`〈 The Birds & The Bees 〉-- { Juiliana Nguyen }

Application Form 
Juiliana Nguyen
change it to you favourite ulzzang pic. Make it long not tall please!

• hey, it's  p o r o r o! 


your name • Ashley

username -ashes

activity  9


• come join me all day my friends!


full name • Formerly Juiliana Wu

maiden name • Juiliana Nguyen

nickname/s • Joo | called only by her family and Kris

birthday • 1995| January| 17

age • 34

ethnicity • Vietnamese

birthplace • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

known languages • English, Vietnamese, Korean

blood type • AB

ulzzang name • Wang Wan Wan

photographs one  two  three  four  five

back-up ulzzang • Trinity Dang

photographs one  two  three  four  five

height • 173 cm

weight • 57 kg

current appearance 
Now no longer stick thin, Juiliana is more curvaceous than she was when she was a mere teen ready to offer the world everything. However, despite that, she still manages to keep slim and in shape by going to the gym frequently, though it is harder to keep the pounds off. Her facial skin has become drier and slightly duller in color to which she applies significant amounts of moisturizing lotion to her face. Due to stress of caring for a child and keeping up with her occupation, Juiliana has developed some gray hairs to which she covers or colors every so often, and she has light crow's feet around her eyes to which she applies makeup to cover up.

extras • She has two piercings on each lobe and a tattoo of a koi fish on her left side that stretched out with her skin when she was pregnant. On her back, she has a tattoo of two birds that represent her two children.


 l i ttl e  penguin, p o r o r o!



i am the woman• Juiliana Nguyen is the embodiment of grace and confidence. She is an independent woman, and she lets everyone know it. Ever so fluid, her movements are as graceful as an gazelle, and when she walks and speaks, she never fails to entrance people with her elegance and beauty. She is eloquent when she speaks, and her voice seems to hold a quality that just persuades people to agree with her, leading her to usually get things her way.  Juiliana does not let anyone push her down; she is a fighter, one who knows what she wants and what she will go to to get it. She loves challenges and always rises to the occasion when she is presented with one; it's as if she has a weird addiction to them. She is firm when making decisions and is not easily swayed after she makes them, and it's because of this trait that she is able to assume leadership so easily. Straightforward, she isn't fond of candy-coating things, but at the same time, she is not outrightly blunt to where it is rude. She finds a middle to where she can get the message across while still maintaining a civil relationship with others. She is dedicated to whatever she sets out to do and is a very opinionated person, spewing out her thoughts like fire. Depicted in the media as "The Woman of the Year," her class and position in the fashion industry makes her an ideal role model for independent females. When seen in the eyes of the public and in the eyes of others, she seems as if she is epitome of perfection, but this is certainly not the case.

i'm not perfect in reality Juiliana is a mature woman, one that puts her mind over her heart, and in result, has made making personal relationships somewhat difficult to form. She is cynical at times, and never does she ever fool herself into fantasies she knows will not happen. She is grounded, realistic, and it is both a blessing and a curse. It is because of this trait of hers that she has learned not to hope for too many things, and in result, has lowered her faith in others. In all actuality, she has low expectations in others and is a complete perfectionist when it comes to assignments and work. It always seems as if she has to do everything herself because she is untrustful of others to follow what she envisions. She is very prideful, and it's because of this that she can never ever seem to accept defeat without sounding bitter. This makes her difficult to get along with at times depending if you get on her bad side or not. At times, she gets angry at petty things and hates, absolutely hates, to be wrong. When she is, indeed, in the wrong, she is a bit of a sore loser and shows it only around certain people that know her personally. Though she doesn't show it to anybody, she is actually very emotional inside and has only revealed this other side of herself to Kris. This side manifests itself especially in her clothes, and it's one of the reasons why she was able to reach the top of her industry. Juiliana is a something of an old soul, and she has an absolute infatuation with black and white movies and 50s music. To others, this may be a strange fancy, but she believes that black and white movies were the epitome of true romance, where men were gentlemen and women had standards. To her, 50s music had the melody and lyrics of true love for a significant other. Juiliana Nguyen is not perfect, but perfect doesn't exist does it?

motherhood Being a mother is something Juiliana never ever regrets, even if it does give her grey hairs and abundant amounts of stress. Before her life became so messed up, she was an ideal mother. Although alone in raising her child practically by herself, she was completely devoted to Aila, as the little girl was her whole entire world. She loved that child more than her own life, and smothered her with love, especially when she had to leave her to go to work. She loved to spend as much time with Aila as possible, and though she didn't spoil her daughter senseless, she did give a few preesents now and then when she felt Aila deserved it. However, though doting on Aila sometimes, she displayed sterness when she meant business or when she's teaching her daughter a lesson. Juiliana has absolutely no tolerance for disrespect from Aila, and she'll do what is necessary to discipline her child, even if it does take some spanking from time to time. She knows that her parenting ways may be frowned upon, but she will do anything in order for her child to become a justly person. Though Juiliana may seem strict as a parent, she knows when kids can be kids, and lets leeway for Aila when it comes to those times. The most she wants for her child  to be is to grow up to be a great person in the future, and Juiliana will do anything to get her there.

