Faerie application- Tai Shouhui


Tai Shouhui || Down the Rabbit Hole

Who are you?

Username: kpopgirl1
Activity: 8
Nickname: mikki

The Girl with the Dream

Name: Tai Shouhui
Nickname(s): Juren, Hua, Curious Shou
Age: 18
Birthday: December 31st 1994
Birthplace: Xining, Qinghai Province
Hometown: Tongling, Anhui Province
Ethnicity: Chinese
Height: 170cm 
Weight: 50kg 
Bloodtype: AB
Languages: Mandarin (fluent), Korean (semi), English (basic)

Personality: Shouhui is often described as an interesting girl and even sometimes a child. No not because she's childish but because of her curious and hyper nature. Whenever she goes to a new place or she's trying out something new, she will always ask questions about it and if she sees someone doing something she has never seen before, she will watch them even if they tell her to go away because they find her distracting... she wont. She is a girl who takes learning very seriosuly and enjoys learning about different cultures or different languages, however at the same time if you get enough sugar down her she is bouncing of the walls and it can take quite a while for her to calm down. 

When she's not being curious or hyper, she is always cracking jokes to keep people happy and laughing and is rarely seen without a smile on her face, when people hear her laugh they can tell its her from a mile away and she is always keeping everyone in high spirits... even when they just want to be left alone she wont and always manages to cheer them up somehow at times when things go wrong or not how she wants them to go she can be quite the diva, but give it ten minutes she's back to her usual old self again. However, behind this is a shy and timid girl who was orignally scared to stand out and be herself and just wants to forget her past and look forward to a future where people accept her for who she is and not hate her. 

Steamed buns 
Her grandmothers home hot pot 
Learning about the good and the weird things in the world 
People who are taller than her 
Stuffed toys- she has a lot of them on her bed 
Super Junior M 
People who are way shorter than her 
Wearing high heels 
Anything thats too spicy
Being asked about her parents 
Playing sports 
Learning Korean 
Collecting souvenirs from places she goes to
Shouting 'Grr' when she's angry 
Talking in Mandarin in her sleep 
Biting her lip when thinking about food
When her move to Korea was made permanent, the first thing she did was go to the beach because where she grew up, the palce was landlocked and beaches were to far away to get to 
She has the nickname Juren as it means Giant 
Her school back in Tongling had a female basketball team and Shouhui was the star player because of her height 
She can be quite competitive at times
She has the nickname Hua as her grandmother would always say- Wo de hua- My little flower when she was growing up and still calls her it today
Gymnasts freak her out- she doesn't like how they can bend their bodies like that and it doesn't hurt them at all 
When she gets the money, she wants to buy passports for her grandparents and bring them over to Korea to visit her and take them on holiday to London
When she got the newest Samsung Galaxy, she had to ask her friend to teach her how to use it because she wasn't use to touch screen phones

The Outside Appearance

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seul Mi
Ulzzang Photos: 1 2 3 4 

Back-Up Ulzzang: Eugin 
Back-Up Photos: 1 2 3 4

Sleep: 1 2 3
Dorm: 1 2 3
Training: 1 2 3
Casual: 1 2 3
Formal: 1 2 3

The Drive Behind it All

Family: Grandmother| Tai BaoYu | 63 | Kind and caring, always there for a chat| BaoYu always encouraged her grandaughter to try all sorts of things as she was growing up to get as much of a life as she possibly could before it was to late and she was married with children, that is why when Shouhui told her she got into NH, her grandmother told her to take the oppurtunity whilst it was there and to never look back, always look forward to the great things to come. 

Grandfather | Tai Jinping | 65 | Hard working, caring, joker | Jinping is always making Shouhui laugh with stories about him as he was growing up and trying to "woo" her grandmother. At the same time he is a hard-working man who works to get what he wants whilst at the same time cares for his family and always does his best to provide for them and made sure they're safe, making him one of Shouhui's idols. 

