Do You Have A Request? :)

I'm going to come right out and say this: I have no idea what to write these days. I've been busy with school and life and a lot of stuff you guys surely don't want to hear about. Instead, I'm going to request from you guys to send in requests you might have. I am proud to say that my story Behind the Mask was a request and my favorite ever written by yours truly! :D

I can write most things, but it may take some time if it involves people I don't know much about. When I had to write about Hoya, I did some research about him before writing. It also gave me ideas. I write about anyone, really, but I will not write or bloody/gore things as it is really not my cup of tea... ^^

If you have anything you want to have written, please tell me! I really want to write something xD


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I have to say, I agree with you on the Behind the Mask. It was an amazing piece of work, and suggested by ME! Which makes it awesome. Not that it wasn't awesome before, but... You know what I mean.

HoSun is still a pairing I really like, but lately, there's an actor called Sung Joon that caught my eye. He was in Shut Up! Flower Boy Band (a terrible title, but actually not a bad plotline, it's pretty good), and his portrayal of th character was great. I'd like him with Sunny, if that's not too much to ask. If you don't want to do that, I also like BAP's Daehyun and Sunny.