in sickness and in healthDuring the time that she was dating until she was divorced, she lived a blissful and seemingly complete life. Though both she and Kris often clashed frequently due to their personalities, they made it work, and at the time, they were floating on cloud nine. Juiliana became considerably kinder and more laid-back as did Kris, and she just practically glowed happiness. Surprisingly, Kris wears the pants in the relationship, considering how profoundly independent Juiliana is; it's probably the only time she has ever really submitted to being helpless and accepting a man's help and love. Before, she was a defiant and independent as she is now, allowing her not ot depend on anyone else, and in result, pushed all her previous boyfriends away saying that they didn't feel like a man next to her or that she was the guy in the relationship. She's more like a traditional woman who needs a man's help when she's around Kris, and she loves that he exudes masculinity and is not afraid to show it. A bit like a girl with her first love, Kris is the only man to make her feel powerful and powerless, angry and loving, all at the same time. However, the romance department is where she takes charge, considering he is amorous as a brick. She is usually always the one coordinating their dates and time together (except for the rare occassions where Kris surprises her).

hell hath no fury like a woman scornedAfter their divorce and death of their child, Juiliana changed considerably. She was more snappy, stressed, and spent more time at work. She didn't mean to, because if there's one thing she knows in this world, it's that she loves her Aila more than she loves anything else (but she also knows that Aila looks so much like Adrian and it kills her all over again). When at home, she is cooped up in her office or her work room, and when her daughter asks for play time, she always just seems to brush her off, saying that "Mommy has work" or "Mommy's busy right now." Because she is such an emotional person, she's become irresponsible and selfish, letting her grief cloud her duties as a mother, and she seems to think that if she has a little bit of time away from Aila, then everything will go back to the way it was soon because in her mind, one cannot be a perfect mother if one cannot even look at her child. And that's what she wants for Aila. She wants to give the best to her (now) only child, and that includes being the best mother. So she can't face her daughter like this; not like this emotional wreck who's life is falling apart at the seams imperfect and a mess. She is so caught up in Adrian's death that she doesn't realize that his passing not only affected her, but her daughter as well. Aila is suffering, and Juiliana doesn't even realize that she is tearing her (what she has left now) family apart.

To the public, the Wu family was perfect. Was.


vintage fashion• She absolutely adores the fashion style and clothing of the forties and fifties. In fact, most of the clothing she designs is based off the vintage era of fashion mixed with much of the modern taste of today's young women.

balenciaga and versace• Juiliana just adores theses brands, as they correspond with much of her own taste. Their simplicity and out-of-the-box designs continue to inspire her and spark that drive that she may be one of those big brands one day.

shoes• Seriously? What designer doesn't love shoes? They practically pull the whole look together, and for Juiliana, it's become an absolute obsession. So much that, when she and Kris were still married, they constantly got into fights about. Currently, she has a whole closet just reserved for them, making her sort of a hoarder.

black and white movies• She adores black and white movies. She thinks that movies back then had substance and the romance displayed was more true and real than any other Twilight. This doesn't mean that she dislikes the newer, more modern movies; it's just that black and white movies have always held a special place in her heart.

50s music• Juiliana falls head over heels for Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole. Their lyrics make her heart swell with butterflies and happiness and makes her feel as if she was in love once again.

chocolate• Enough said.

water• It's like drinking liquid air and it's kind of addicting to her.

ballads, slow songs, classical, instrumentals• There's just something about them that she can't tear herself away from.

studio ghibli• Aila loves it and so does she. Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle are her favorites.

sweets• Pastries and doughnuts are just to die for.

spicy foods• Spicy foods are an addiction for her. Every chance she gets to put hot sauce on something, she slathers it, and it's like heaven and hell to her.

tea• She loves loves loves tea. It's like drinking hot, slightly flavored water.


smacking when eating, etc.• Absolutely not. She does not tolerate it whatsoever. Learn some manners, will you?

disobedience• She has too much on the line for any defiance from anyone. When she needs something to get done, it needs to get done. If not, then get out of her comapny.

public restrooms• She's hated them from the day she was born. She thinks they're the most unsanitary places in any kind of establishment. In her company, the toilets and sinks get cleaned every single day, so when she is forced to use them, they're at least as clean as they can be.

frogs and insects• Juiliana literally jumps out of her skin and fears for her life when she sees frogs or when insects jump on her.

humidity• It's hard to breathe, makes her hair frizzy, and makes her sweat like crazy.


sketching/designing• Juiliana does this basically all the time. At work, at home, there isn't really a time when she can't sketch. Just give her a pencil and a sketchbook and she's set.

reading• This is a past hobby. She no longer has time to do this as she is juggling her job, the media, and her own daughter.

shopping• Of course, being current fashion designer, she and Aila have to have the latest trends in fashion.

exercising• Oddly enough, she always has time for this. Probably because she makes it a point to make time for it.


runs her hand through her hair

forgets things when in a rush

crosses her legs when she sits down

taps her foot or nails when impatient

stares off into space when she's thinking about something

trivia&extras • 

She only knows Vietnamese because she took classes in college to learn the language for the reason that she wanted to learn more about who she was. It was only for her benefit.

She cries at night sometimes when she thinks of Kris and their broken marriage and of her poor delicate son.

She is completely oblivious to her daughter's disorder and thinks that she's just afraid to be in a new environment like a daycare.

• The reason she enrolled Aila in daycare was because she was immersing herself more and more in her work, and no longer had time to take care of her. She thought that being around children her own age would be more of a fun experience than just hiring a nanny and staying in a big, empty house by herself.

