Daydream ¦ SM's New Girl Group ♦♦ ¦ Kae SookHyo


Daydream Application


( ★ ) Hello,Hello

Username: kpopgirl1

Activeness: 7

Real Name : Katie 

 ) Know Your Name

Full Korean Name : Kae Sook Hyo 

Other Name : Willow (Her English name)

Nicknames : Agasook, Gordon, Little Miss Giggles

Age : 22

Birthdate : 12/17/1990

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea 

Hometown : Incheon, South Korea

Bloodtype: AB

Chinese Zodiac : Horse 

Height : 167cm

Weight: 48kg 

Languages : Korean (fluent)

★ ) Can You Smile

Personality: SookHyo is a girl who loves to have a laugh whether that be having a joke with her friends, watching her dad embarrass himself trying to do a foreward role or playing the occassional prank on someone. Many people would think that SookHyo was still in her late teens rather than her early 20's as she sometimes acts childish and is always mucking around. However, there are times where SookHyo loses her fun side and acts her age and like a mature woman her parents raised her to be, when her friends are being bullied she's there to help them, when someone bad mouths her parents she'll defend them to the ends of the Earth and bad mouth the other person's parents. 

All in all, SookHyo is a girl who loves to have fun and cheer up the people around her in order to keep the mood lively and when she's not doing that and the situation turns serious; big sister SookHyo steps in and helps the people around her out. 

Background: SookHyo was a girl born and raised in South Korea. Unlike some of her friends she didn't move from country to country, the only places she moved was from Seoul to Incheon... not a great distance but that was it. Growing up, SookHyo's parents were slightly poorer than other people that they knew and whilst they couldn't give SookHyo all the expensive luxuries in life, they still gave her stuff like a mobile phone and a television in her room. Nontheless SookHyo wasn't bothered with that, she was greatful that her parents loved her and that was what was important for her. 

When she was five, SookHyo began going to jazz and tap lessons and by the time she was eleven began taking hip-hop lessons from her neighbour who had recently moved to Incheon from New York. At ten her mother convinced her to take singing lessons and she then later began taking an interest in becoming a performer before audtioning when she was 14.

Fathers home made stew 
Playing pranks on people 
Disney world
Anything crazy. whacky and out of this world 

People shouting and backchatting her 
Self-obssessed people 

Learning to cook- she can only cook noodles and wants to learn more to cook for other people 
Playing games- she is a game geek and loves playing on her Nintendo 
Learning to swim- she can't swim so she wants to learn for hwen she has kids of her own and take them swimming when she's older

Puffing her cheeks out when she's angry 
Sleep walking 
Shouts "Aniyo" in a high pitched voice when she doesn't want to do something 

Water- she can't swim 
Blood- she faints whenever she sees it

Wants to learn a language people wouldn't usually learn 
Got her English name from her neighbours when they first met each other 
As soon as she got her passport for the first time, she almost cried out of happiness because she could now go to Disney World 
SookHyo is an only child
Has the nickname Gordon because when somebody asked her what her English name was, she said Gordon instead of Willow
If she ever gets the chance to debut in a group, she can't wait for younger members to call her Unnie
When she first got her Iphone, she had to ask her friend how to use it because it was a touch screen phone and not a keypad phone 
Wants to buy a holiday home in Brazil close to where she can see the carnivals
Would like to go to Disney World, Cambodia, Brazil and London
If she was chosen to be the leader, she would be a fun leader who would only be strict when she needs to be 
Has the nickname Agasook- aga means baby in reference to her childish attitude 
Is called Little Miss Giggles because she loves to laugh
Was a backing dancer for BoA and TVXQ pre-debut 
Want's a pet armadillo 
Holds her emmotions in and takes care of others before she finally cracks and lets it all out 
When training she wear contact lens, other times its glasses 
Want's to take her parents to Canada for a holiday one day to say thank you to them 


 ) Song For My Juliette

Idol Name : Taeyeon 

Links : 1|2|3|4|5|6|

Backup Idol Name : Dasom

Links : 1|2|3|4|5|

 ) Neh Aboji !

Family: Kae Chanyoung | 54, 01/27/1959 | Chef | A hard working but generally clumsy man | Chanyoung is always making SookHyo laugh because of the fact that he is really clumsy, however, he is a VERY good cook who taught SookHyo how to make her noodles and is always giving her recipes to try out and perfect.

