❝ lost in love▬ application. 〈 jung kyungmi 〉

Jung Kyungmi!
〈 ( pikachuuuu--〈  ( emalene ) 
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hey you!
             tell me a bit about yourself...

❝ plotline▬  `four / last change/ two )
❝ plotname▬ `the waiting maiden

name`jung kyungmi
❝ nicknames▬ `kyungie
birthdate`september 25, 1994 ( eighteen )
❝ ethnicity▬ `korean
❝ languages▬ `korean - fluent + she was born and raised in korea, so of course was taught the language.
❝ birthplace▬ Seoul, South Korea

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damn, girl!
             you are looking fiiiiiiiine...

❝ 1st ulzzang▬ `kang sura
❝ galleryone | two | three | four | fivegallery

❝ 2nd ulzzang▬ `baek sumin
❝ galleryone | two | three | gallery

❝ styleCasual, comfortable and simple as well as cute are the words to describe the type of clothes Kyungmi likes. She doesn't like to wear bright, neon clothes with a lot of sequins and stuff. She also doesn't like flashy clothes, but sometimes shorts and skirts are an exception. She likes to wear simple and casual dresses. Cardigans and oversized sweaters will be found in her closet, as well as loose and comfortable shirts.

casual : one | two | three | four | five

'going out' : one | two | three | four | five

lazy : one | two | three

formal : one | two | three

shoes : one | two | three | four
❝ misc▬ Kyungmi has long brown hair with no bangs, but baby hair that falls on her face. (Like the ulzzang i used.) Mostly Kyungmi just likes to leave her hair down. At times she'd curl it, but she'd mostly keep it long and straight. Sometimes she would put it up on a ponytail or different kinds of stylish buns. ( one | two | three ). She just has two normal piercings on each of her earlob. Doesn't and will never get a tattoo because it scares her.


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picky much!
             the little fun bits that separate you from the rest...

❝ likes

  • bubble tea - it is her most favorite drink ever. her favorite flavor has to be just the plain old millk tea. at times she would get chocolate, too.
  • food - who doesn't love food? don't ask her what her favorite food is because she hates that question. it's just like asking who do you love more, your mom or your dad? it's the hardest question ever and it shouldn't even be legal.
  • stuffed animals - she's an eighteen year old who loves stuffed animals. she even names them too. her favorite has to be her panda pillow pet names 'Mr. Panda'. Creative, huh?  she believes that you're never too old for them.
  • ice cream - it's like her best friend. she eats it all the time, even in the middle of winter. she loves to eat it when she's feeling down or depressed because she claims that it 'cheers her up'. and don't start thinking that ice cream is her favorite food, because it's not. ice cream is a dessert, not an actual food.
  • pikachu - she thinks he's the cutest think ever. she says that if pikachu were real, she would kidnap him from Ash and keep him as a pet.
  • her electronic devices - which consists of her phone, ipod and laptop. just like every teenager, she loves the internet and is always using her electronics. she's can't last a day without them. currently, her phone is a red 'galaxy s3', she has a white itouch 5g and a macbook pro.
  • animals - she loves animals, but has a thing for dogs. she absolutely loves them, but her parents won't let her have one.
  • cherry blossoms - thinks it's a really pretty flower, and it's her favorite.
  • spam - you know the meat? yeah, she loveeees spam.
  • watermelon - it's her favorite fruit.

❝ dislikes

  • bugs / insects - they. creep. her. out. she a hates them with a passion.
  • horror related things - she is horrible with scary movies. if she sees one, it takes her days to get over it and is paranoid about everything the whole time. when she watches it, because people force her to, she usually spends the whole time hiding behind a bunch of pillows.
  • cocky people - who does? nobody likes them. they get in her nerves and she just wants to punch them in the face.
  • when people judge without knowing the person's real personality - it's basically self explanitory.
  • coconut - she really dislikes the taste, and she doesn't understand how people like it and enjoy eating it.
  • dark chocolate - the taste it just too rich and bitter for her.