She drives a white G63 AMV Mercedes SUV.

•She never called Kris by his real name unless she was being serious. Instead, she would always use various pet names like Handsome (just like Adrian)  or Anh (Vietnamese word for honey, baby, etc.), Jagi/Jagiya, or Baobao/Qin ai. However, after their divorce, she began calling him by Kris considering that it was easier to him to get used to.

• She can't breathe on Adrian's death anniversary, and the tears can't stop. She doesn't hold Aila on that day, but instead stays in her room while she calls her sister to go pick her up. She goes to visit her baby's grave alone.


 make way for p o r o r o!



your husband's name • Wu Yifan

his blood type • O

his occupation now • 
Solo rapper

his personality 

i don't need a womanKris Wu was a man of principle, a man that believed that you had to be successful to make something out of life. His morals were set high as were his standards in women. Before he was tied down, he was laid-back and authoritative; of course, when being the leader of the EXO-M, one was expected to be so. Responsible, wise, and sometimes strict, he is the person to go to when one of the group members has a problem or needs guidance. He was much like a father figure to those younger than him and is a very private person, making him somewhat mysterious to those who don't know him so well. To many, Kris was a smartass, and he always had a snarky remark about everything and could always hold his own in arguments or debates. In fact, he thrived off of it and always felt satisfied when he saw the look of defeat on his opponent's face. He was a competitive person, and just like his ex-wife, he absolutely hated  to lose or be wrong. Kris was not, and still isn't, an expressive person. Emotional was not a word that described him; hell, the only emotions he knew were happy and angry and sometimes sad. He has the comforting skills of a broom and the emotional range of a brick, but this doesn't stop him from trying to help someone feel better. When he doesn't like someone, he makes it a point to constantly come into contact with that person because he is a man who likes to takes things head-on. When concerning something he loves, Kris Wu is as passionate and intense as they come. His enthusiasm about his music and his own projects is an internal fire in him that cannot ever be extinguished. This goes the same way for the people he holds dear to him, even if he doesn't show it. Intimidating when he needs to be, when strangers first look at him, they think he's intense and scary, but this is not the case. He is a very secretive person when doing something good for the benefit of others and doesn't like to be seen like a good guy for doing something that he thinks should've been done. Despite his denying, he is actually a fluffy teddy bear with a squishy heart in wolf's clothing.

who the hell is she• Kris knew there was s0mething, just something, about this girl that made him hold his breath when she was around and faintly long for her when she left. It befuddled him because what was so different about this girl that made him react like he did? Nevertheless, he was absolutely astonished and perplexed as to why this woman pulled him out of dance practice just to ask (yell) him a question that he did not even know the answer to. Confused and agitated (furious) that she had stopped his entire progress with the dance routine, he retaliated, venting out his own frustrated feelings felt from their encounters. This set the dynamic of their relationship, and every time they met after that, they would somehow get into a fight. Because they fought so often, they spent an abundance of time together and unconciously began picking up on the other's habits and likes. Unbeknownst to both, these fights led their relationship to strengthen and the tension between each other to rise higher and higher. Soon, the fights weren't so serious anymore and transformed into a sort of amusing banter for both of them. Every time Kris was around Juiliana, his shoulders would tighten up, ready for retaliation, and his face would always break out in a smile because although the bickering caused ample agitation on Juiliana's end, he enjoyed it as a sort of special thing they had with one another. When he talked with her and argued with her, there was a hint of teasing in his voice, and when it came time to flirt, he would shamelessly drop subtle hints here and there. Though they would outrightly deny it if someone told them, they acted like they were best friends and perhaps even like an old, bickering couple.

i can't believe i fell for her After they started going out, Kris's personality altered enough to be noticed by others. He was considerably nicer, gentle even, and his snarky remarks were spewed less frequently although still highly effective. His competitive trait still remains intact, and his teasing still manages to grind Juiliana's gears in irritation. When he would talk about her, his face would become uncharacteristically animated, and a smile could not be wiped off his face. Around her, he was no longer the emotionless guy everyone thought him to be. Instead, he was teasing, and mirth and happiness flooded his eyes. Even though he was far from the perfect man, he had some semblence of acting like a gentleman from time to time. His demeanor in her prescence changes from stormy to sunshine, and he wasn't just happy with her; he seemed happy with everyone around him after seeing her. After they got married, they had no problems with their life in the beginning; in fact, they problem was keeping them out of the bedroom. They seemed as if they were in heaven when with one another. However, their bickering never died down, and they got into arguments and fights almost every single day. They loved as much as they hated one another, and this often lead to the creation of Kris's second bedroom, the couch. This was the result in their previous dynamics with one another and caused by their clashing personalities. Juiliana and Kris were not a very lovey-dovey couple; rather, they used lingering touches and subtle actions and intense gazes when in the public. However, when alone, things heated up. They were fun at times, fighting in others, but when ual attraction was evident between them, everyone in the room felt it. They were irresistable to one another, and it didn't take PDA for one to tell.

