seperation anxiety

since monday, i've been really lacking with work.

i would go in for like one hour, then when its my break time, i go home to sleep a bit but then i sleep for the whole day.

they gave me one last warning yesterday and told me i can't afford to miss any more days or hours and i promised them i wouldnt, but again, i missed today when i went to a bath house during my break to hopefully wake me up as i had literally no hours of sleep, and i met a girl there who i got a long with, she told me to rest my eyes a bit, even for 5 minutes, it will help me a lot and then she'll wake me up when its time for me to go back. but when she tried to, she said i didn't even BUDGE, she said she even slapped me a few times but i didnt wake up, it was like i had thrown myself off a building, and i missed the whole day again

im so worried if i get fired i'd have to go back to uni and i dont want to! :(

why im so tired all the time you ask?

its all because of my bb. we can only talk to eachother after work, and because of the time difference, it would be 12am where i am and 4pm where she is. and then we talk and skype and without knowing its already like 7am and i have to go to work ;;

see if she was here with me, i would be sound asleep by 10 and wont miss any work days and still be spending time with her, but we're not together

we might not even see eachother in february ;;; i hate this

what am i supposed to do, i want to talk to her and keep my job but my body can't handle both

life is just so unfair

plus i came up with what to write for the next chapter of friends, lovers, or nothing but i lost one of the ideas and im stressing so much about it




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I'm really feeling for you :/ I think for now you should focus on not getting fired
Try to explain your situation to them about your lack of sleep and stuff, like don't get into details, just say it's 'personal reasons' or family problems, etc 
Hopefully they'll understand
Maybe take a few days off and just rest if that's possible? I know you want to talk to your girlfriend(?) but thats becoming problematic with everything that's going on
Maybe cut down on how long you talk to each other or arrange to only talk on weekends (I know that sounds y but that's long term relationships for you D:)
Remember this isn't forever!
Screw being stressed over writing until everything gets sorted okay!
That's a difficult situation D: It's not the same, but you could try writing long letters (or emails) so you still talk, but read and reply in your own time so you still get sleep. Falling asleep like that doesn't sound healthy D: I hope it works out though!
awwwwwwwwwwww....its is hard n unfair sometyms TT.TT ...but that just to show how precious the good times are for...i hope u'll get better soon n that u get to meet ur strong....hwaiting!! ^_^
Awh , author-nim , it's okay! I can wait for your update and I'm sure others can too!! ^^ you know , if you lack of sleep , you'll increase the posibility of having obesity or heart disease (I'm worried :d)
and try telling your bb (I don't know what to call her) that you haven't been sleeping well.. if she's worried about you , she'll let you sleep but if not.. I don't know what to say anymore..
I hope you're not fired and please take care of yourself.. (sorry for the long message , but still , take care <3)