So, I wanted to have my hair styled like my dream-woman's...

So, I wanted to get my hair cut like Amber's from f(x)'s promotions for "Pinocchio" and "Hot Summer", seeing as I'm already blond. I was hoping that, after I got my hair cut and had the TIPS OF MY BANGS dyed, it would look something similar to this:


And then once the color faded, I could do something like this with it:


Now, I instead of black/gray, I wanted a really BRIGHT shade of red. They had the shade of red that Taemin had during SHINee's promotions in Japan, so I picked that - because it's a totally badass color. However, in certain lighting, it does not look as badass as it did when Taemin had it. Instead of this desired style, I ended up looking more like L. Joe from "Don't Spray Perfume". Don't believe me? Here's L. Joe from "Don't Spray Perfume:




I mean, don't get me wrong - it still looks pretty good. It's just not the style I was going for. -___-

Eh, I'll try again once it grows out. XD


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