our home is a mess Before they had the kids, they could not keep their hands off each other. Though they didn't spout cheesy lines to one another every singles second, when they were alone in their home, they did more actions to indicate their couple status. For example, they would hold hands and sneak in kisses often, something they didn't do unless no one was looking. And they had everywhere. When Kris or Juiliana wanted it, they got it. However, after they had the kids, their hand holding and kiss sneaking became less frequent and was usually saved until after the children were asleep or in their bedroom. Usually, inside or outside of their home, Kris would be affectionate to her when no one was looking.

my beautiful children Kris loves his kids just as much as his wife. He loves to tease them and mess around with them just for the fun of it, and in this way, he spoils them with quality time with him. This is his way of expressing his love for the two boogers because he has a difficulty showing any emotion. From time to time, he spoiled them by either buying a new toy or taking them out somewhere. He was a father who valued quality time over materials, much like how a person values love over money. However, when they were acting up, Kris laid down the law. He was firm and authoritative, reverting back to his previous experiences in dealing with EXO, and though they cried, he taught them right from wrong. He was not above disciplining them either, and when they were especially bad, he or Juiliana spanked them. Despite this, at times, he was weak when it came to his kids; when they gave him googly eyes and begged for something, he would usually give in, much to Juiliana's distaste. The majority of the time, he enjoyed the company of his kids, and paired with his wife, they usually brought his mood up after a bad day at work.

my fault• Ever since the death of Adrian, Kris has shouldered the guilt and grief that came with the thoughts of it's my fault, it's all my fault. He has never let himself forget it, not for one day, and paired with that, his frustration of his failed marriage and divorce has lead him to be diagnosed with high blood pressure from stress and anger. After his divorce with Juiliana and the banishment of ever seeing the only child he had left (due to the amounts of money Juiliana secretly bribed the judge), Kris felt helpless, lost; in order to banish his grief and confusion even for just a little while, he turned to alcohol, drinking until he passed out. Eventually, after so and so months of staying sober, he had changed.  The feeling of joy and satisfaction derived from spending time with his children felt so long and old, as if visiting the fleeting feeling was something nostalgic, and when confronted with something that reminded him of them, of his amazing kids and his beautiful wife, he gazed at it so longingly that it was strange. Other times, when he was alone, he would cry, letting the grief consume him because if it was one thing he deserved, it was pain. In public, he was less social, more cynical, and less trusting, and although these feelings created top hits and skyrocketed his new career as a solo rapper, he didn't care. After everything, he was just tired and so so very frustrated. Day in and day out, he used the invisible masks only humans could make, jusst so he could get through the motions of being someone in the entertainment industry. Smile, be charming, make jokes, and then everyone will love you. No one will notice how broken you are inside. Kris longs for some kind of severe, cruel punishment so he will be allowed redemption. Because even if he fools himself into thinking that he no longer loves Juiliana (which he does when he's in her presence or in the presence of others or when her name even so much as comes up in a conversation), he cannot fool the way his heart wrings itself when she comes up.

how you met 

When Juiliana's career took off, she was requested by SM to design and style to the clothing for EXO's comeback. Eager, she immediately accepted and met with each of the boys to get their measurements. When she got to Kris, neither really said anything to each other, but there was something there, albeit unknown. Uncomfortable with the tension, they quickly seperated from each other; however, they encountered each other again when EXO came back for the fitting. It was then when they first exchanged their first words, and although she merely just asked him if the clothes fit, it was obvious to both of them that there was some sort of tension there (whether it was bad or good, they didn't quite know). This occurred many more times, as they had to go to frequent fittings before the photoshoot and music video, and each time, the intensity built and built. They barely spoke to one another, but this - this thing  they had kept escalating. Juiliana snapped first, and frustrated, confronted Kris literally shrieking, "What are you?!" Kris, defensive and clearly as confused and frustrated as Juiliana, decided to scream back. From then on, they had a hostile relationship with one another, but the intensity and tension was still there, and their relationship most likely turned out hostile in order to vent out the frsutration and bewilderment they had from feeling the force that was between each other.


will you marry me?• Being a very private couple in the eyes of the media and public, Kris thought he might switch up the normalcy of their relationship a bit. He had spent weeks organizing his proposal with his fellow EXO members, and on December 25, he proposed. The whole thing was quite an uproar actually. It was at the end of a Music Bank Christmas Special when all the EXO members decided to dress up and reenact Kris and Juiliana's story. Juiliana was backstage supporting Kris because he apparently said, "Christmas is a time to spend with family and loved ones. If you aren't there, I'll cry and it'll be the worst Christmas in the history of Christmases in my life," and how was she supposed to say no to the fool now? During the reenactment, Luhan played Juiliana, and Chen played Kris; they went through the motions of their relationship starting from how they met and going through the most memorable moments they had together. At the end, all big screens shut off as well as the lights, and when they were flipped back on, each EXO member held a white rose with signs asking, "Dear Juiliana, will you marry this fool already?" with an arrow pointing down to a nervous Kris at the end of the line. He was on one knee, an elegant ring box containing the most beautiful ring Juiliana had ever seen in his hands, and was facing her general direction. Juiliana was, however, not ecstatic, but instead was panicking on the inside. Was she quite ready for this? Nervous and unsure, a hand suddenly nudged her in the direction of the stage. Her whole family (who seemed to have miraculously appeared at that moment. hmmm) convinced her and told her just to go say yes to the man already. And so, when she jumped into the arms of her fiancee, it seemed as if all of the females in South Korea both cheered and cried.

