✥ Phoenix Killer Application ✥




Code Name : Pleasant

Phoenix Number : 03



Account name : Hope3698



Name : Naomi Shim Yeonhee

Age : 17

Nicknames : Yeonyeon - Yeonhee minus the 'hee', and add another 'yeon' to make it sound cuter

                          Mi - the last syllable to her English name 

Birthday : 3 June 1995

Birthplace : Washington D.C., USA

Hometown : Korea

Languages : English - fluent

                        Korean - fluent

                        Chinese - conversational

                       Japanese - conversational

Height/Weight : 160 cm, 47 kg

Blood type : A+



Ulzzang Name : Kwon Su Jeong

Ulzzang Pics : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | more...

Backup Ulzzang : Kim Da Hyun 

Backup Ulzzang pics : 1 | 2 | more...



Style : Usually Naomi were simples clothes. She likes wearing plain t-shirts with a long necklace, and skinny jeans. For her shoes, she usually wears high cut converses. She doesn't do much to her hair and she usually wears it down. 

Casual :  A plain shirt with a coloured cardigan, jeans, matching converses and accessories. example

Formal :  A simple strapless dress with small rhinestones and a belt. example

Swimsuit : A dark turquoise full-body suit. example

Sleepwear :  A light yellow and pink striped long sleeve hoodie and pants. example

                        A plain and oversized short sleeved shirt and long pants



Personality : Naomi is someone that cannot take nonsense. She doesn't care what your reason is. If you irritate her to her breaking point (which is pretty low) she will hurt you. Be it intentionally or unintentionally. She likes to live by this saying - 'I don't care how old you are and I don't care your seniority. If you don't respect me, I won't respect you.' She is also a very sarcastic girl, so she often comes off as a rude person. But she is really kind to the people she's close to. Also, Naomi cannot act. If she's terrified, there's nothing she can do to make it look like she's not afraid. So most of her friends can read her like a book.

Likes : Reading, Swimming, Writing, Dancing, Drawing, Music

Dislikes : Rude people, Nonsense, Acting

Habits : Pulls at her hair when she's stressed, Shakes her knees when nervous, Bites her fingernails when she's worried

Hobbies : Drawing, Swimming, Surfing the net, Editing photos

Talents : Drawing, Swimming, Dancing



Background : Naomi has a dual-citizenship in both Korea and America. She was just born in Washington D.C. when her parents were there for a holiday. She's an only child, so she usually gets what she wants. And because her parents are very strict, they passed it on to her. Naomi can speak English very well even though she's not been in USA for a long time because her parents hired an English teacher for her, since they want her to master the language of the place she was born in. 



Love Interest 1 : Zhang Yixing, Lay

Love Interest 2 : Luhan



Code Name : Pleasant - Naomi means pleasant

Persona Name : Stellarine

Your Killer Number : 03

You'll be having a tattoo but state where is it : Adjacent with her right ear, the place between her neck and shoulder, a tattoo of musical notes.

Main Weapon : foldable sword

Side Weapons : dagger and handgun

Years of Training : 6

How You Were Found : she was found when someone tried to molest her, and she ended up breaking the guy's hand. this was witnessed by the people recruiting killers.


FOR YOUR LEADER (XxMystiquexX aka Raven)

Comments : i hope it's ohkay (: i was a little confused for the Phoenix number thing. like is it a random number? and for the weapons... I hope they're ohkay.. i dont really know much >< i hope the explanation of where the tattoo is is not too confusing (:

Suggestions : maybe explain what a phoenix number is? (: 



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oh, BTW, the tattoo is a Phoenix symbol, so if u still have another tattoo, it's okay, but where exactly is the Phoenix tattoo gonna be?
Relax, I don't bite, usually.. uh, okay, thank you for applying, I like your app because it doesn't sound self-centered and perfect :) thanks again.