Creative Writing & Scripts...

OK...  I had signed myself up to write a script and will have to present to my class...  I honestly know NOTHING about writing a script.  I am a fiction writer and this is EXTREMELY challenging!!!  T.T  I hope you all enjoy....  LOL  Sorry for the confusion and please place your (analytical) comments below...  LOL



February 14th

February 14th, 1 AM.  JACOB sits on his bed, alone in his dorm.  His side of the room is in disarray: books and stray pieces of paper all over the desk.   The floor is scattered with random articles of clothes.  JACOB is staring at his roommate’s side of the room, which is the exact opposite of his.  MASON’s side of the dorm is clean and neat.


MASON enters the room, with a disheveled look.

MASON (shocked): You broke up with your girlfriend?! 


MASON: Why?  You two have been together for 4 years!  And, you love her!  Why now?

JACOB turns towards the audience, with a frown.

JACOB (quietly): I never said I love her.  (JACOB turns towards the audience, with a frown.)

MASON: Yes, you did.  You did.  You said it so many times before.

JACOB: Well, what if I was confused.  What if there really was no love?  What if it was all a lie?

MASON: Why are you saying this?  What’s wrong with you?  What happened to you? (pulls Jacob to face him again)

JACOB (making eye contact): Nothing happened.  (sighs)  I just thought that it was good to finally face the truth.

MASON: Face the truth?  What truth?

JACOB (quietly): The truth…

MASON (frustrated): What truth?!  If you’ve been lying this whole time about loving your girlfriend of 4 years, then spill it!  You’ve got me fooled, Jacob!  You’ve got everyone fooled!  Just tell me the truth!

JACOB (frustrated): You want the truth?!  Fine, I’ll tell you the truth: I love you!

MASON stares at JACOB with a shocked expression.  He sits down on his bed, facing JACOB.  He turns towards the audience.

JACOB: I know that you probably won’t say anything to me anymore…  Or think that I’m weird because I have these feelings for you, my childhood best friend.

MASON (softly): (swallows hard) When did you realize you have these feelings for me?

JACOB: I don’t know. (shrugs)  Maybe, in middle school? I’m not sure…  Love at first sight?

MASON: And, now we’re in college.  (blinking slowly)  It’s been many years.

JACOB: I-I broke up with Sophia because I didn’t want to lie anymore…  I didn’t want to love like a coward.  I want to love openly and without fear.

MASON: What love? (looking around the room)

JACOB (smiles at MASON):  Everything just feels so right with you…  I have never felt so comfortable with anyone, but you.  The moment I met you in first grade I knew that we would have a beautiful relationship…  I’d just never thought that I would end up falling in love with you.  I know it’s weird to be saying these things to you, but I want to say these things to you before I leave.  I love you.  I love everything about you.  I love the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh.  I love the way your warm brown eyes stares into my blue ones.  I love how you’re a clean freak and yet let me be as messy as I am.  I love how I would wake to see a post-it on my forehead to remind me to eat breakfast...  I love you in ways that you will probably never understand…  In ways that you’ll never experience, but it’s OK.  Even if you push me away and hate me for my feelings, it’s fine…  It’s OK because I finally did what I wanted: to love you without fear.  That was all that I wanted…  To love without fear.

MASON (stutters): I-I

JACOB: I’ll pack up my things up as soon as I wake up tomorrow.  I’m planning on moving-

MASON: Where are you going? I never told you to go!  Who told you to go?

JACOB (smiles): I would never want you to feel awkward about this.  I would never want you to suffer because I love you in this way, so I will let you be.

MASON (softly): Don’t go.  I don’t want you to go. (avoiding eye contact)

 JACOB opens his mouth to say something, but gets interrupted.

MASON (quickly): I love you too!

JACOB (with a laugh): What?!  Really?

MASON finally makes eye contact with JACOB and nods, with an embarrassed face.

MASON: I love you too.



Here is a second one...  My cousin read it and said it was kind of confusing...  



EMMA sits at a desk in the library.  DANIEL is sitting 3 desks away from her.   She is frantically flipping through her book and notes.  WILL sneaks up behind her and scares her, making her let out a small scream.  EMMA glances over at DANIEL and he is oblivious to the situation.


