So why all of a sudden? Apparently I told this guy that I "disliked" this person and that evidentally turned into hate and he told her that. Which is the most funniest thing because I get to hear this from my OTHER FRIEND. Oh my gawd and do you know what I said? "IDAGF." Honestly, she's two faced, from a reliable source she's all like nicey-nice to the boys and then DO MY WORK FOR ME YOU SLAVE to the girls. It's like whoa whoa whoa WHOA. This is not very acceptable missy. You do not do stuff like that just to get some boys. NO.

I ain't even like that. I'M LIKE THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE. I'm the biatch from hell with guys and try to be the nicest I can to the people of the female race. But then again, THEY BOTH DESERVE THE SAME AMOUNT RESPECT GIRLIE. Why you're so nice to guys, the world may never know.

But honestly, HONESTLY. If you're gonna complain about why people hate you, BE SOCIAL. Woman, you're the new kid, we're not going to be all like, "you wann be our friends?" GIRL YOU WENT TO STADIUM. WE AIN'T GIVING YOU SPECIAL TREATMENT. THIS AIN'T NO MCDONALDS WHERE WE HAVE TO BE ALL NICE AND STUFF.  No, no, no. This is the world where high school drama exists.

Honey, change your personality, change your attitude, or no one is gonna like you.


Sorry for the rant, but it just had to be said.


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Seriously annoys me. Whoo, I have permission to rant! :)
Some people. >.>
It's fine to rant~