¦ ⎬ Into Your World ¦ { Character's Name || Persona }

 Into Your World 


~ Persona || Name, Character ~

*Replace pic, width 350 with locked ratio.*



ღ What Are You Doing Today...?

Username: (Hyperlinked...)

Nickname: (Should I call you...)

English: (Yes or No...Or maybe Yes/No)

Activeness: (From a scale of 1-10)



Name:  ( Full Korean name *Lee Hanju || Angel name *Hanni)

Nickname: (Prefered nickname should be added, too.)

Birth date: (Ex: December 14th, 1993 *format)

Age: ( Mortal age *17 - 18* | Angel age *infinity* )

Ethnicity: ( Wait, you're an angel... Oh well, might as well be Korean)

House mate: ( One of HelloVenus' member. Since you are Angels, and you have no house)


ღ Face...

Ulzzang: (Googly eyes are forbidden!)

Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 

Back-up Ulzzang:  (I'm warning you...)

Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5


Weight: (kg.)

Height: (cm)


Style: (explain what jewelries she use, her type of fashion)

Appearence: (explain the color of her hair, eyes, birthmarks etc...)


ღ Love Appeal...

Personality: (Make it simple. I will still read, don't worry.)

Likes: (5+)

Dislikes: (5+)

Hobbies: (3+)


Habits: (Habits in main times: nervous, happy, bored, annoyed etc...)

Trivia: (Pet peeves, fears etc...)


ღ The Girl Next Door...

Love interest: (Nu'EST only... Hehe ^^)

Personality: (... Yeah, it's the same format as yours)

Background: (His past. Can be good or bad, but not too awful.)


Relationship: ( The way he treats you... Or acts towards you... And how you want it to progress to.)


Back-up love interest: (Still Nu'EST... Lol, ahb-viously)

Personality: (Do I need to explain thrice? No? Good.)

Background: (Yeah, it's the same.)


Relationship: (Well, it's the same sentence as the one above so it should be the same format, too.)


Anything else: (His... Trivia. Fears, likes, dislikes etc. Can be as long *not too much* as you like)


ღ Beautiful Solo...

Friends: (Everyone can be from Pledis High. As long as they're students)

Name || Age || Nickname || Relationship || Personality*

*Don't type down: fun, cute, funny, playful: No. I want simple sentences*


Rivals: (No need to put down the reason why she's your rival. I will be creative, don't worry)

Name || Age || Personality*

*Not too y just cause you don't like her. I'll know what to do*


Anything else: (stuff that I should know about your friends or rival.)


ღ A Little Bit More...

Comments: (Bahahaha!!! Yeah, it's your turn.)

Questions: (Questions? Hehe.)


Requests: (Scene request, I might or might not use it. And maybe use it for other characters too. Maybe not.)

Suggestions: (Any ideas how I should improve le story)


Password: (Go back if you still don't know)

Contract: (My question to you. You should put Yes  or No and then your hangul name next to it, as signature.)

If I was to chang some parts/facts about your character, can I?

Ans: Yes/No 애프터스쿨

(Get it now? Good luck!)


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