TW: complaining cos life (suicide note, kinda)


my life isnt the worst but its rly ing bad

my family left me and went to live in seattle cos my dad found a job there so im here in japan living on my own

two days ago, my dad came to japan on his own and stayed with me and i have to pay for his when my income isnt that great and he works - they BOTH work but dont send me yet he has the nerve to come here and ask me to lend him half of my pay when i only get 27,997 (approx. 200$) yen a week and have to buy food and pay for rent which costs ing 195,979 (approx. 1,400$) yen and i have to pay for clothing food electricitiy and everything to keep myself alive

but now i dont even want to live there's really no point to life for me now

my family isnt with me

im working like a slave yet i still have so much loans at the age of 20 

marsha cheated on me and its over her 

and i have to get back to uni soon and pay for it from my penniless pockets

guys i havent had starbucks in over 4 months

depressing, isnt it? i cant even waste money on that


to be completely honest, its the lamest thing ever, but writing every rose is the only thing keeping me alive (and my turtle)

im always like that story got me far in writing might aswell complete it then die



if my life hasnt improved by the end of every rose we'll meet in the after life

if it has, then great ill move to australia and raise my turtle there 




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Dont let the world stop you from doing your THANG!
SUICIDE IS NOT ALLOWED!! yes I now dictate your life
Why Australia?? I live there! And you have a turtle? I love turtles! Once we found a random turtle on the road and brought it home... It disappeared after a few days :(
I'm so sorry to hear about how your life has turned! :( I can't imagine having to pay for myself... (yep I'm one of those losers with no job, no life and i still live with my parents... Well my mum and sister lol same thing)
There must be.., some advantages to having the house to yourself right..? Besides having to pay for it of course
And I can't believe that girl cheated on you! It's like omg why
I have no faith in humanity honestlyi was just thinking the other day how no ____jng one is trustworthy
Ok my negativity is totally helping no one
You'll find someone better (or things will workout) whatever! Screw bad life situations 
Do what you can to survive! Do it for your turtle!  It's greaT that this fic helps you... Maybe you just have to make it so it never ends haha
Good luck for everything I mean it! 
Sorry for this lame as ____ response

The financial problems sound really tough. I hope you'll get through it!

The way I look at it is that now there's one less person standing in the way between you and your future dream girl.

I'm glad that Every Rose Has Its Thorns is a long story because it gives you time for things to get better.

Move to Australia \o/

*hugs you*

This message doesn't sound as supportive as I'd like it to be OTL 私はあなたを抱きしめている。
Korarin #4
you can do it. you're not completely alone, you have us. you also have me. even if you're in the tough position. life will get better.

don't let these things get to you. just be optimistic and hope for the best, because everyone in the world deserve a happy end and not a sad one.

so please hang in there and bear for a just a little while... please.
HYUKslave #5
My life went downhill at the age of 11.
What you are experiencing right now doesn't even close to what i'd been through.
So, cheer up ... there's rainbow after every storm, kay?!
Ahhh money struggles seem to be the icing on a rotten cake for you, huh. I can relate dear. You're not alone, I promise. You'll make it through. And you're still so young! There's nowhere to go but up!! I believe in yah, love <3 !!FIGHTING!!
Allinit #7
I am sorry that your life is depression right now but don't worry bad things don't last forever so don't give up okay ><
Cheer up , I am sure there is more to life than your father. I can't believe anybody could do that and it must knowing your gf was unfaithful
Marsha cheated on you?! OMFG I... Didn't expect something like this. ;-; and how greedy your parents are! =4= I don't even want to grow up!
Well I'm struggling with depression actually. my good-for-nothing-bff keeps on picking on me and saying that and this isn't right and I should fix it and I'm narrow minded. seriously.. I thought it was good to open my eyes but then she keeps on picking on me for every single thing I do.
It hurts to even breath with the thought of seeing her tmrw that I want to sleep in my blankets for eternity.
oh no! cheer up dear! i know it's so depressing to be like that it's so hard and you're young, but think that our life is so precious, there's so many great things you can still experience in your young life. take that as a challenge to you. that will teach you the best thing out of your life. it will make you stronger than you are right now. Enjoy your life and live to the fullest. Don't let your problem take you down. it's a challenge for you to survive, and if you did you'll see how great you are when you achieve it.

cheer up! fighting!
good night ^^
I'm sorry you're not having a very good day. I hope everything gets better. I save my change until I have enough for coffee :) Feel better