed. friends & rival has to be from K-Pop. Rival is not mandatory but if you're using it, it should be a love-related rival. don't forget to delete this hint when you're done.

` running into your heart 〉

love interest 1 » name : college year : academic major.
— back-up » name : college year : academic major // name : college year : academic major
personality » in a few sentences only please.
meeting » did they already knew each other or will they meet in the story? ideas are appreciated.
relationship » how you two act around each other.

love interest 2 » name : college year : academic major.
— back-up » name : college year : academic major // name : college year : academic major
personality » in a few sentences only please.
meeting » did they already knew each other or will they meet in the story? ideas are appreciated.
relationship » how you two act around each other.

which one do you want to end up with and why? » short explanation only please.
what should happen to the other one? » turns gay, married another girl, any. put n/a if you have no idea or want us to decide it for you.

` say no more 〉

scene requests » meeting scene? fluffy scene? fighting scene? go wild please, we won't mind some inspirations. heheh.
extras » anything you want to say or add?
quote » give us a quote that represents your character and plotline. eg. vivacious, the quote is "You'll find life is still worthwhile if you just smile"; or agile: "Growing old is a fact, but growing up is a choice." still confused? ask us. \o/


`  〈 back to school 〉 




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Finishedddd :) Hope you like her ^^

oh! and just a heads up. The application might be a little long e.o haha
Sorry. I got carried away. xD

I finished with the changes! this isn't the edit version omg that was embarrassing
Here's my app ^^
I presented Kwon HyoRi

Hope you like her ^^
here's my app! I'm finally done with it~
applied as Kang Soyeon ^^
krystaliu #6
Finally done with my app! :3 I took long didn't I? LOL
Here! I applied as "The Agile One"! c:

(` http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/627144 )
applying as song haerin, the delicate one
annyeong! I applied as Seol Hana ^ ^

hellowww i fixed the app~! hope you like her now o/

haaaii /waveu/
applied as shin hyojoo!

Harin have fixed her application :3
Hope her personality is okay now ;;
applying for vivacious.
hope you like her o/
