♔ ¦ ❝ the end ❞ 〉 Kan Yeon Hyo

 ¦  Kan Yeon Hyo 




Name: Kan Yeon Hyo

Loner- by many people because she is hardly seen with other people
Jag-eun bulkkoch- little flame, given to her by her adoptive mum 

Birthday: 08/29/1994


Nationality: Korean

Hometown: Busan, South Korea 

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Language(s): Korean (native)


Warm weather 
Being somewhere quiet and she can just sit there for hours on end 
Being told her parents would be proud of her 
People liking her for who she is 
Running to nowhere and seeing where she ends up 

People thinking she's a mean person before they get to know her 
Cold weather 
People who shout 
People who deliberatly test her patience 
Being told her jokes aren't funny 

Running to where the road takes her without telling anyone 
Reading crime stories 
Making charm bracelets to do with people's abilities e.g power of fire, orange charm bracelets etc.

Cracking her knuckles when she thinks she's going to use her powers 
Dropping her gaze to the floor when she's nervous 
Walking out of a room when she's angry to calm down and let of some steam 

Has a burn mark on her arm from the first time she used her fire so covers it up as much as possible 
Hasn't transformed into a wolf in over three years 
Her powers are useful for making camp fires 
Likes to amaze people by showing a 'magic' trick and making fire balls when she's really bored or they're sad 
Hasn't visited her parents and sister's grave since they died 
Is afraid to use her powers to scare people of in fights because she's afraid of hurting people on her side 
When she tells a joke she'll pause for three seconds to make sure people laugh 
Wants to go somewhere and watch her past to relive the good times
Has recurring nightmares about her family
Blames herself for everything that happened to her family

Autophobia- the fear of being alone 
Oneirophobia- the fear of dreams

Flaws: Often starts the fights without listening to people's explanations, jumps into things without thinking them through and sometimes ends up hurting herself, freezes and shakes her head when someone says to transform




Family members:


Kan Dongwook | 40 | Father | 4| School teacher | Made sure his daughters were proud of their heritage and was quite relaxed in letting them go out as wolves at night by themselves |  Wolf |  Dead

Kan Hyoyeon | 37 | Mother | 4| Housewife | Quite shy and often worried that Yeon Hyo would get a power she wouldn't be able to control and when she realised it was to late |  Wolf |  Dead



Kan Joo Hyun | 4 | Younger sister | 4 | N/A | Sweet and kind and would often cry if she didn't understand anything |  Wolf |Dead



Other Relative(s): 

No Soo Jung | 57 | Adoptive mother | 5 | Chef | Confident and headstrong, she tried to encourage Yeon Hyo to continue with her abilities, whilst Yeon Hyo used her flame a little she never transformed into a wolf |  Wolf | Alive 



Kang Yu Ri | 19 | The two grew up in Busan together until Yeon Hyo's parents and sister died, since then the two will meet and have the occassional chat but they don't really see themselves as that close | 3 | University student | Quite shy and tends to bury herself in studying rather than going out, socialising and having a good time | Human 


Best Friend: 

People sometimes get freaked out by Yeon Hyo when she's not telling jokes so she hasn't really had the chance to make a best friend 



Personality: Many people look at Yeon Hyo and think she's cold and could be a bully, instead she is quite the opposite and is always cracking up jokes, good ones and really, really bad ones for anyone feeling down to bring the mood back up. It's just when she gets angry or someone asks her about her past should you be afraid. Yeon Hyo has a very short temper, she could probably put up with someone annoying her for less than a minute and then she is shouting at them, calling them names and eventually picking a fight with them, she does look weak but can for sure back herself up when people challenge her. There's no doubt that all Yeon Hyo wants is for people to like her and be her friend but what annoys her is that her temper and 'special abilities' get in the way of that and chases people away, making her wish half the time that she was the never the way she was and that instead she was normal like everyone else. 

Family History: Yeon Hyo is a Korean girl through and through. Growing up, she was part of quite a wealthy family... who were all wolves and had their own abilities... not that Yeon Hyo cared, she was actually proud of her heritage and couldn't wait for her powers to come along. When she was eight years old, Yeon Hyo was often bullied by people she went to school with, one day she got so angry with them,  she shouted for them to shut up and out of nowhere she was creating fire balls and throwing them at the bullies scaring them away and scaring her. She ran home scared of what she was doing and outisde her house was screaming for her parents to come out and help her, in the process, she threw more flamballs at the house and the next thing she knew, her house was on fire but her family wasn't outside and Yeon Hyo couldn't run in after them because she had used up all her energy. In the end, when help finally arrived it was to late, her parents and little sister were gone and Yeon Hyo could blame no one but herself. 

Since then she moved to Seoul and was adopted by her adoptive mother who was like Yeon Hyo and tried to encourage Yeon Hyo to continue with her powers but since her parents death, Yeon Hyo has done nothing but blamed herself, built up a reputation for herself and has tried to exclude herself from her powers, the only time she ever uses them is when she is really ticked of. 

Persona: The wild one

Badge: Fire


Ulzzang name: Baek Su Min 

Links: isa | dalawa | tatlo | apat 


Back-Up: Choi Ye Na 

Links: uno | dos | tres 


You in wolf form: one | two | three


Fashion Style: 1 2 3 4 5 



Love Interest: Kim Jong In (Kai)

Have you met?: No

If no, how will you two meet?: Jongin see's Yeon Hyo walking away after an argument and follows her to ask her if she's alright. That's when Yeon Hyo steps out into the road without looking and almost gets hit by a car until Jongin teleports her away. Despite saving her, she burns him a little in anger and runs away muttering to herself whilst the girls run after her to try and calm her down. 



Back-Up: Zhang Yixing (Lay)

Have you met?: No

If no, how will you two meet?: Yixing and Yeon Hyo have to work together on a project and Yixing finds the burn mark on Yeon Hyo's arm, he attempts to heal it but Yeon Hyo pulls her arm away telling him it's not worth it. 




Im Yoon A | 23 | Hard | The two lived on the same road in Seoul, one day Yoona got moody with Yeon Hyo and shouted that she thought her parents were glad they were dead instead of having to put up with her... and Yeon Hyo almost set fire to her hair  | Human 



Comments/Suggestions: If anything is wrong, please tell me and I'll fix it :) 

Scene Requests:
The two 'Wild Ones' having to stick up for each other when they get into a fight 
Each of the girls having their own moments with their love interest

Did I miss anything?: N/A


Password: yes sir! i'm one of a kind


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hihi. :"> i lub ur pw <3

anyways, i got no complaints here. ^0^ yaaay. unlike the other app >___> orz