History: Shouhui has never met her parents, before she was born her father ran out on her mother when he found out she was pregnant and she herself didn't want to keep the baby as she was about to enter University and was adamant on an abortion. However, Shouhui's grandparents stopped her and told her they would raise Shouhui once she was born which is what happened and even though Shouhui's mum promised her parents that she would visit her daughter as she grew up, she never kept the promise and moved away from China altogether to escape her past. As Shouhui grew up she tried many times to get into contact with her mother but everytime her mother would refuse and tell her to go away. Growing up, Shouhui would attend ballet and jazz lessons, however as she grew taller she gave up ballet and started hip hop lessons whilst carrying on her jazz lessons as well. 

At school, Shouhui was often bullied because of her height as nearly every other girl in her school was shorter than her and so she was often called Giant and more mean nicknames. However, once the schools female basketball team started and she was forced to join, she became a hero within her school because of her height and able to get to places where others couldn't get to. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own songs, most of them about her mum and wanting to meet her. She is known as being a very greatful girl as growing up, her grandparents couldn't do a lot with her but they always gave her luxuries such as mobile phones (even if they were the oldest ones going) and a television for her bedroom. Not once did she complain about not having the latest gadgets like everyone else, as her grandparents gave her the greates gift possible, life. 

When she was fifteen, she was sent on a year long exchange to Korea and whilst out shopping in Myeongdong with her friend, someone from NH Media spotted her and asked her to audition, which she did and eventually signed for him. She hasn't been home since but is always on the phone to her grandparents telling them about what she's been up to. 

Friends: Park Yoona | 18 | -- | Yoona was Shouhui's buddy when she first came to Korea | A very kind and caring girl who never says no and will always try out new things | Yoona is always there for Shouhui when she wants to have a chat, even if her Korean still isn't that the two are always speaking to each other and Yoona is always there to help Shouhui when she's confused or stuck on stuff, such as trying to work out how to use her phone.

Luhan | 22 | EXO | Shouhui helped him and EXO M with their version of MAMA | Even though he's the second oldest in EXO... he doesn't look it all and at times never acts it, however, he is always there whenever his other members need him for comfort or a good laugh | Shouhui sees Luhan as an older brother types figure as he's always asking if she's alright and teaches her Korean whenever he can, if not then it's down to Xiumin and Chen. At the same time he also likes to play pranks on Shouhui however she quickly gets her revenge.

Rival: --

Love Interest: Choi Minho | 21 | SHINee | Shouhui helped to compose Sherlock so she was there whilst they were preparing for it and got to know SHINee that way | Minho is quite a competitive person, however he is also humble and a very kind person who becomes shy quite easily | Shouhui and Minho are always having mini competitions to see who is the better of the two and at the present time they're currently equal. Minho is always looking out for Shouhui and cheering her up on the rare occassions that she's sad. For a while Shouhui has liked Minho but she cant find the confidence to tell him

Back-Up Love Interest: Chen | 20 | EXO | Shouhui helped him and EXO M with their version of MAMA | Even though his Mandarin isn't that good, that doesn't stop Chen from being the resident troll within his group. At the same time, he also has an agellic voice which captures his fans | Chen is always playing tricks on Shouhui, at the same time he also likes to look out for her and teaches her Korean and she teaches him Mandarin so they both can improve. 

The Girl on Fire

Stagename: Huan- means happiness in Chinese and she's always happy when around people

Persona:  Curious bubble of joy 
Personal Fanclub: Shougirls
Fanclub color: Yellow
Personal motto: 'Being curious allows you to explore a world you never thought existed'

Position: Dancer, Vocalist, Composer 

Talents: Being able to do the crab pose, talking in the dialects of the two places she grew up in  
Weaknesses: Being asked about her past

Pre-debut Experience: Helped to compose EXO M's MAMA and SHINee's Sherlock, was a model for Samsung- hence she got her phone for free 
Trainee Years: 2.5 years

Singing: 1 2
Dancing: 1 2
Rapping: N/A

Almost There

Comments/Suggestions: Hope you like it and if there is anything wrong tell me :) 
Questions: Nothing I can think of :) 
Password: Fairy Tale
Scene Requests: 
The group going through an incident which brings them closer 
Having their own reality show 
Going on Shinhwa Broadcast or Idol Olympics- the audience can see just how competitive she is 


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Hmmm, I really like this character for Down the Rabbit Hole~!
I see nothing wrong with this app. It has the perfect amount of detail.
Thanks for applying~!