EMMA (angry): Why did you do that?!

WILL takes a seat in the desk next to EMMA.

WILL (laughing): You should stop studying so hard. Your boyfriend is over there.  (He nods in DANIEL’s direction

EMMA (whispering): He is not my boyfriend!  Get your mind straight, DANIEL – I mean, WILL!

WILL (laughs):  You always get DANIEL and I confused.

EMMA (rolls her eyes): It’s only because you two are kind of similar.

WILL (smiles):  Don’t deny it.  You want DANIEL to be your boyfriend. Why don’t you just go over and talk to him?

EMMA: I do talk to him.  We’re mutual acquaintances, aren’t we?

WILL (nods): Sure, whatever you want to call it.

EMMA: (scoffs) What is that supposed to mean?

WILL: He likes you.

EMMA (embarrassed): N-No, he doesn’t.

WILL: Of course he does.  (smiles)  Haven’t you seen the way he looks at you in class?

EMMA: What?  No…

WILL: You should talk more to him.

EMMA (scoffs): Just because we’re good friends does not mean that you can play around like that, WILL.

WILL: But, it’s true!  There’s a twinkle in his eyes when he looks at you!  Did you really not see how bright his smile is when he talks to you?

EMMA shakes her head, in disbelief.

EMMA: Go away.  I have assignments to do.

WILL (laughing):  Come on.  (He tugs on EMMA’s arm)  Let’s go and talk to him.

EMMA: No.  Talking to him doesn’t prove anything.

WILL stands up, not letting go of EMMA’s arm.

WILL: Let’s go.

EMMA (a sigh of frustration): Are you serious?

WILL (smiles down at EMMA): Completely serious.

EMMA stands up, reluctantly.  WILL and she walks over to DANIEL.

EMMA (softly): Hi Daniel!

DANIEL looks up from his book and smiles. 

WILL: See? (He nudges EMMA’s side)  Look at how his eyes are twinkling and how big that smile is. 

EMMA (tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear):  How have you been, DANIEL?

DANIEL (laughing): I’m good.  Did you finish the reading for class?

EMMA: Well, no…  Not yet.  But, it’s not due until tomorrow so I’ll probably do it tonight.

DANIEL (nods): Same here. 

DANIEL: Do you have any plans for the weekend?

WILL (excited): He’s totally going to ask you out. 

EMMA: Are you going to WILL’s party?

DANIEL (smiles softly): WILL?

EMMA: Oh!  Sorry!  He’s my friend!  (She gestures to WILL, standing by her side)

DANIEL (confused):  What? (He looks around confused.) There’s only you and I here, EMMA.

EMMA (shocked): What? (She turns to look at WILL.)

WILL is wearing a toothy grin, as he stands at DANIEL’s side.  EMMA takes a step back from him and DANIEL.  She turns to look at DANIEL with bewilderment written on her face.  She turns away and quickly walks to her desk.  She quickly packs up her things without putting her things back in its proper place.

EMMA (quietly to herself):  Mom used to tell me that I had imaginary friends all the time when I was younger…  (She starts to panic.)  She used to tell me that I had imaginary friends when I really did think that they were real.  WILL isn’t real.  WILL isn’t real if Daniel can’t see him.

Meanwhile, DANIEL watches her from afar, puzzled and WILL continues to smile with his toothy grin, in silence.  As EMMA staggers away from the scene, DANIEL stands up and quickly follows her.

DANIEL:  Wait!  Who’s WILL?

EMMA turns around, looks past DANIEL, and at WILL, who is still smiling.

EMMA (not taking her eyes off of him): You said that it was only us, right?  (DANIEL nods and WILL starts to frown).  Then, he’s no one.  He’s not real.




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Whao, Emma's part was so... Thought-provoking... Will.... Reminded me a bit of Shin... Sorry, I know it's a totally different story, but I kind of cannot help relating the stories the same author writes :) I really like the second one! The ambiguous and vague feel of the whole story... And the unexpected and wistful ending made me go ;^; will.......