I think I just got zinged!

Annyeong guys!

You probably won't care what have I done lately that cause me procrastinate on the story I'm working on but I'm gonna tell anyway, whteher you like it or not, am still gonna tell. Too excited to not to tell!

I went to Korea!

But thats not the big news. Everybody went there and they didnt make it a big deal out of it and why should I? I know. Because something happened to me! Something you wont believe it, saying its from other fanfic i came across upon and making an excuse saying that I told you this bcs want to make youguys felt jealous. 

It's not, okay? Seriously, it's not!

I used to hate fanfics, but at the end, I'm one of the writers itself. I used to despise cliche fanfics, but now look how it resulted.

What happened to me seemed mostly like the fanfics I read, the dramas I watched. The coincedence that we thought positively wont happen in real life, actually did happen to me! I dont know how to tell youguys this as I'm too excited to put into words.


Therefore, to share my enthusiasm with everyone, i shall write about it. No exagerrating, no cuts, no adding things up. Just how the way things had happened.

So please anticipate it, because am currently busy finding good words so you could understand how I feel, and possibly imagine that youre in my shoe, feeling elated as well.

Helps are very much appreciated and most welcomed!


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W-w-what happened?? Why did I not hear of this?!