hmph >:((

thank you guys for all the sweet comments on my previous blog post /kisses you all/

and this is just an update on what happened with me and her.. and a post asking for help.

soo.. we went out, with a bunch of other people, and had fun, but then fought


and it was her who started it. she stopped talking to me for like 4 hours and i was about to cry cos she like, seriously ignored me ;A;

but then she realized it was a stupid reason to be mad and talked to me again

and then she came over to my house with a few other friends the next day and it was all cute and flirty at first

then we had a fight



and it was because she shut the door in my face..

i was talking to someone she wanted to talk to about something "private" and wanted me out of the kitchen, so while i was in the middle of my convo she tells me to get out and shuts the door in my face


so i completely ignored her

and everyone was telling me im over-reacting; that it was just as a joke

do you guys think so too? ;;

tell me in all honesty. i really want to know. because its been over 24hours and we literally have not spoken a word to eachother and i was wondering if i should apologize first


but like..

she really pissed me off

no one has ever disrespected me like that; joke or not.

and its not the first time we've had a fight, and whenever we do, its always been because she'd done something wrong. but then she'd always turn it around and make it so that i'm the one at fault and makes me feel so guilty and bad.



please do leave me some advice guys.. help me with what to do..

it might not sound that bad to you but its really stressing me out..






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It doesn't really sound like a joke, but I don't think ignoring each other is the way to go. I think it would be best to talk to her about it. My brother is similar in that he always turns things and shifts blame too, so I think the best thing to do is explain it to her. Talking should solve more problems than ignoring ^^ I hope things work out! :)
Kimyongri #2
Oh my..that was rly unexpected :'( I thought it would be fluffy one like ur previous post. Feel sorry for you author-nim.. :(
Okay, I'm rly sorry for my haengrish, hope you understand what I tell you.'s obviously misunderstanding between you and her. The problem is the communication. I think there's only one way to heal it, you two should talk about this. Good relationship depens on how's the communication. The communication has the power to make or break a rly have to be careful to give information or farming what our partner says(or does), simple but it's rly hard to do right? Kekeke BUT, I'm sure you and her could make the problem up!
And..isn't the life should have a little drama and angst in it? :)
Hope you understand with my engrish un! Goodluck for ur relationship!
i don't think der is any need for u to apologize to her...from wat u said, i think its her fault!!! >:( but i think u shud go n ask her why she did dat thou?? try finding the answers. but even then if she treats u like ____, then i'd suggest, don't bother!!! she shud learn to accept her own mistakes!! but pls don't be sad, author-ssi!! cheer up....things happen in life FOR A REASON!!
tell her that she
tell her what you're saying here :/ that you're angry and upset at the same time, that you don't tolerate disrespectfulness and that you're sick of her always putting the blame on you when it comes to arguments
but at the same time, mention how much she makes you happy! (unless you've changed your mind about that)
tell her that you don't like fighting with her and that besides fights and all that, you really appreciate being her friend(?) and enjoy hanging out with her!