every girl's dream• Throughout Juiliana's life, she never spent much time dreaming about the day she was to be wed. Sure, the thought crossed her mind every once in a while, but it was kept on the backburner, eventually fizzled out and forgotten to the dreams that she pursued in reality. So, when she found herself choosing napkins and plates and her wedding dress of all things, it finally hit her. Now, there was absolutely no way that Kris Wu and Juiliana Nguyen could have a small wedding. First, it would hurt all of those who were not invited, and second, the amount of their close friends and family already made up the least amount of people needed to be considered a large wedding. And so they resorted to have a big wedding ceremony and reception, and since they were doing so, they might as well pull out all the stops. They invited anyone who was relatively related to them and all their celebrity and non-celebrity friends, and they decided to have their marriage broadcasted live on the day of their wedding, April 10. The wedding ceremony was elegant and intimate. It took place outside near a lake, and they exchanged their vows under a wooden handmade gazebo with hanging wedding wishes in mini glass jars. Juiliana's wedding dress (just imagine the bow is pink) wasn't exactly made for an outside wedding, but she was going to have this strapless sweetheart neckline Vera Wang dress whether everyone liked it or not. They had the reception in an extravagant ballroom decorated from every inch in black, white, and pink decor, but their cake was the icing on their wedding. The EXO members did a special (gag) dance for them, and Juiliana's fellow designers went as far as to design a whole collection for their life as a married couple (lingerie, maternity clothing, etc.) and had a fashion show for it. Their wedding was so intimate and personal, it graced many magazine covers and pages dubbed as the wedding of the year.

tragedy• On April 15th, 2029, a 105 degree fever took control of Aila's body. Panicked and unable to bring the temperature down, Juiliana rushed her daughter to the emergency room, all the while calling Kris, who just got off work. After informing him of all the details, Kris hurriedly drove to Hyokyun's house where Adrian was playing with his cousins and speeded to the hospital where they were caring for Aila. Just as the saying goes, "April showers being May flowers," it was raining horrendously that day. Ironically, it was not Kris who skidded out of control, but rather a car near them. The vehicle hit Adrian's side directly, and he died upon impact. Kris has always blamed himself for not jumping in between his son and the car to save him.

separation and after-effects• After the death of their child, tension escalated between the married couple. Their was anger, grief, and the inability to move on that affected them both and inevitably, their relationship and marriage. They had more fights, not the fights where they argued about senseless and trivial things, but the fights that used screaming and crying and often times throwing objects they could get their hands on. They were hostile to one another, and when they saw each other, flaming anger and piercing hatred and sorrowful grief were all rolled up together and aimed at the other. They could no longer even exchange words without the other sounding bitter and starting a fight. Soon enough, they did not even acknowledge one another and slept in different bedrooms. The distance not only affected both Kris and Juiliana, but also their daughter Aila. She felt helpless in trying to heal anything and scared when they would fight. However, she was deathly petrified when they stopped even acknowledging one another. Though she was only four, she knew what was to come in the near future, and that it would break her when it did happen. And so, Juiliana and Kris divorced each other on July 24 and with the money Juiliana secretly bribed the judge, Kris's rights to see his daughter was completely taken away. Because he didn't want to put Aila into any more hardship, he refrained from telling the media of what transpired between his ex-wife and the judge. Juiliana changed her name back to Nguyen.


 snow covered wonderland!


your background 

An orphan until age eight, Juiliana grew up in Vancouver, Canada with her adoptive parents and sister. She was never quite sure how she got to the orphanage and why she was there, and she never really took it upon herself to find out. When the Ok family adopted her, she was a bit weary of them, afraid that they might return her to the shack with grubby, unsanitary children she used to call home, and it's because of this fear that she constantly tried to please them. From cleaning the house to making good grades and getting them gifts, she made certain that they would never even play with the thought of sending her back; she loved it there. She loved how loving and caring her parents were and how lively and fun her sister was and how they just made her feel like she actually belonged in the world, like her existence was needed. Her parents noticed her behavior soon enough, and when they confronted her about it, she broke down and the dam ruptured. Her worries and fears that they would send her back the stress of not knowing if they really would came spilling out of like waterfalls, and she found herself enveloped in hugs and bittersweet smiles and words of reassurance that, yes, they did love her and that they would never in their life return her to what was once the only place she had to call home.  After she had been reassured of her permanent place in her new family, she fell into a comfortable routine with them, and when she turned fourteen, her parents decided that they wanted to move back to Korea.

It was at this time that she learned fluent Korean, and she allowed herself the leisure of focusing on other things that she had never played with the thought of. For example, her future. During her high school career, she was pulled in all directions when considering her occupation she was striving for. Countless upon countless ideas permeated through her mind; from being a chef to a realtor and then to a dermatologist, unlike her dear sister, Juiliana was completely bewildered at what she wanted to do when she grew up. However, during the summer after her senior year, she discovered what exactly her heart and being yearned to be. She and Hyokyun were watching a fashion show on t.v. because of Hyokyun's dream to become a model (and not because Hyokyun stole the remote), and Juiliana became irresistibly entranced at the how each article of clothing made each and every model different and, dare she say it, magical. She had always thought originality was something to be proud of, and she discovered that she wanted to voice her own originality, her own self (even if she was once a stupid, poor orphan). And in that way, she could also create a voice for others, and through that, show that they do not have to be ashamed of themselves and their originality. In attempt to chase her dream, she left South Korea to go to Parson's School of Design. However, during the middle of her third year, her mother contracted cancer, and she rushed back to Korea, not caring about school. After her mother had been cured, Juiliana did not return to school, but instead, stayed with her mother just in case something happened. After all, her sister was so busy going to different countries for her modeling job that she was rarely home, and Juiliana decided that ultimately, her mother came before her career. However, she never stopped designing clothing, and when she had free time, she would making random items of clothing and accessories such as aprons and shirts.


