Apology accepted?

Hi guys. Am completely aware of my lacking in updates and am very sorry. My laptop was having a problem and I swear I felt like smashing it to ground and get a new one. But then again, I would only burden my parents and as obedient child as I ever was, I decided not to. The laptop was sent to the shop to get fixed and it came home with two news. A good one and a bad one. The good news is, it had been fixed and started working again. The technician deserved a big good old thumbs up (Y) And the bad news is, it had been re-formatted causing all of the datas in it to be deleted. So, technically, all the pictures, songs, videos and even the drafts of the story was gone. And I was left with nothing and had to start again on square one. Sigh.

Okay, maybe not square one. Such an exaggerator, I am. Maybe a few squares away bcs I had started the story? haha I hope all of you won't mind waiting and anticipating me. I'm so so so so sorry.


PS: I met this reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally cute dorky guy that happened to be my cousin's best friend and we started going out but as a friend, of course. And then, one day, we accidentally bumped into my ex and he was all, hmm, how should I explain this? Surprised? Shocked? Astonished? To see me with another guy beside him. Oh my lord, you have no idea how smug I felt that time. And he thought that I couldn't get another guy beside him. IN YA FACE, AAA!

lol okay sorry. It's just that I don't like him. Wait, no! I despise him. Wait, that doesn't sound right. I hate him. I loathe him. I hatred towards him.


Okay, thanks for reading, guys. 

xoxo, Aliana.


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Haha you used your real name!!! Alianaaaaaa!!!! xD
Or is this khas buatku? *tetibe perasan sikit*

Ya you never told me you had a boyfriend! *looks like a naggy ahjumma* Dear, muda2 x baik bercinta. Tgk me for example, I x pernah ada boyfriend, let alone fall in love (yes it's true). My friends smua pun currently single (y, free and single I'm ready to bingo xD) and also same case as me (80% of them maybe?). So yeah. Wait what am I saying? Lecture with no lesson lol.

Ok. Forget that. How's form 4?

Oh wait wait wait. I forgot to mention this. Guuuurrrl did u check out Infinite-H's song??? It was amazingly awesome that I'm out of words to describe how I'm feeling. I'm not a hip-hop person, but yeah Special Girl rocks!!! xD