❝ hobbies

  • taking pictures / selcas with her close friends using her iphone and polaroid camera
  • playing her guitar and singing
  • watching movies
  • listening to music
  • eating. yes, it's a hobby.

❝ fears

  • losing her loved ones - she really charishes the people she loves and cares for and it would kill her if anything bad happens to them.
  • thunder  - each one gives her a mini heart attack.
  • the dark - she's not scared of it, she's scared of what's in it.
  • heights - she thinks it's really dangerous and she feels like she will fall off and die. just the thought of it scares her.
  • the joker (from batman) - she doesn't know why, but he scares the living hell out of her. she hates the phrase, 'why so serious?'. it gives her the creeps.

❝ trivia

  • she's so ticklish that it's not even funny.
  • is left handed.
  • is a failure at drawing
  • has asthma
  • is quite athletic and is good at most sports, but she can't swim even if her life depends on it.
  • for a skinny girl, she can eat
  • is terrible at math.
  • she always keeps a pair of chopsticks, hello kitty band aids, and a pack of gum in her bag.
  • an interesting fact about kyungmi; she never seems to fart and she just burps.
  • one time, there was a school dance and kyungmi had a balloon as a date. she named him Jaeson.

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you're one of a kind!
             what makes you, you...

❝ personality▬ ( please click on the hyperlinks ^^ )

Kyungmi has a very unique and 'one of a kind' personality. She's not like the other girls who care about how their hair looks and spending hours infront of the mirror, caking their faces with make up. Kyungmi doesn't care what people think of her. She's the kind of girl that thinks 'eeeh' and just does whatever she feels. She could go to school in her pajamas and not care what people think. She doesn't enjoy shopping like most girls do because she thinks that it's tiring and stressful trying to find the exact clothing you want. Instead of shopping, she'd rather stay home and laze around on the couch, eating as she plays 'call of duty' or watching a drama. Just because she doesn't like make up or shopping, doesn't mean she isn't girly. She thinks pikachu is adorable and she likes cute stuff such as stuffed animals. She's a er for romantic movies and she wants a relationship just like the ones on tv. Although she doesn't like shopping, she's still in with the fashion and dresses like any other girl, but just doesn't care about it as much as others do. She doesn't 'fit in' with most girls, but people like her that way. People tend to like her unique personality. She doesn't like to be in the crowd, and likes to do things her own way. She likes to think outside the box. Kyungmi is a friendly person who gets along with everyone well. She's childish and cheerful, always seen with a smile on her face. Enjoys doing 'merong~', and she likes to make sound affects and weird noises with her voice. She likes to laugh and make people laugh. If you're a funny person, she will like you and would want to be your friend. She's easy to befriend because she has an outgoing personality that likes to mingle with people. She's quite funny and you'll never be bored around her. She's never bored in life and lives every day to the fullest. She has this dorky personality that is weird, but at the same time cute. She's far from normal and saying she's '4-d' is an understatement. She's really kind and down to earth. She thinks of others first and she likes to give more than she recieves. She appears to be innocent because she doesn't know 'those kinds of jokes' and doesn't like to say bad words, unless it's really nessessary. Kyungmi is clumsy, meaning that she drops and break things easily. She trips on mini cracks on the floor because she tends to drag her feet when she walks. Kyungmi can also be a violent person. When someone teases her, she tends to slap them on the arm continuously or 'air kicks their faces', meaning she pretends to kick their faces. One time, one of her guy friends who was really tall, stole her phone. Just to get it back, being a petite and light girl, she literally climbed on top of him like a monkey and tried to get her phone. Kyungmi is bad at keeping a poker faces, which means she will fail to become an actress. When someone starts at her playfully with a poker face, she will stare at them back, but after 3 seconds she will burst you laughing. Kyungmi likes to say random engrish words at random times, like 'okay!' or 'what's up, dude?' Kyungmi is a positive girl who always thinks of the good in things. She does things without regrets. Kyungmi is a bit gulible at times, and when she finds out that you're just kidding with her, she will start hitting your arm. If she calls someone and they don't hear her, she will poke them to get their attention until they turn around to face her. If she's really close with you, she will like to give you hugs and do skinship with you. If you're a guy, she'll like to jump on you and hang on you like a koala, and force you to give her piggyback rides. When it comes to games, like video games, she will become really competative and will try her best to win. If she doesn't, she will cry in agony saying 'NOOO', but then will be fine 5 seconds later.