Ok Hyunim | 63 | retired hotel concierge | alive | ditzy, humorous, loud, half-deaf

Ok Eunjin | 57 | waitress | alive | warm, caring, strict, good cook

Ok Hyokyun | 34 | modeling teacher | alive | wild, ditzy, lively, crazy fun

your occupation 

Juiliana is the president and head designer of her fashion brand, Juiliana, and at age twenty-four, she got her first break apprenticing under her idol DonatellaVersace in Italy. She had been sending countless among countless samples of her clothing to her idol, in hopes of somehow contacting her. After being convinced by her father, Juiliana left her mother's side and began to pursue her dreams. Three years after that, she branched out and started her own company in South Korea with the help and blessing of Dontella. When she turned twenty-nine her career took off, and she became known globally. She was right up there with the most famous designers such as Alexander Wang and Zac Posen and had the opportunity to dress celebrities around the world. As the head designer of her own company, she has to go to meetings frequently, and because of her opinionated personality, she argues with them more often than not. She has to make thousands of decisions, do paperwork, and put up appearances at parties. She does all this while designing for new collections that she needs to conjure up before the deadline, and she starts right after airing the current and last one.


Ok Hyokyun | 34 | modeling teacher | alive | wild, ditzy, lively, crazy fun | Juiliana and Hyokyun are sisters bound by soul. They are opposites of one another, an oxymoron together, much like bittersweet. They share everything with one another, which made them best friends before they even knew it. They do get inot argument often, but they are always trivial and petty. Usually, the next day, they get over it. Apologies are never needed with one another because they understand each other to that extent. Though Juiliana was wary of her at first, Hyokyun never wavered in trying to get ot know her and making her feel at home. She is like the first light that shined in Juiliana's life, and for that, Juiliana is as thankful as she is loving of her sister. Because Juiliana is so realistic, sometimes, Hyokyun is needed in her life in order to pull her away from reality, to relax and imagine the impossible things. Her sister allows herself to be someone else when she is relaxed, not the mess she is now.


•In the beginning, she was shunned at school because she didn't know Korean and wasn't Korean.

Juiliana went through a period of depression when she was in high school due to the ostracizing of her classmates.


• I c al l for him, my li tt le penguin!



full name • Aila  Wu

nickname/s • Ai

birthday • 2025, September, 26

current age • 4

blood type • Leave it to you

ulzzang • Aila Wang

photographs one two three

extras • She has a little freckle on her shoulder.


full name • Adrian Wu

nickname/s • Handsome | Juiliana would call him this because he would smile at her when she said it.

birthday • 2026, September, 22

current age • 3

blood type • Leave it to you

ulzzang • Kim Jin Woo

photographs one two three

extras • - - -


I love to play all day!


name • Aila Wu


hi, i'm aila• Dramatic, expressive, and a total diva, Aila is a four year old with tons of spunk and originality. She is not afraid to pick out the things she likes and they way she dresses. She is an absolute fashionista and picks out her own outfits as well as her mother's sometimes. She is opinionated like her mother and as intense and passionate as her father, and she lets everyone know it. There is no one she doesn't meet who she doesn't leave an imprint on because of her personality. She is a loud child whose voice projects itself throughout the room at her normal volume, and in a way, she is happy that she has such an attribute about herself. It allows herself to be heard by all, whether they liked it or not. Letting no one dampen who she is, she has inherited her trait of leadership from both of her parents, and when her fellow friends are confused, expect for her to step up to the plate to guide them in the right direction. Being a complete drama queen, Aila makes a big deal out of everything though she is kidding...most of the time, and she was born with tough skin, letting absolutely no one hurt her and her pride. By others, she is assumed to be a bit of a bully because of how confident she is and because of her straightforwardness, but she merely is bossy because of her home life. Aila is as forceful as a ten thousand pounds of pressure, and paired with the rest of aspects of her personality, she makes sure everyone knows it.

mommy• At first, before the death of her (happyloserlovable) brother, she aspired to be her mother. Juiliana was her role model, and in her eyes, everything her mother did was prefect. She had no trouble getting her attention, and when she did, she intended to be praised and spoiled by Juiliana. This, in result, led her to constantly whine for her mother's affections, and when she didn't get it, she threw tantrums and cried to the point where both parents lost sleep. It's because of this trait that she became a spoiled little girl, whining when she didn't get what she want or when things didn't go her way. She continuously cried crocodile tears, and in attempt to save some face, her parents had to comfort her. Her relationship with her mother, however, never wavered, and she dreamt of being like her mother ever since she was born. With Mommy, she enjoyed being as girly as she wanted to, and being a diva was hardly ever a problem. They often acted like divas playfully and pretended to be other people, whoever Aila wanted to be. When it came to both of them, Aila was the leader and Juiliana followed (except for when Juiliana needed to be a mother).

