> St. James Hope Hospital < | Seo Minri

> S t.  J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l <
어 머   놀 랐 다
- N e v e r   l o s e   H o p e -

Username: Hope3698



Name : Seo Minri
*nichnames: Ri - the last character of her name
Date of Birth: June | 3 | 1998 | 15
Place of Birth: Incheon, South Korea
Ethinicity: Korean
Languages: Korean (Fluent) | English (Conversational) | Chinese (Basic)
Personality: Naturally, Minri is an optimistic person and she'll try to see the light in every situation. You can be kidnapped and Minri can tell you "at least you're not dead or anything". Minri is a very cheerful person, as if a smile is always plastered on her face. If someone is sad, they just have to spend ten minutes with her and their mood will be lifted. She thinks that everyone has a limited time on Earth, and for that limited time, why not be happy? She knows she doesn't have much time, so she doesn't like to spend it on thinking about her life. 
            Minri usually likes to block out everything that in her opinion is negative. Like her cancer or how she can't have a normal life the people her age. Minri is someone that thinks that everything has been planned out for her and believes in fate and also karma. This is why she usually tries to do good all the time, maybe in hopes that she might recover, or just live a little longer. Minri is also a very hopeful girl. Even though she knows that she's probably doomed, she still wants to believe that maybe one day, a miracle will happen and she will be able to have a normal life, even for just a day. 
BackgroundMinri comes from a well-to-do famiy, lucky for her, since cancer treatment costs alot. She has a younger sister that is also currently undergoing treatment for leukemia, but hers is not as serious as Minri's and the doctor thinks that she has a better chance of living. They had thankfully discovered her condition early, since they realised that she had the same symptoms as Minri.
           When she was a few months old, her parents noticed that she tiny red spots under her skin and she usually bleed or bruised easily. Thinking that this was something natural for babies (since she was their first child), they just brushed it off without thinking twice. What they failed to notice were that these were the early symptoms of the cancer of the blood, also known as leukemia. As she got older, they noticed that she rarely had appetite, causing her to very skinny, and was often fatigued. After bringing her to the doctor, they found out that she was diagnosed with stage 2 leukemia. Minri's parents were devasted and sometimes blamed themselves for not bringing her to the doctor when she was still an infant. 
             Even though Minri is receiving treatmentm, her cancer actually worsened a little when she was twelve, and that was when the doctors didn't think she had much chance of surviving.


  • Seo Youngjun | 45 | Property Agent | caring, understanding, kind-hearted | He cares alot for Minri and can often visit her, since his job has flexible timings. They can chat about anything under the sun. 
  • Nam Minji | 45 | Lawyer | cannot stand nonsense, is able to find out when someone is lying, can easily pick up hidden meanings behind what people say (afterall, she's a lawyer and that's her job) | Usually, people would think that a mother is closest to all her children. However, they're wrong. Because Minji is a successful lawyer, she is constantly being hired and cannot spend time with them, since she has to devote her time into researching and reading through the case she is currently working on. Whenever they meet, she just awkwardly comforts them and tries to make small-talk.
  • Seo Minrin | 12 | Student/Patient in Hosptial | pessimist, thinks that her life is ending, stubborn, basically the complete opposite of Minri | Most of the time they spend together is usually of Minri trying to cheer Minrin up, and telling her to look on the bright side, which Minrin usually replies with a scoff and telling Minri that she'll die.
Friends: Choi Sooyoung | 22 | Model | Childish, Prankster (although she gets pranked alot too), knows when to be serious, kind, helpful | Sooyoung often comes to the hospital to chat with the patients and she started chatting with Minri often. They like sharing secrets and gossiping, and someitmes Sooyoung tells Minri about the 'outside workd' and about her job.
-Pastel Colours
-Surfing the net
-Watching TV shows
-Watching Documentaries
-Reading about Biology
-Reading about Chemistry
-Reading about Geography
-Soft toys
-Little Twin Stars
-Talking to people
-Painting her nails
-When people think negatively
-Loud noises
-Sharp noises
-Bright lights
-Going for checkups
-Having people look at her pitifully
-When she doesn't get to talk
-When people interupt her
-Bad English
-Cries when she's angry
-Plays with her hands when she's nervous
-Bites her nails when she's bored (but she tries to stop herself from doing it)
-Talks very quickly when excited
-Laughing loudly
-Hits the people/things around her when she's irritated
-Watching TV shows
-Listening to music
-Painting her nails (sometimes she helps other patients)
-Surfing the net
Machines - Since she's been in the hospital and regulary going for checkups since was young, she really hates the machines
Loud noises - Most of the times, machines make loud noises and it scares here
-She loves reading, watching TV and surfing the net because she feels its the only way she can learn more about the world, since she rarely has the opportunity to go out
-Even though she likes to read, she hates speed reading
-One of the reasons why she started painting her nails was because she kept biting them. Since you won't bite your nails if you had nail polish on them, would you?
-She loves rainbows because it symbolises hope
-She loves watching documentaries the most because it shows her places or things she knows that she can never go or experience in her life due to her condition
-She keeps a blog (thelifeofme.blogspot.com) that she writes daily about her life as a cancer patient
-She hates bad English, but her English isn't that good either

