Have you ever...

Hi dearies, 

First of all, i'm so sorry i didnt update my story as much often now. i got accepted in some elite boarding school and well, pretty much we are not allow to go bck home except in certain weeks and due to unavoidable problems. So sorry, might as well i put them on hiatus?

Have you ever feel lonely in a crowd? Have you ever feel like crying but youre not having troubles at all? Ever feel something is wrong but obviously and physically nothing is?

I do. And i don't even know why. I hve friends in my new school. And i dare say the whole batch knows me. I dont hve problems messing with my head. I'm quite happy living my life now despite some complaints of petty things, but i'm still happy. I had fun in most days in the school.

But why do I feel as such in certain time? And I'm just wondering if you felt the same too?


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I don't know if what I felt is similar to yours but I do at times feel like I don't belong with my friends. Sometimes I felt like it's not me whenever I hang with them, like I'm holding myself back when interacting. My mom says it's because my friends and I don't have the same 'wavelength', that's why I feel out of place.

I really want to tell more but rn I'm supposed to rush to somewhere. Don't be too sad, ok?