daddy• Though Aila aspired to be like her mother, she was a complete Daddy's girl, just like her brother. She loved him as much as he loved her, and around him, she felt comfortable anywhere. She was constantly showered with love and spoiled senselessly when it came to her father. She knew he was weak when it came to her, and she took full advantage of that. She was treated like a princess when she was with her father, and because of Kris's constant love for her, he contributed to her spoiled attitude around others. Regardless, Aila acts like an absolute angel around her father, using 100% aegyo to get what she wants, and she intends to be that way until she's old enough to be any more mature. However, sometimes, she rudely ditches him for some other distraction (barbie dolls and t.v.) just because she thought he wasn't entertaining enough. Regardless, she wants her father to view her as his perfect daughter, and she will act accordingly in order to make him believe so.

sibling• She and Adrian were like two partners in crime. Though Aila was the leader (mastermind) most of the time (because i'm older and you have to do what I say), Adrian was the mechanics behind all the tricks. When together, they were a mischievous force to be reckoned with, and they conspired with one another against their parents, leading to an angry Mommy and a seething (but proud) Daddy. Both Aila and Adrian got along pretty well considering that they were around each other most of the time, and therefore, they had to put up with each other anyways. Compared to other siblings, they were a close pair, with Aila being the big sister and protector and Adrian being the cute little defenseless brother. However, though they did get along, when they fought, it was heinous. When they would start arguing, it took them no time to get into a physical fight; in fact, all their fights were more physical than anything else, considering that they didn't really say much when they were duking it out. Despite this, their dynamic made them perfect to lure in cooing females, and this, in result, allowed them to get as much candy as they wanted. They were truly masters of deception.

strangers• Before her disorder developed, Aila was outspoken to everyone. Strangers were no exception. In fact, she loved meeting new people because meeting new people meant getting new friends. Because of her rambunctious personality, no one left without having her imprinted in their minds. However, after she developed her disorder, she no longer welcomed strangers into her life. She shied away from them, and when they got too close, she screamed and cried. When in the presence of strangers, she would hide behind her mother and avoid looking at them to discourage them to try to talk to her. She wants nothing to do with them, for fear that they might take her away from her mother. She acts this way also with other children she does not know, but instead of crying and screaming (which is her last resort), she tries to be cold to them to get them to leave her alone.

i don't know what to do• After the death of her brother, Aila also changed just like her parents did, transformed into a personality so opposite from her previous one. Her separation disorder basically took over her whole life and the way she acted towards others. She stopped socializing with children and adults completely and became self-concious about everything. Because of her little brother's death and her parents' divorce, Aila was tormented by the thoughts and nightmares of her mother leaving her, resulting in Aila being alone. This is why she still sleeps in the same bed with her mom, clutching onto her arm to make sure she doesn't go anywhere. It gives Aila reassurance, and without this, she couldn't be able to sleep. Her self-esteem has also plummeted. She no longer felt powerful and confident. In her eyes, she wasn't beautiful, and her constant insecurity boosted her shyness even more. She was no longer the happy girl that everyone used to love. Now, she is a wallflower, one that cannot speak up for itself because of its lack of confidence. Aila has no guts to be able to voice out her opinions either, even if they are affecting her life and relationship with her mother. She is too scared to do anything, too scared of any more people leaving her alone.


home• Before, Aila used to be carefree in her home, free to be as loud as she wanted and to do anything possible. However, things have changed. In that empty, lonely mansion, she is no longer loud, no longer ambitious to reach for the sky at ground level. She is more like a ghost than she is like the sunshine, and the house no longer has that same joy when one walks in. She is selfish when she asks for things, despite her shyness because if anyone will pay attention to her, it's the maids and butlers. She no longer greets the help around the house and no longer makes small talk to anyone. She is a walking corpse and keeps to herself most of the time.

daycare• She is wary around the other kids. She socializes with none of them and usually just plays by herself in the corner. Reserved and distant, if one of the kids try to coax her into playing with them, she gives them the cold shoulder and hisses at them to leave her alone. She distances herself from everyone at the daycare. When the two nice ladies try to talk and interact with her, she never meets their eyes and tries to talk to a minimum. She lets no one touch her, and everyday, when her mom drops her off, she throws a tantrum and cries and screams until Juiliana can tear herself away from Aila.


She tends to kick a lot in her sleep and occasionally sleep talks about anything, much to her embarrassment.

•She sleeps with her mother for fear of separation from her.

Because she is a lady (and because her mother told her so), Aila eats daintily like a lady should, with elbows off the table and neatly keeping her area clean.

She eats more vegetables and fruits more than meats because she thinks she'll get fat, but she is weak against desserts.

She actually eats less around other people because she feels uncomfortable

•When she feels like she's about to sneeze, she wrinkles her nose.