A thing about Kyungmi is that she isn't really book smart. BUT, that doesn't mean she's stupid. She has common sense, but it's just that when it comes to studying, she isn't the best at it. Kyungmi isn't your typical straight A student who knew every word in the dictonary.  She's really lazy when it comes to school, and she never gets things in her head. Every word the teacher says goes in and then out her ears, leaving her brain. Studying bored her and she'd get too distracted, and doing homework felt like hours of hell for her.  At school she wasn't the smart person in the class, but she wasn't the dumbest either. Her grade adverages where B's and some C's here and there, but at least she's passing. Her worst subject is math. She hates it with a passion and it seems to hate her back. She's had trouble ever since she was little and she'd always work extra hard for that one subject. Her parents knew she wasn't the best at math and was understanding about that, but they's push her hard on other subjects and is the reason for all of those B's. If they hadn't pushed her to study harder, she'd at least be passing with C's.

❝ history▬ 

 Kyungmi was living a normal life like any other teenager. She was living in a cozy apartment in Seoul with her dad, mom and little sister. They were a happy family and Kyungmi grew up being really close with her parents. She was raised well and she loved her parents dearly. Kyungmi always tried her best to be a good daughter to them. Helping out with chores, doing her job in school and doing the things they want her to do.  A few years later when she was 12 her little sister, Dahee,was born. Despite their big 12 year ( her parents had her at a pretty young age. ) , they get along well. Kyungmi loves Dahee to death, and would do anything for her. She took good care of her when their parents were too busy with works. One rainy day, when Kyungmi was 15 and Dahee was 3, their dad died from a huge car accident. From then on, Kyungmi stepped up and began to help her mom even more with taking care of Dahee because her mom had gotten two jobs, since one wasn't enough, and was too busy to.


Kyungmi isn't a rich girl or a poor girl, she's right in between. She lives in a cozy apartment with her mother, who is working hard for the family, and Dahee, her 5 year old sister. Though Kyungmi is old enough, she doesn't drive due to the fear of crashing, and so takes the bus to school and back home, or if she's lucky gets a ride from a friend. At times she would walk home, thinking it's good excersise. Kyungmi helps her mom out a lot by taking care of Dahee when she's not home. She enjoys it and loves her sister a lot. But since Kyungmi has a life of her own, and her mom knows that, Dahee mostly stays at a day care center after she's done with her lessons at her preschool.

When Kyungmi was little, she looked up to her father a lot. He would always think of the positive things in life, and lived every day to the fullest, without any regrets. He was bright and optimisitc and was always smiling, not matter how hard life gets. He'd always make for promise to do the same. After he died, Kyungmi kept her promise and lived life to the fullest.


❝ family

  • Han Eunji | 41 | works at an office, and has a part time job as a waitres at a restaurant | alive | loving, hardwokring, understanding, kind | Kyungmi is really close with her mom. They don't fight and Eunji is understanding towards Kyungmi.
  • Jung Youngjae | 43 | business man | dead | playful, funny, nice, a bit short tempered | Kyungmi was really close with her dad. They had this special 'father-daughter' bond. She wouldn't hesitate to ask him anything.
  • Jung Dahee | 5 | preschooler | alive | cute, innocent, sweet, naive | Dahee is really close with Kyungmi. Kyungmi takes care of her well, and Dahee treats her like a mom. Dahee is a bit clingy towards Kyungmi, showing that she really loves her sister.

❝ friends▬ 

  • Kim Taeyeon | 20 | student in a university | alive | dorky, kind, sweet, funny | best friend
  • Seohyun | 19 | student in a university | alive | calm, patient, kind-hearted, silly | best friend
  • Jung Soojung (Krystal) | 17 | senior in high school | alive | nice, loyal, down to earth, childish | best friend

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the sound of my heart!
             your love life in songs...

