I'm not a perfect person, and I don't try to be.

In which I list off my flaws, why I’m the way I am, and try to think of my positive qualities. Continue if you want to read a break-down of what I consider is my self-worth.


I am aware of my flaws:

  • I’m loud, and I have a hard time shutting up.
  • I’m often oblivious of what’s happening around me.
  • I’m clingy and rely too much on the presence of other people
  • I’m slightly obsessive-compulsive.
  • I’m over-confident to the point that I seem arrogant.
  • When you really hurt me, I hold a nasty grudge.

But at least I know why:

  • I spent so many years growing up being ignored and feeling like I didn’t exist, I feel like I need to yell to make my presence known; if I don’t, then I’m worried I’ll fade away again and no one will notice.
  • I’ve had severe ADDI (Attention Deficit Disorder with Inattentiveness) ever since I was small. It’s made me unaware of what’s going on around me, and I never really figured out how the world works until I was betrayed too many times for me to ignore it any longer.
  • I spent so many years feeling alone and abandoned by the people around me, I’m deathly terrified of being alone again.
  • I just have a thing for symmetry, even numbers, and multiples of five. My life was once spiraling out of control and falling to pieces around me; although I have my life in control now, I still do whatever I can to have some organization around me to remind myself, visually, that I have things in control now.
  • I’ve always been so insecure, so unsure of myself; I need to build myself up, or else I’ll tear myself down all over again.
  • Through all of this, I try to stay strong and not let myself be hurt. It takes a lot to hurt me, because I know that happens. So if you can do something to knock me down or make me cry, then you’ve done something that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive. And if you do it intentionally, I can be real about it.
    vengeful . 

And despite all of this, I try to make sure I have some positive qualities:

  • As much as I love talking/have a hard time shutting up, I love listening just as much. I’m proud whenever people trust me or are comfortable enough to talk to me just about anything. 
  • I always want to be there for people. As a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, someone to hug; I just want to be there for people because I know how much it hurts to not have anyone there for you.
  • I do whatever I can for my friends without asking for anything in return, because I’m so grateful to have them in my life and it’s how I show them that I’m thankful for them being there.
  • Because I spent so many years being alone and ignored, I try to do my best to make sure that no one else goes through that kind of pain. 
  • I do whatever I can to make people feel better when they’re sad, because no one ever did that for me when I was depressed. 
  • I see the beauty in everyone around me, and I try to make sure that they see it, too. 
  • I have remarkable patience that I had no idea I was capable of, as well as forgiveness; there are just some things that I refuse to get over. 


I think that this sets me apart from a few people; I’m aware of what makes me human and why. That’s more than some people can say; I’m not going to say “most people”, because I don’t want to jump to the conclusion that “a lot” of people know their flaws and have been able to assess the psychology behind those flaws. But there are just a many people who can’t see the good in themselves (I wish they did, because there are some genuinely wonderful people I have met who can’t see the beauty in them that I see).

I hope that you can say the same.


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JiHae1 #1
I'm glad you know your flaws and the good things in you that is very important to know and even though you have had it rough your still strong i respect you for that ^-^