Kae YeonSeul | 50, 09/14/1962 | Teacher | A kind and caring woman who loves to have a good laugh| SookHyo and her mother are always laughing at SookHyo's dad because he's always finding ways to embarrass himself. Growing up, YeonSeul would always try to get SookHyo stuff so she wouldn't feel left out at school, however, SookHyo didn't care for this she was just happy with what she had already.

Friends: Jaejoong | 27, 01/26/1986| When SookHyo first came to SM, Jaejoong would help her out and make sure she was settled in | Since Jaejoong left SM, he and SookHyo don't get the chance to meet to meet each other that much. However, SookHyo still sees him as an older brother figure who always gave her advice and hopes that he'll come back to TVXQ one day | His appearance may seem one that is cold but in reality he is actually a really sweet and lovely guy

Victoria | 26, 02/02/1987 | When Victoria first came to Korea, SookHyo would help her out by making actions and saying stuff slowly until Victoria understood what she was talking about | Victoria at the moment is beginning to teach SookHyo Mandarin and the two, when possible, go out for coffees and shopping trips  | A lovely and funny girl who is a natural born leader  

Best friends : Han Yong | 22, 02/13/1991 | They met in school | Yong and SookHyo growing up were inseperable, together they would play pranks on people and always go for sleepovers. Despite SookHyo now being at SM and Yong now living in London, the two always speak over Skype and catch up with each other when possible | A lively girl who loves to laugh and play pranks just as much as SookHyo does. 

Interesting moment with family: When SookHyo was four she kept showing of that she could do a foreward roll and asked her dad to attempt it. When her dad did he split his trousers and got stuck halfway through the roll so his wife had to come and help him. 

★ ) Hate You !

Rival Name : Tiffany

Age : 23 

Group : SNSD

Personality : Tiffany may seem to look like a lovely and kind member of her group... in reality she is a mean and two faced girl who constantly talks about people behind her back.

Reason of Rivalry: Tiffany and SookHyo were originally roomates but never got along with each other because Tiffany would always insult SookHyo in English and SookHyo would always nag her to keep their dorm clean. After much arguing, Tiffany was moved to a different dorm and SookHyo had another person put with her... since then the two have hated each other.

 ) I Am Your Super Star

How Do You Get Into SM?: When she was fourteen, she auditioned for SM in their weekly auditions and had to go through two more auditions before being accepted into the company. 

Trainee Life: SookHyo found the dancing part of her training the easiest and would sometimes be put with the boy trainees for dance practice. She had to work harder on her singing as her vocals were weak and eight years on she's still working as hard as she did when she first joined.

Position: Leader, Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist

Back-Up Position: Charmer, Visual, Lead dancer, Vocalist 

Persona: The childish charmer

Stage Name: Sunhi 

Years of Training: 8 years 

Fanclub Name and Color: Little clowns and turquoise 

Singing Twin and Link: Taeyeon 

Dancing Twin and Link: Minzy

Rapping Twin and Link: Jia

Speaking Twin and Link: Taeyeon

★ ) Heart To Heart

Love Interest: Jonghyun

Age : 23

Group : SHINee

Personality : The power vocals of SHINee who is also said to be quite the charmer and knows his way with the ladies

Relationship : Jonghyun and SookHyo loves to play pranks on each other and the people around them, sometimes having competitions to see who can pull the better prank. Jonghyun is always looking out for SookHyo and SookHyo has liked him since they first met and got to know each other.

How you met : Jonghyun and SookHyo both entered SM around the same time and would always hang around each other, overtime the two became friends and SookHyo began to develop a little crush on him

Backup Love Interest: Kim Minseok (Xiumin)

Age : 23

Group : EXO

Personality : Just because he's 23 doesn't mean he acts it. He's always the one to laugh and joke around but once the others need him, he becomes the oldest once again and big brother Minseok steps in.

Relationship : SookHyo and Xiumin are always talking to each other and SookHyo loves to play pranks on him since she's gotten to know him. Xiumin is always making her laugh and since she's learnt of his nickname, constantly calls him Baozi

How You Met : SookHyo was dared to play a prank on one of the new trainees back in 2008 by Jonghyun, however when she saw him and how nice he was she couldn't prank him and instead picked somebody else.

(  ) Goodbye and Hello

Suggestion : Nothing I can think of 

Comments : Hope you like her ^.^ Tell me if anything is wrong :) 

Scene Requested : The group going on Hello Baby or some members going on We Got Married with their love interests
Huge argument between the members which brings them closer

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