❝ love interest▬ oh sehun | eighteen | senior in high school / part time job at a bubble tea shop
❝ back up▬  lu han | twenty | college student ; park chanyeol | 19 | freshman in college

❝ personality

Sehun is known as the boy who has an emotionless expression on his face all the time. Not saying he doesn't smile, it's just he doesn't do it often. When he does smile, he is usually seen with his friends. It's just that he isn't really good with expressing his feelings and emotions well. When you get to know him and look through his mysterious facial expressions, you'll learn that he is very talkative and a bit childish at times. Has a dorky side to him as well, and is really funny. He likes to tease Kyungmi a lot, and joke around with her. She makes in smile more, and he is his real self when he's around her. He's a sweet heart and a gentleman. He has a way with words and makes Kyungmi melt by saying everything she needs to hear. He always seems to know what to say. He's kind and sincere, and he's really caring. He's charming and has a soft heart.

❝ how they met

( I just wanna know you better ) - It was a typical Tuesday. Her mom was at work and Dahee was at her day care, so Kyungmi had all the free time in the world. She was at the bubble tea shop that Sehun was working at, and it just happened to be his shift too. She went ahead and ordered her favorite drink and sat down at a table next to the window and read her book that she was assigned to read at school. Usually, Kyungmi don't like to read but suprisingly she was really into this book. For the first time is wasn't a book that bored her to death, and it gained her interest. As she was reading Sehun would stop and stare at her everyone once in awhile. He was drawn to her, and he thought she looked cute all focused on her book. How she would stick out her tongue in concentration and react to things that happened in the book. Kyungmi suddenly needed to go to the bathroom, so she got up and left, leaving her book and drink behind. When she came back and opened her book, there was a post-it with a note inside saying 'I couldn't help but think how cute and pretty you look when you read your book. I would love to get to know you more." There was a phone number also writen on the note. Kyungmi was confused and a little creeped out. She looked around the shop in wonder. It wasn't busy, and  there were just  a few people inside. There was a girl and two couples inside, so it couldn't possibley be them. Kyungmi looked at the counter, but Sehun had just turned around and left to go back in the kitchen, so she didn't get to see his face. Later that night, Kyungmi decided to text the anonymous number. She was curious and thought 'oh, what the heck'. Next thing you know her and the person behind the phone number were texting nonstop, conversating like they've known each other forever. She fell in love with his personality and way with words. The person's text always made her smile and brighten up her day. And from then on, they'd be texting everyday. Kyungmi refused to tell the anonymous person her name, so he would just call her 'his little bubble tea', since he told her he knows that she goes to the shop everyday.

( You'll be mine and I'll be yours ) - Little did he know, but Kyungmi also attended the same school as Sehun. In the hallways, they'd always made eye contact not knowing that he's the anonymous person behind the texts her recieves everyday, making her blush and him slightly smile. And everyday, Kyungmi would stay at the bubble tea shop, and Sehun would be working there. She would recognize him from school being the boy who makes her blush. One day, Kyungmi went up to order from him and he greet her " Hello my little bubble tea, would you like the usual?" And that's when Kyungmi found out that Sehun was the one who left her that note the day she went to use the bathroom. That he's the boy that sends her sweet text messages, and makes her day feel 1000 times better. That he's the boy who knows just the right words to tell her. That he's the funny boy that would make her laugh when he texts her his not so funny jokes, but they were funny to her. But she would've never guess that it was the same boy that she saw every day in the hallways of her school, and the boy that makes her her favorite drink.

( 'Cause all I know is we said "Hello" And your eyes look like coming home ) - From that day that Kyungmi found out, the both of them would be too shy to talk to one another in person, and would just always text at the end of the day. One day Sehun texted her "How come I can't seem to talk to you in person? You're so beautiful that I get nervous." Of course, that text made her smile, just like every other one he sends her, and she replied, "I can't seem to talk to you either. I guess it's because you're too handsome. Usually i'm very friendly and open, but you make me shy." They then promised that they would talk to eachother in person the next day. But then the next day came and at school, they'd make their daily eye contact, but they didn't say a word. But, at the bubble tea shop, Kyungmi gathered up the courage to start a conversation with him. He then ended up sitting down with her and they talked the day away. They then grew closer, and everyday they'd talk. As time goes by, they grew closer and closer.