W e l c o m e   t o   S t. J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l.
- N e v e r    l o v e   h o p e ! -




> S t.  J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l <
잃  다
- N e v e r   l o s e   H o p e -

Ulzzang: Hye Jin

Pictues: ( min. 6 ) || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || more... ||


Back up Ulzzang: Bae Jae Hui

Pictues: ( min. 3 ) || 1 || 2 || 3 || more... ||


Appearance: Minri is 169cm tall. Her legs are very long, especially her thights. She has shoulder-length wavy hair and bangs, that are dark brown, close to black. She has single eyelids, but if she opens her eyes big enough, it makes her look like she has double eyelids. She has a piercing on each ear.


Casual: || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 ||

Formal: || 1 || 2 || 3 ||

*Anything else: || 1 || 2 || 3 (her favourite jacket) ||



*Tatoos?: -

* Scares?: -

* Extras: has a birthmark that looks like a star on her right shoulder.


W e l c o m e   t o   S t. J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l.
- N e v e r    l o v e   h o p e ! -




> S t.  J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l <
기  대
- N e v e r   l o s e   H o p e -


Storyline: The Hopefull Dreamer

Love interest: Lee Taemin - SHINee

Personality: Taemin is someone that is naturally cute, but tries to prove that he is manly and not one bit cute. And his efforts usually go to waste because most of the time, people will laugh and pinch his cheeks, telling him that he's cute. Also, to strangers, he is usually very quiet and doesn't really talk to you. You'd have to start talking to him first. However, after you befriend him, he will talk more, not alot, but more and he's usually very childish.

Age: July | 18 | 1993 | 20

Who is he?: The relative of the patient in the room beside her.

How did you meet?: The first time she saw him was when Taemin had gone to visit his relative, and she saw him crying outside the room when she was walking around the hospital. When she went up to him and asked if he was crying, he immediately said no, since boys have their pride and they don't like people seeing their tears. But Minri could tell that he was sad and tried to comfort him. Over time, he started visiting her too and they became good friends. She was also surprised when Taemin told her his age, since she though that he'd be around his age due to his youthful looks. 

How do you act?: Like Sooyoung, Taemin likes telling Minri about the world outside, about school, and what they learn. Sometimes Taemin would bring his old school work to the hospital to let Minri try the papers that students have to do in school. He also tries to teach her Math, since he claims that he had won a gold medal in a Math competition.



Back-up love interest: No Minwoo - Boyfriend

Personality: Minwoo likes to fool around when he's with his close friends and he enjoys making them laugh too, telling them random jokes that he read up. He's also very random, like someone could be talking about using the computer and he can start talking about how elephants have huge ears. He is also a great rapper and he likes composing raps for the people close to him. He usually hates it when people baby him, since he's usually the youngest in any clique he's in. Minwoo is also very caring, which is why he took up the job of a part-time nurse to pass time after his school.

Age: July | 31 | 1995 | 18

Who is he?: Part-time nurse

How did you meet?: When Minwoo went around checking on the patients and when he walked pass Minri's room, he heard loud laughing (Minri was watching a comedy) and he came in to check up on her. Minri was a little embarrassed that he laughing was so loud, but he reassured her that it was cute. From then, Minwoo would usually check up on Minri and sometimes watch shows with her, which can sometimes lead to him getting told-off by his boss, lecturing him about how he's not here to chat with patients and instead he's here to help out. 

How do you act?: Whenever they're together, they like telling jokes to each other and watching comedy shows. There's rarely a day where they would be together and not laugh. Unlike Sooyoung, Minwoo doesn't want to tell Minri about the world outside, since he's afraid that Minri will feel upset that she can't have a normal life like him. 


*Anything you want to happen in the Story?: -



W e l c o m e   t o   S t. J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l.
- N e v e r    l o v e   h o p e ! -



> S t.  J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l <
사  랑
- N e v e r   l o s e   H o p e -

Comments: hihi! i'm actually not too sure if you needed whatever condition the character was suffering from... so i just put it anyways... i had to research on it, so i hope it doesn't seem fake or illogical >< and i know the blog i provided was an actual blog address, but idk who's blog it is :P have a nice day and good luck with your story!! ^~^ oh! and i know i wrote that my character has single eyelids, but the ulzzang has double eyelids... sooooo.... heh ^^;;


Password: ❝Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But we can't have a rainbow without a little rain.❞ 


W e l c o m e   t o   S t. J a m e s   H o p e   H o s p i t a l.
- N e v e r    l o v e   h o p e ! -




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