•Her tell-tale sign when she's lying is that she taps her foot and acts like she's angry that someone would accuse her of such.


barbie dolls• Of course, being a designer's daughter, she would naturally like to dress up and style a doll's hair.

playing tricks• It isn't the same without Adrian. This is a past time game that she used to play with Adrian before he died.

her mom's shoes• She always tries to act like a grown-up lady when she wears her mom's shoes. This is a past time hobby since her mom is so cold now.

sweets• Her favorite is Funfetti cake and chocolate chip cookies.

designing clothes• When she feels especially creative, she takes after her mother and draws shirts with thousands of rhinestones or pants that fly and change colors in the sunlight. Like mother, like daughter.

princess movies• Her dad told her that if she was a good girl, she'll be like one of those princesses and find her prince one day and live in a big castle happily ever after.

nail polish• Aila loves that it makes her hands look pretty.


separation from her mother• She throws a huge tantrum when she is separated from her mother and will do anything in her power to stay with her.

greasy foods• She thinks that they look absolutely gross.

blood• She gets scared at the sight and turns pale.

the mirror• Sometimes, the mirror is her worst enemy because it can show her all her imperfections.

spring time• She gets horrible allergies.

big dogs• They scare her.


Aila suffers from separation disorder caused by the death of her brother and sudden separation of her father because of her parents' divorce, but her parents are not aware of it nor is she herself. She displays fear and distress when she is separated from her mother or aunt when she's not at home, and this is why she was so resistant to enter in daycare, screaming and crying as if she was about to die. When separated, she demonstrates full-blown anxiety by crying and screaming and thrashing, and her disorder has impaired her ability to make friends with other children as well as interact with strangers. She often clings to her mother or aunt often when they are not in her home or her aunt's home, and she refuses to participate in anything where she will be separated with her mother. She sleeps with her mother because she has nightmares and cannot sleep without her. Sometimes, to avoid being separated, she will fake stomachaches, nausea, or headaches to make her mother stay by her side.

•Her greatest fear is to be left by her mother/ being left alone.

•Anywhere Aila goes, she always stays by her mother's side and clings onto her.


name • Adrian Wu

personality • 

hello, my name is adrian• During his short life, Adrian was as expressive as a block of cheese. He was the epitome of straight-faced, and rarely did he ever show any real excitement that a baby should have. The doctor said it was just his personality, but Juiliana and Kris thought otherwise. This is why they tried so desperately to get him to show more emotion as a child, but nothing ever seemed to work. And so, he remained a stoic child, odd and and unique. He would show an odd interest for things that no one really paid attention to, and he never really did show much emotion. He was like a robot, but he was not always this way. As he grew up, he began to show more interest in normal things and began to show more expression little by little, but he still retained his straight-faced persona. For example, when he played basketball, he was considerably more happy considering that there were glimpses of of absolute utter joy on his face and in his eyes. Adrian was his father's son, and it is because of this that he gained similar personality characteristics like his father. Just like Kris, Adrian would be sweet to his mother and sister secretly and stoically, as if he had not done anything and that it wasn't a big deal to go out of his way to do something nice. When playing with little insects and critters, he was ruthless because he hated bugs and sought no mercy for them. When he asked for something, he would always only ask for the necessities and not a penny more. Truly, Adrian Wu is the creation of both Juiliana and Kris.


home Adrian shows the most emotions at home, though it is not much. He is more open in his own house, and therefore is not afraid to be himself. He shows glimpses of his real emotions and isn't afraid to do anything out of character because he knows his family is used to it. Basically, he is free to do anything he wants and isn't afraid to do them.

daycare At the daycare, Adrian is more reserved and boring. He reverts back to his old self when in the daycare, and when kids ask him to play, he rejects them or gives the cold shoulder. It's not that he's mean; just that he's reserved and uncomfortable around other kids. His behavior with the caretakers was not anything different; he asked for things if he needed it and nothing more. His daycare behavior is similar to Aila's after his death.


When he sleeps, he breathes so hard that it sounds like snores.

Adrian tends to stop eating as soon as he feels he is full, and there is nothing that will convince him to finish his food.

He cannot sleep until his father sings him a lullaby and his parents give him a kiss.

He loves meat. He prefers junk food over fruits and other nutrient rich foods.


basketball/sports Like father, like son.

remote-controlled cars He loved the way they moved and how fast they could go.

brushing his teeth Toothpaste tasted pretty good to him.


vegetables They're yucky.

taking the ball away Adrian cannot stand it when someone takes his basketball/soccer ball/ etc. away from him.

watermelon They were eating watermelons one day and he decided that he wanted to stick a seed up his nose. They had to go to the hospital.


• He's dead.




Always happy,  a s  c an be!


plotline desires • Maybe every now and then, you could put in vague flashbacks of Adrian's death and the aftermath that affected the family. Also, I would love if you put a huge gigantic fight between Kris and Juiliana about Adrian's death and about Aila with her disorder and Juiliana's unproper care for her. And maybe Juiliana and another applicant's husband could start flirting (but not really anything serious, just flirting). Y'know, just to cause some drama and problems. And maybe you could provide a glimpse of how life was like for the Wu family before everything became so messed up by describing their home life or wedding or something; it doesn't matter to me. Or maybe you could try to include Aila's frustrated feelings and her development and cause of her disorder?

comments • For the ulzzangs, you can use either one that you think will be suitable for my character. It doesn't matter to me. :) Also, I am so so so sorry for sending this in so late and for so many plotline desires! They're really just optional is all. And for some reason, the hardest portions of the app was the husband's part. I had such a hard time with it. And in Juiliana's trivia, I wasn't quite sure what the Chinese word for 'darling' was when I looked it up, so if it's wrong then I'm sorry.

questions • I don't think I have any!


• po  ro r o!

password Ha Donghoon




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