( And I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you ) -  At first, Kyungmi thought that Sehun was really mysterious. He'd always just stare at her in the hallways of school, making her blush and her knees go weak. She knew that he wasn't cold like everyone said he was, and believes that he's just good at hiding his emotions. When she found out that he was the anonymous person who left her that note and keeps texting her sweet and sincere messages, her whole perspective of him changed. She knew that he was a kind and warm-hearted person one the inside. For him, Kyungmi was the only person he opened up to so easily. She broke his shell and he can just be himself around her. She makes him feel complete and comfortable. She makes him smile and she taught him how to enjoy life with her dorky ways. They're really close, and Sehun loves to and make her laugh. He also likes to tickle her, knowing that it's her weak point. He likes how she isn't like other girls. The two like to be lazy around the house, watching movies all day, or playing video games while eating. They like to go on bubble tea dates, because they both love it and they get a discount because of Sehun's job there.


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picture to burn!
             what happened in the past should stay in the past...

❝ love interest▬  n/a

❝ relationship▬  n/a


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fine lines!
             because i want details like that...

❝ plotline four▬ last change; route two

1. What finally pushes the two together?

A: Before the note and texting incident, the two of them only knew of each other. They'd see each other in the hallways at school and have eye contact for seconds, which seems like hours for them. From those eye contacts, Kyungmi had always had a crush on him, as Sehun was madly in love with her, she just didn't know it. They'd never really talk before and didn't really know each other, and she didn't know him well enough to actually like him like he likes her. After Kyungmi found out that Sehun was the one who left her the note and texts her sweet messages, they both grew close and became close friends. Her feelings for him grew, and he loved her more than you can imagine. One day, Sehun and Kyungmi were hanging out at the bubble tea shop and Kyungmi brought up the topic about 'liking people' and ask if he liked anyone. He said yes and she kepft bugging him to tell her, but he refused to. She kept guessing who it was and blabbing on and on about how pretty she must be. Sehun couldn't take it anymore so he interupted her little guessing game with a kiss. He then told her that her loved her and she was the one he had is eyes on.

2. What is the decision that leads to his relocation?

A: The both of them being seniors in high school, that ment that their next step was college. The both of them were working hard to get in the university they both wanted to go. Kyungmi got accepted to hers, and so did he. But his was on the other side of the world. Kyungmi didn't want all his hard work and his dreams to go to waste, so she didn't stop him and even encouraged him to go. But when he left, she regreted it and was missing him more than ever. She'd do anything for him to come back.

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the last song!
             this is where we part for now...

❝ scene suggestions

  • Sehun tickling Kyungmi, and they end up doing something really cute.
  • The both of them playing video games
  • Them feeding each other. akfhkajshd; so cute
  • Sehun helping Kyungmi study for this big math test that's coming up for her. She aces the test and she's all happy about it and they do something cute hahaha
  • The both of them webcamming each other when Sehun is away. When they hang up Kyungmi realizes how much she misses him and needs him, and wants him back.
  • something cute and full of fluff. LOL

I'll let you do yo thang c;

❝ anything else▬ Hopfully the way they met isn't too cheesy and long. You can change it if you want! ^^ I don't mind, i mean you are the author anyway c: I kind felt pressure filling this out because you were kind enough to extend my deadline, and what if my app wasn't good enough? LOL it's like, 'you made me wait for this poop?" LOL

❝ passwordlost in love



  •  I added a back up lover for you~
  • and added some flaws in her. (Hopfully it's enough!)
  • I also added to why Kyungmi is very dorky and weird all the time (in the lifestyle part) .
  • I added two more suggestion scenes LOL.
  • And I also edited on what pushes the two together. c:

And yeeer, yeah that's it. LOL thank you!


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