help? Vote.

E)  Reaper


 Can someone help me with this. I need more suggestions. Vote which one you like best. If you don't like any of them, please suggest other awesome assassin names :D I need it for one of the characters in my story 'In The Shadows' :D Due to only 4 spaces, I can only put 4 names. So... if you like Reaper, just comment and say it :D


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But I lije Kyrian
Kyrian reminds me of a Dark Hunter :)
i'm not really sure... maybe Kyrian? :) it doesn't sound too cliche~ well, to me, at least xD
Kyrian sounds mysterious, unique and yet cool <3
cindy92pillay #5
hmmm...i think blake has an edge to the name
Kyrian is quite unique...hahas xD