how to maintain two roles in the same time?! tell meeee!l

soooo you know my group's next cover is wolf. i already memorized all the dance because im being ninja at the moment kekeke..

as usual, i became baekhyun. and because theres only nine of us, some of us have to do 2roles. i take baek and tao just because theyre my biases-,- tao's part was okay, it was easy to do, not really complicated moves.

but then baekhyun being a tree... my waist hurts, and then... huft...

two roles... my knees are covered with bruises because both of them had moments whre they either slide or kneel.

not to mention i am forever the music director because im the only one capable to do so. so... edit music and dance too.. and i am kind of the second duizhang...

i like dancing ao doing so wasnt a big burden but my body aches... mainly becaue i have to be the tree and lean back for a good half a minute, it hurts yooo

my partner was thin, and so do i, that if we form the tree we are both shaking and sweating. its that awful. but the good part is that i can dance to wolf now!

but wait, here comes the boom, before dancing to wolpeu, we dance to teaser 23 first. still remember that? it was angel, and where all members appeared except baekyeolchen.

i am too lazy to learm so i take xiumin's part, assuming it was easy.....



wish me luck. i have too many roles to maintain. gonna upload tje video after we finished the performance which was on july 6...


support me, ne?!


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