S2 Application

 ↷ Ryu Minki 


↷ you know me;;

username: Hope3698

i can call you: Hope

activeness: 9


↷ shooting star;;

name: Ryu Minki

nickname(s): Minnie

d.o.b: 95 -- 06 -- 03

height: 165cm 

weight: 49kg

blood type: A+

hometown: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean-Chinese

language: Korean (fluent) | Chinese (fluent) | English (basic)


↷ my name is..;;

personality: Minki is someone who's pretty easy going. She's usually fine with whatever people ask her to do, as long as it's not too unreasonable. But because of this, she's usually very undecisive. When people ask her to choose between A and B, she'll just shrug her shoulders and let them choose. This sometimes irritates people... Alot. Also, she's a very heavy sleeper. There can be an earthquake outside her house and she can still be soundly sleeping. There's only one way to wake her up, by wiping her face with an ice cold towel. But beware, if she's not in the mood, she can get very angry and start hitting the person who woke her up. 

                         Minki is usually a very cheerful girl, but sometimes she can get very emotional. Most of the time is when people ask her about the whereabouts of her mother. Whenever she feels sad, she'll always run off to hide in a corner. She doesn't like it when people comfort her, because she feels weak. She usually pushes people away when they come close to her when she's crying. She doesn't like people seeing her tears. 

                         When Minki is put around people that she doesn't know very well, and also people whom she thinks might hurt her, she becomes a very quiet girl, someone that you wouldn't even know was there if she didn't speak up. 

history: Minki's mother passed in a car accident when she was only six, and she often thinks about her. Her father had to single handedly raise her and her younger brother up. Because she didn't want her brother to feel like he doesn't have any motherly love, she tries to act like a mother to him, and was forced to mature much older than she is.

family background: Her mother had passed away in a car accident, and her father, even though her was devastated, never took it out on his children, nor did he go drinking to drown his sorrows. He didn't want to remarry, since he says that the only woman that will own his heart is her mother. When her mother had passed away, her brother was only three, and he didn't know her much. It was hard on the father and daughter when her brother would go around the house, looking for 'mommy' and sometimes crying when he couldn't find her. They try hard to tell him that shes in a better place, but it took him a very long time before he finally understood that she had passed away. 

likes: pastel colours, especially purple | milk | eggs | hamsters | tortoises | rainbows | children | crop tees | sneakers | Vans | toe-socks

dislikes: heights | open water bodies (seas/oceans) | bugs, especially beetles | horror shows | people looking at her phone | lipstick/lipgloss/lipbalm

hobbies: dancing | singing | cooking | reading | taking photos | drawing

habits: biting her fingernails when she's nervous

               speaking at bullet train speed when excited

               hitting the thing/person that scared her very hard

               pulls at her hair when frustrated

               hitting her head gently when she's trying to recall something

               shaking her knees when she's bored

trivia: she is left-handed

             she loves Kuma Kuma and Little Twin Stars

             she myopic and she doesn't really like wearing contact lenses. but if she needs to, she'll wear those that changes the colour of her eyes

             she doesn't like it when people have hairstyles where you can see their forehead 

             she likes wearing necklaces

             she likes things that glow in the dark 


↷ pretty girl;;

ulzzang name: Jang Chom Mi || Chom

photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | more

back-up ulzzang name: Min Hyo Sun

photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | more

style: Minki likes to wear crop tees alot. she usually pairs them with jeans or shorts, she doesn't like skirts, unless they're skorts. She also doesn't like wearing dresses, since she thinks that her movements are very restricted when she wears them. But if she ever had to wear them, she'd alway wear shorts inside. She also doesn't really like wearing heels since she thinks that it harms her legs. She doesn't like flats either. She prefers wearing sneakers, Vans or just slippers. Minki also likes wearing her hair down all the time, she rarely ties it up, unless she's feels very hot and her hair is sticking to her neck.

casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

training / practice: 1 | 2 (yellow one) | 3 | 4 | 5

at home: 1 | 2 | 3

events: 1(black one) | 2(pink one) | 3 | 4 | 5

other(s): three piercings, two on her left ear and one on her right.


↷ i s2 u;;

family:  Ryu Jongnam -- 45 -- Chef -- Father -- He tries to take care of Minki and her brother as much as possible, but it's quite hard because he has to focus alot on his work to be able to earn enough money to put food on the table. He feels sad that he's unable to spend time with his daughter and son and comfort them as much as possible, but they understand his trouble.

                 Ryu Jongki -- 14 -- Student and Ulzzang -- Brother -- He knows about his mother and he knows that his sister is always trying to be like a mother to him, so he tries not to give to much trouble to her  and is very obedient to her and their father. 

                 Ling Wenqi -- 45 -- Deceased -- Mother -- When she was still alive, she'd always pamper her children. She is very caring and will go to all extents to protect her family. She also likes to teach her children Chinese and tell stories about her life in China.

friends: Baek Suyeon -- 17 -- Student and part time Barista -- The two are quite close, but sometimes they can be very awkward with each other. Whenever there's an awkward situation, they'll always ask each other about the last meal they ate. 

                 Mun Jeongha -- 15 -- Student -- The two like to tease each other alot. From their crushes to what they wore that day, whenever they're together, they'll always tease each other. 

best friend(s): So Ryeohyun -- 17 -- Student and part time model -- They are like twins. They look alike, and they have similar personalities, except Minki is much more mature than Ryeohyun. They've been together for a really long time, since Ryeohyun is Minki's neighbour. They can read each other like a book. 

love interest: Lee Taemin -- 19 -- SHINee -- friends -- Sometimes they're quite awkward with each other, but most of the time, they have alot of things to talk about and can talk for hours. The topics they talk about can be anything, really. 

back-up love interest: Zhang Yixing, Lay -- 21 -- EXO -- friends -- They always like to joke about, and Minki always laughs at Yixing because she thinks that whatever she says or does, it's funny. Although, she doesn't really know if this is a compliment or an insult. 

rival: -


↷ no pain, no gain;;

how you got into ts: she participated in a dance competition and was scouted there. 

trainee life: When she first entered, she was very shy. She usually kept to herself and would just focus on her training and not really care about the people around her. She's not afraid of being bullied, but sometimes she doesn't like talking to people and it took her quite long to open up to her fellow trainees. Also, because she's so quiet, the trainees didn't care much about her. She's not those really popular trainees that knows everyone, neither was she the unlucky trainee that gets bullied or ignored. So her life as a trainee was pretty quiet and boring.

training duration: 5 years

experience(s): champion in dance competition that she was scouted in

                               runner-up for her school's dance competition

                               main dancer in her school's dance team

                               second runner-up in a singing competition

singing link(s): oo1 (hope the Victoria's singing in clear enough ><) oo2 

dancing link(s): oo1 oo2

rapping link(s): -


↷ the stage is mine;;

stage name: Minki

position: main dancer, vocal

back-up position: lead vocal, lead dancer

personal fanclub: Minnie Mouse

personal fc color: Plum (#E6A9EC)

persona: Easy-going


↷ the last goodbye;;

password: 7

comment: I hope the video for the dance was ohkay >< i know they're both of guys dancing, but I couldn't really find a video of a dance that I liked, so I just took those that I already like, even though they're of guys dancing...  heh ^^;; good luck with the story! (:

suggestion(s): -






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